7 research outputs found

    On Locating-Dominating Codes in Binary Hamming Spaces

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    Locating faulty processors in a multiprocessor system gives the motivation for locating-dominating codes. We consider these codes in binary hypercubes and generalize the concept for the situation in which we want to locate more than one malfunctioning processor

    On global location-domination in graphs

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    A dominating set S of a graph G is called locating-dominating, LD-set for short, if every vertex v not in S is uniquely determined by the set of neighbors of v belonging to S. Locating-dominating sets of minimum cardinality are called LD-codes and the cardinality of an LD-code is the location-domination number lambda(G). An LD-set S of a graph G is global if it is an LD-set of both G and its complement G'. The global location-domination number lambda g(G) is introduced as the minimum cardinality of a global LD-set of G. In this paper, some general relations between LD-codes and the location-domination number in a graph and its complement are presented first. Next, a number of basic properties involving the global location-domination number are showed. Finally, both parameters are studied in-depth for the family of block-cactus graphs.Postprint (published version

    Identifying codes and locating–dominating sets on paths and cycles

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    AbstractLet G=(V,E) be a graph and let r≥1 be an integer. For a set D⊆V, define Nr[x]={y∈V:d(x,y)≤r} and Dr(x)=Nr[x]∩D, where d(x,y) denotes the number of edges in any shortest path between x and y. D is known as an r-identifying code (r-locating-dominating set, respectively), if for all vertices x∈V (x∈V∖D, respectively), Dr(x) are all nonempty and different. Roberts and Roberts [D.L. Roberts, F.S. Roberts, Locating sensors in paths and cycles: the case of 2-identifying codes, European Journal of Combinatorics 29 (2008) 72–82] provided complete results for the paths and cycles when r=2. In this paper, we provide results for a remaining open case in cycles and complete results in paths for r-identifying codes; we also give complete results for 2-locating-dominating sets in cycles, which completes the results of Bertrand et al. [N. Bertrand, I. Charon, O. Hudry, A. Lobstein, Identifying and locating–dominating codes on chains and cycles, European Journal of Combinatorics 25 (2004) 969–987]

    On using distances to locate vertices: resolving sets and metric bases of graphs, two generalisations and their forced vertices

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    A graph consists of vertices that are connected by edges. A resolving set of a graph is a subset of its vertices that gives a unique combination of distances to every vertex of the graph. We can use the distances we are given to locate a vertex within the graph we are considering. Resolving sets were introduced by Slater in 1975 and independently by Harary and Melter in 1976. Robot navigation and network discovery and verification are examples of applications that have been suggested for resolving sets. In this dissertation, we consider resolving sets and two of their generalisations that can be used to locate subsets of vertices instead of individual vertices. We consider how these generalisations are connected to other concepts such as locatingdominating sets and the boundary of a graph. We place special emphasis on studying the minimum cardinalities of resolving sets and the two generalisations. In addition to proving general bounds to these minimum cardinalities, we consider their exact values in some graph families. Natural decision problems arise from some of the concepts that we consider and we study their algorithmic complexities. We also investigate which vertices of a graph must be included in an optimal resolving set or one of the two generalisations. For the resolving sets that can be used to locate subsets of vertices, there exist vertices that are in all such resolving sets. We call these vertices forced vertices of the graph. Such vertices do not exist for regular resolving sets. However, for minimum resolving sets they can exist, and we call them basis forced vertices of the graph. In this dissertation, we characterise the forced vertices of a graph, and consider some extremal properties of graphs that contain basis forced vertices

    Optimal local identifying and local locating-dominating codes

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    We introduce two new classes of covering codes in graphs for every positive integer rr. These new codes are called local rr-identifying and local rr-locating-dominating codes and they are derived from rr-identifying and rr-locating-dominating codes, respectively. We study the sizes of optimal local 1-identifying codes in binary hypercubes. We obtain lower and upper bounds that are asymptotically tight. Together the bounds show that the cost of changing covering codes into local 1-identifying codes is negligible. For some small nn optimal constructions are obtained. Moreover, the upper bound is obtained by a linear code construction. Also, we study the densities of optimal local 1-identifying codes and local 1-locating-dominating codes in the infinite square grid, the hexagonal grid, the triangular grid, and the king grid. We prove that seven out of eight of our constructions have optimal densities

    On location, domination and information retrieval

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    The thesis is divided into two main branches: identifying and locatingdominating codes, and information retrieval. The former topics are motivated by the aim to locate objects in sensor networks (or other similar applications) and the latter one by the need to retrieve information in memories such as DNA data storage systems. Albeit the underlying applications, the study on these topics mainly belongs to discrete mathematics; more specically, to the elds of coding and graph theory. The sensor networks are usually represented by graphs where vertices represent the monitored locations and edges the connections between the locations. Moreover, the locations of the sensors are determined by a code. Furthermore, the desired properties of the sensor network are deeply linked with the properties of the underlying code. The number of errors in reading the data is abundant in the DNA data storage systems. In particular, there can occur more errors than a reasonable error-correcting code can handle. However, this problem is somewhat oset by the possibility to obtain multiple approximations of the same information from the data storage. Hence, the information retrieval process can be modelled by the Levenshtein's channel model, where a message is sent through multiple noisy channels and multiple outputs are received. In the rst two papers of the thesis, we introduce and study the new concepts of self- and solid-locating-dominating codes as a natural analogy to self-identifying codes with respect to locating-dominating codes. The rst paper introduces these new codes and considers them in some graphs such as the Hamming graphs. Then, in the second paper, we broaden our view on the topic by considering graph theoretical questions. We give optimal codes in multiple dierent graph classes and some more general results using concepts such as the Dilworth number and graph complements. The third paper focuses on the q-ary Hamming spaces. In particular, we disprove a conjecture proposed by Goddard and Wash related to identifying codes. In the fourth paper, we return to self- and solid-locating-dominating codes and give optimal codes in some graph classes and consider their densities in innite graphs. In the fth paper, we consider information retrieval in memories; in particular, the Levenshtein's channel model. In the channel model, we transmit some codeword belonging to the binary Hamming space through multiple identical channels. With the help of multiple dierent outputs, we give a list of codewords which may have been sent. In the paper, we study the number of channels required to have a rather small (constant) list size when the properties of the channels, the code and the dimension of the Hamming space are xed. In particular, we give an exact relation between the number of channels and the asymptotic value of the maximum list size.Väitöskirja käsittelee kahta aihetta: identioivia ja paikantavia peittokoodeja sekä tiedon noutamista muistista. Ensimmäisen aiheen motivaationa on objektien paikantaminen sensoriverkoista (sekä muut samankaltaiset sovellukset) ja jälkimmäisen tiedonnouto DNA-muisteista. Näiden aiheiden tutkimus kuuluu diskreettiin matematiikkaan, täsmällisemmin koodaus- ja graa-teoriaan. Sensoriverkkoja kuvataan yleensä graafeilla, joissa solmut esittävät tarkkailtuja kohteita ja viivat yhteyksiä näiden kohteiden välillä. Edelleen sensorien paikat määräytyvät annetun koodin perusteella. Tästä johtuen sensoriverkon halutut ominaisuudet pohjautuvat vahvasti alla olevaan koodiin. Luettaessa tietoa DNA-muisteista tapahtuvien virheiden määrä saattaa olla erittäin suuri; erityisesti suurempi kuin kiinnitetyn virheitä korjaavan koodin korjauskyky. Toisaalta tilanne ei ole aivan näin ongelmallinen, sillä DNA-muisteista voidaan saada useita eri arvioita muistiin tallennetusta tiedosta. Näistä syistä johtuen tietojen noutamista DNA-muisteista voidaan mallintaa käyttäen Levenshteinin kanavamallia. Kanavamallissa yksi viesti lähetetään useiden häiriöisten kanavien kautta ja näin vastaanotetaan useita viestejä (yksi jokaisesta kanavasta). Väitöskirjan kahdessa ensimmäisessä julkaisussa esitellään ja tutkitaan uusia paikantavien peittokoodien luokkia, jotka pohjautuvat aiemmin tutkittuihin itse-identioiviin koodeihin. Ensimmäisessä julkaisussa on esitelty nämä koodiluokat sekä tutkittu niitä joissain graafeissa kuten Hammingin graafeissa. Tämän jälkeen toisessa julkaisussa käsitellään yleisiä graa-teoreettisia kysymyksiä. Julkaisussa esitetään optimaaliset koodit useille graaperheille sekä joitain yleisempiä tuloksia käyttäen mm. Dilworthin lukua sekä graakomplementteja. Kolmas julkaisu keskittyy q-arisiin Hammingin avaruuksiin. Erityisesti julkaisussa todistetaan vääräksi Goddardin ja Washin aiemmin esittämä identioivia koodeja koskeva otaksuma. Neljäs artikkeli käsittelee jo kahdessa ensimmäisessä artikkelissa esiteltyjä paikantavien peittokoodien luokkia. Artikkeli esittää optimaalisia koodeja useille graaperheille sekä käsittelee äärettömiä graafeja. Viides artikkeli käsittelee tiedonnoutoa ja erityisesti Levenshteinin kanavamallia. Kanavamallissa binääriseen Hammingin avaruuteen kuuluva koodisana lähetetään useiden identtisten kanavien läpi. Näistä kanavista vastaanotetaan useita eri arvioita lähetetystä koodisanasta ja rakennetaan lista mahdollisesti lähetetyistä sanoista. Artikkelissa tutkitaan kuinka monta kanavaa tarvitaan, jotta tämän listan koko on pieni (vakio), kun kanavien ominaisuudet, koodi ja Hammingin avaruuden dimensio on kiinnitetty. Erityisesti löydetään täsmällinen suhde kanavien lukumäärän ja asymptoottisesti maksimaalisen listan koon välille