6 research outputs found

    Statistical Analysis to Extract Effective Parameters on Overall Energy Consumption of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

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    In this paper, we use statistical tools to analysis dependency between Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) parameters and overall Energy Consumption (EC). Our approach has two main phases: profiling, and effective parameter extraction. In former, a sensor network simulator is re-run 800 times with different values for eight WSN parameters to profile consumed energy in nodes; then in latter, three statistical analyses (p-value, linear and non-linear correlation) are applied to the outcome of profiling phase to extract the most effective parameters on WSN overall energy consumption.Comment: 5-pages. This paper has been accepted in PDCAT-2012 conference (http://www.pdcat2012.org/

    Greening Big Data Networks: Velocity Impact

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    The authors investigate the impact of big data's velocity on greening IP over WDM networks. They classify the processing velocity of big data into two modes: expedited-data and relaxed-data modes. Expedited-data demands higher amount of computational resources to reduce the execution time compared with the relaxed-data. They developed a mixed integer linear programming model to progressively process big data at strategic locations, dubbed processing nodes (PNs), built into the network along the path from the source to the destination. The extracted information from the raw traffic is smaller in volume compared with the original traffic each time the data is processed, hence, reducing network power consumption. The results showed that up to 60% network power saving is achieved when nearly 100% of the data required relaxed processing. In contrast, only 15% of network power saving is gained when nearly 100% of the data required expedited processing. The authors obtained around 33% power saving in the mixed modes (i.e. when ∌50% of the data is processed in the relaxed mode and 50% of the data is processed in expedited mode), compared with the classical approach where all the processing is achieved inside the centralised data centres only

    Energy Efficient Big Data Networks: Impact of Volume and Variety

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    In this article, we study the impact of big data’s volume and variety dimensions on Energy Efficient Big Data Networks (EEBDN) by developing a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model to encapsulate the distinctive features of these two dimensions. Firstly, a progressive energy efficient edge, intermediate, and central processing technique is proposed to process big data’s raw traffic by building processing nodes (PNs) in the network along the way from the sources to datacenters. Secondly, we validate the MILP operation by developing a heuristic that mimics, in real time, the behaviour of the MILP for the volume dimension. Thirdly, we test the energy efficiency limits of our green approach under several conditions where PNs are less energy efficient in terms of processing and communication compared to data centers. Fourthly, we test the performance limits in our energy efficient approach by studying a “software matching” problem where different software packages are required to process big data. The results are then compared to the Classical Big Data Networks (CBDN) approach where big data is only processed inside centralized data centers. Our results revealed that up to 52% and 47% power saving can be achieved by the EEBDN approach compared to the CBDN approach, under the impact of volume and variety scenarios, respectively. Moreover, our results identify the limits of the progressive processing approach and in particular the conditions under which the CBDN centralized approach is more appropriate given certain PNs energy efficiency and software availability levels

    Energy Efficient Big Data Networks

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    The continuous increase of big data applications in number and types creates new challenges that should be tackled by the green ICT community. Data scientists classify big data into four main categories (4Vs): Volume (with direct implications on power needs), Velocity (with impact on delay requirements), Variety (with varying CPU requirements and reduction ratios after processing) and Veracity (with cleansing and backup constraints). Each V poses many challenges that confront the energy efficiency of the underlying networks carrying big data traffic. In this work, we investigated the impact of the big data 4Vs on energy efficient bypass IP over WDM networks. The investigation is carried out by developing Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) models that encapsulate the distinctive features of each V. In our analyses, the big data network is greened by progressively processing big data raw traffic at strategic locations, dubbed as processing nodes (PNs), built in the network along the path from big data sources to the data centres. At each PN, raw data is processed and lower rate useful information is extracted progressively, eventually reducing the network power consumption. For each V, we conducted an in-depth analysis and evaluated the network power saving that can be achieved by the energy efficient big data network compared to the classical approach. Along the volume dimension of big data, the work dealt with optimally handling and processing an enormous amount of big data Chunks and extracting the corresponding knowledge carried by those Chunks, transmitting knowledge instead of data, thus reducing the data volume and saving power. Variety means that there are different types of big data such as CPU intensive, memory intensive, Input/output (IO) intensive, CPU-Memory intensive, CPU/IO intensive, and memory-IO intensive applications. Each type requires a different amount of processing, memory, storage, and networking resources. The processing of different varieties of big data was optimised with the goal of minimising power consumption. In the velocity dimension, we classified the processing velocity of big data into two modes: expedited-data processing mode and relaxed-data processing mode. Expedited-data demanded higher amount of computational resources to reduce the execution time compared to the relaxed-data. The big data processing and transmission were optimised given the velocity dimension to reduce power consumption. Veracity specifies trustworthiness, data protection, data backup, and data cleansing constraints. We considered the implementation of data cleansing and backup operations prior to big data processing so that big data is cleansed and readied for entering big data analytics stage. The analysis was carried out through dedicated scenarios considering the influence of each V’s characteristic parameters. For the set of network parameters we considered, our results for network energy efficiency under the impact of volume, variety, velocity and veracity scenarios revealed that up to 52%, 47%, 60%, 58%, network power savings can be achieved by the energy efficient big data networks approach compared to the classical approach, respectively