149,424 research outputs found

    Variations on Birkhoff's theorem

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    The relation between the expanding universe and local vacuum solutions, such as that for the Solar System, is crucially mediated by Birkhoff's theorem. Here we consider how that relation works, and give generalizations of Birkhoff's theorem when there are geometric and matter and perturbations. The issue of to what degree dark matter might influence the solar system emerges as a significant question.Comment: Conference proceeding for ERE 2012, submitted to GRG for ERE2012 special issue, based on arXiv:1005.1809, arXiv:1101.4520 and arXiv:1202.024

    Estimating anisotropy parameters and traveltimes in the tau-p domain

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    The presence of anisotropy influences many aspects of seismic wave propagation and has therefore implications for conventional processing schemes. To estimate the anisotropy, we need both forward modelling and inversion tools. Exact forward modelling in anisotropic media is generally done by raytracing. However, we present a new and fast method, using the tau-p transform, to calculate exact P and SV reflection moveout curves in stratified, laterally homogeneous, anisotropic media which requires no ray tracing. Results are exact even if the SV-waves display cusps. In addition, we show how the same method can be used for parameter estimation. Since inversion for anisotropic parameters is very nonunique, we develop expressions requiring only a reduced number of parameters. Nevertheless, predictions using these expressions are more accurate than Taylor series expansions and are also able to handle cusps in the SV traveltime curves. In addition, layer stripping is a linear process. Therefore, both effective (average) and local (interval) estimates can be obtained

    Counting Majorana zero modes in superconductors

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    A counting formula for computing the number of (Majorana) zero modes bound to topological point defects is evaluated in a gradient expansion for systems with charge-conjugation symmetry. This semi-classical counting of zero modes is applied to some examples that include graphene and a chiral p-wave superconductor in two-dimensional space. In all cases, we explicitly relate the counting of zero modes to Chern numbers.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Evolution of radial profiles in regular Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models

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    We undertake a comprehensive and rigorous analytic study of the evolution of radial profiles of covariant scalars in regular Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi dust models. We consider specifically the phenomenon of "profile inversions" in which an initial clump profile of density, spatial curvature or the expansion scalar, might evolve into a void profile (and vice versa). Previous work in the literature on models with density void profiles and/or allowing for density profile inversions is given full generalization, with some erroneous results corrected. We prove rigorously that if an evolution without shell crossings is assumed, then only the 'clump to void' inversion can occur in density profiles, and only in hyperbolic models or regions with negative spatial curvature. The profiles of spatial curvature follow similar patterns as those of the density, with 'clump to void' inversions only possible for hyperbolic models or regions. However, profiles of the expansion scalar are less restrictive, with profile inversions necessarily taking place in elliptic models. We also examine radial profiles in special LTB configurations: closed elliptic models, models with a simultaneous big bang singularity, as well as a locally collapsing elliptic region surrounded by an expanding hyperbolic background. The general analytic statements that we obtain allow for setting up the right initial conditions to construct fully regular LTB models with any specific qualitative requirements for the profiles of all scalars and their time evolution. The results presented can be very useful in guiding future numerical work on these models and in revising previous analytic work on all their applications.Comment: Final version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravity. Readers eager to know the results and implications without having to go through the technical detail are recommended to go directly to the summary and discussion in the final section (section 11). Typos have been corrected and an important reference has been adde

    Local and non-local measures of acceleration in cosmology

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    Current cosmological observations, when interpreted within the framework of a homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) model, strongly suggest that the Universe is entering a period of accelerating expansion. This is often taken to mean that the expansion of space itself is accelerating. In a general spacetime, however, this is not necessarily true. We attempt to clarify this point by considering a handful of local and non-local measures of acceleration in a variety of inhomogeneous cosmological models. Each of the chosen measures corresponds to a theoretical or observational procedure that has previously been used to study acceleration in cosmology, and all measures reduce to the same quantity in the limit of exact spatial homogeneity and isotropy. In statistically homogeneous and isotropic spacetimes, we find that the acceleration inferred from observations of the distance-redshift relation is closely related to the acceleration of the spatially averaged universe, but does not necessarily bear any resemblance to the average of the local acceleration of spacetime itself. For inhomogeneous spacetimes that do not display statistical homogeneity and isotropy, however, we find little correlation between acceleration inferred from observations and the acceleration of the averaged spacetime. This shows that observations made in an inhomogeneous universe can imply acceleration without the existence of dark energy.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures. Several references added or amended, some minor clarifications made in the tex

    Bootstrapping the 3d Ising twist defect

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    Recent numerical results point to the existence of a conformally invariant twist defect in the critical 3d Ising model. In this note we show that this fact is supported by both epsilon expansion and conformal bootstrap calculations. We find that our results are in good agreement with the numerical data. We also make new predictions for operator dimensions and OPE coefficients from the bootstrap approach. In the process we derive universal bounds on one-dimensional conformal field theories and conformal line defects.Comment: 24+8 pages, 12 figures, references adde

    A fast integral equation method for solid particles in viscous flow using quadrature by expansion

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    Boundary integral methods are advantageous when simulating viscous flow around rigid particles, due to the reduction in number of unknowns and straightforward handling of the geometry. In this work we present a fast and accurate framework for simulating spheroids in periodic Stokes flow, which is based on the completed double layer boundary integral formulation. The framework implements a new method known as quadrature by expansion (QBX), which uses surrogate local expansions of the layer potential to evaluate it to very high accuracy both on and off the particle surfaces. This quadrature method is accelerated through a newly developed precomputation scheme. The long range interactions are computed using the spectral Ewald (SE) fast summation method, which after integration with QBX allows the resulting system to be solved in M log M time, where M is the number of particles. This framework is suitable for simulations of large particle systems, and can be used for studying e.g. porous media models
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