518 research outputs found

    Reliable and Efficient Parallel Processing Algorithms and Architectures for Modern Signal Processing

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    Least-squares (LS) estimations and spectral decomposition algorithms constitute the heart of modern signal processing and communication problems. Implementations of recursive LS and spectral decomposition algorithms onto parallel processing architectures such as systolic arrays with efficient fault-tolerant schemes are the major concerns of this dissertation. There are four major results in this dissertation. First, we propose the systolic block Householder transformation with application to the recursive least-squares minimization. It is successfully implemented on a systolic array with a two-level pipelined implementation at the vector level as well as at the word level. Second, a real-time algorithm-based concurrent error detection scheme based on the residual method is proposed for the QRD RLS systolic array. The fault diagnosis, order degraded reconfiguration, and performance analysis are also considered. Third, the dynamic range, stability, error detection capability under finite-precision implementation, order degraded performance, and residual estimation under faulty situations for the QRD RLS systolic array are studied in details. Finally, we propose the use of multi-phase systolic algorithms for spectral decomposition based on the QR algorithm. Two systolic architectures, one based on triangular array and another based on rectangular array, are presented for the multiphase operations with fault-tolerant considerations. Eigenvectors and singular vectors can be easily obtained by using the multi-pase operations. Performance issues are also considered

    Fault-tolerant meshes with minimal numbers of spares

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    This paper presents several techniques for adding fault-tolerance to distributed memory parallel computers. More formally, given a target graph with n nodes, we create a fault-tolerant graph with n + k nodes such that given any set of k or fewer faulty nodes, the remaining graph is guaranteed to contain the target graph as a fault-free subgraph. As a result, any algorithm designed for the target graph will run with no slowdown in the presence of k or fewer node faults, regardless of their distribution. We present fault-tolerant graphs for target graphs which are 2-dimensional meshes, tori, eight-connected meshes and hexagonal meshes. In all cases our fault-tolerant graphs have smaller degree than any previously known graphs with the same properties

    Efficient algorithms for reconfiguration in VLSI/WSI arrays

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    The issue of developing efficient algorithms for reconfiguring processor arrays in the presence of faulty processors and fixed hardware resources is discussed. The models discussed consist of a set of identical processors embedded in a flexible interconnection structure that is configured in the form of a rectangular grid. An array grid model based on single-track switches is considered. An efficient polynomial time algorithm is proposed for determining feasible reconfigurations for an array with a given distribution of faulty processors. In the process, it is shown that the set of conditions in the reconfigurability theorem is not necessary. A polynomial time algorithm is developed for finding feasible reconfigurations in an augmented single-track model and in array grid models with multiple-track switche

    Catastrophic Faults in Reconfigurable Linear Arrays of Processors

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    In regular architectures of identical processing elements, a widely used technique to improve the reconfigurability of the system consists of providing redundant processing elements and mechanisms of reconfiguration. In this paper we consider linear arrays of processing elements, with unidirectional bypass links of length g. We count the number of particular sets of faulty processing elements. We show that the number of catastrophic faults of g elements is equal to the (g-1)-th Catalan number. We also provide algorithms to rank and unrank all catastrophic sets of g faults. Finally, we describe a linear time algorithm that generate all such sets of faults

    A bibliography on parallel and vector numerical algorithms

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    This is a bibliography of numerical methods. It also includes a number of other references on machine architecture, programming language, and other topics of interest to scientific computing. Certain conference proceedings and anthologies which have been published in book form are listed also

    Dynamically Reconfigurable Systolic Array Accelerators: A Case Study with Extended Kalman Filter and Discrete Wavelet Transform Algorithms

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    Field programmable grid arrays (FPGA) are increasingly being adopted as the primary on-board computing system for autonomous deep space vehicles. There is a need to support several complex applications for navigation and image processing in a rapidly responsive on-board FPGA-based computer. This requires exploring and combining several design concepts such as systolic arrays, hardware-software partitioning, and partial dynamic reconfiguration. A microprocessor/co-processor design that can accelerate two single precision oating-point algorithms, extended Kalman lter and a discrete wavelet transform, is presented. This research makes three key contributions. (i) A polymorphic systolic array framework comprising of recofigurable partial region-based sockets to accelerate algorithms amenable to being mapped onto linear systolic arrays. When implemented on a low end Xilinx Virtex4 SX35 FPGA the design provides a speedup of at least 4.18x and 6.61x over a state of the art microprocessor used in spacecraft systems for the extended Kalman lter and discrete wavelet transform algorithms, respectively. (ii) Switchboxes to enable communication between static and partial reconfigurable regions and a simple protocol to enable schedule changes when a socket\u27s contents are dynamically reconfigured to alter the concurrency of the participating systolic arrays. (iii) A hybrid partial dynamic reconfiguration method that combines Xilinx early access partial reconfiguration, on-chip bitstream decompression, and bitstream relocation to enable fast scaling of systolic arrays on the PolySAF. This technique provided a 2.7x improvement in reconfiguration time compared to an o-chip partial reconfiguration technique that used a Flash card on the FPGA board, and a 44% improvement in BRAM usage compared to not using compression
