63,865 research outputs found

    The Minrank of Random Graphs

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    The minrank of a graph GG is the minimum rank of a matrix MM that can be obtained from the adjacency matrix of GG by switching some ones to zeros (i.e., deleting edges) and then setting all diagonal entries to one. This quantity is closely related to the fundamental information-theoretic problems of (linear) index coding (Bar-Yossef et al., FOCS'06), network coding and distributed storage, and to Valiant's approach for proving superlinear circuit lower bounds (Valiant, Boolean Function Complexity '92). We prove tight bounds on the minrank of random Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi graphs G(n,p)G(n,p) for all regimes of p[0,1]p\in[0,1]. In particular, for any constant pp, we show that minrk(G)=Θ(n/logn)\mathsf{minrk}(G) = \Theta(n/\log n) with high probability, where GG is chosen from G(n,p)G(n,p). This bound gives a near quadratic improvement over the previous best lower bound of Ω(n)\Omega(\sqrt{n}) (Haviv and Langberg, ISIT'12), and partially settles an open problem raised by Lubetzky and Stav (FOCS '07). Our lower bound matches the well-known upper bound obtained by the "clique covering" solution, and settles the linear index coding problem for random graphs. Finally, our result suggests a new avenue of attack, via derandomization, on Valiant's approach for proving superlinear lower bounds for logarithmic-depth semilinear circuits

    Alignment based Network Coding for Two-Unicast-Z Networks

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    In this paper, we study the wireline two-unicast-Z communication network over directed acyclic graphs. The two-unicast-Z network is a two-unicast network where the destination intending to decode the second message has apriori side information of the first message. We make three contributions in this paper: 1. We describe a new linear network coding algorithm for two-unicast-Z networks over directed acyclic graphs. Our approach includes the idea of interference alignment as one of its key ingredients. For graphs of a bounded degree, our algorithm has linear complexity in terms of the number of vertices, and polynomial complexity in terms of the number of edges. 2. We prove that our algorithm achieves the rate-pair (1, 1) whenever it is feasible in the network. Our proof serves as an alternative, albeit restricted to two-unicast-Z networks over directed acyclic graphs, to an earlier result of Wang et al. which studied necessary and sufficient conditions for feasibility of the rate pair (1, 1) in two-unicast networks. 3. We provide a new proof of the classical max-flow min-cut theorem for directed acyclic graphs.Comment: The paper is an extended version of our earlier paper at ITW 201

    A class of index coding problems with rate 1/3

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    An index coding problem with nn messages has symmetric rate RR if all nn messages can be conveyed at rate RR. In a recent work, a class of index coding problems for which symmetric rate 13\frac{1}{3} is achievable was characterised using special properties of the side-information available at the receivers. In this paper, we show a larger class of index coding problems (which includes the previous class of problems) for which symmetric rate 13\frac{1}{3} is achievable. In the process, we also obtain a stricter necessary condition for rate 13\frac{1}{3} feasibility than what is known in literature.Comment: Shorter version submitted to ISIT 201

    Local Graph Coloring and Index Coding

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    We present a novel upper bound for the optimal index coding rate. Our bound uses a graph theoretic quantity called the local chromatic number. We show how a good local coloring can be used to create a good index code. The local coloring is used as an alignment guide to assign index coding vectors from a general position MDS code. We further show that a natural LP relaxation yields an even stronger index code. Our bounds provably outperform the state of the art on index coding but at most by a constant factor.Comment: 14 Pages, 3 Figures; A conference version submitted to ISIT 2013; typos correcte

    Network Codes for Real-Time Applications

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    We consider the scenario of broadcasting for real-time applications and loss recovery via instantly decodable network coding. Past work focused on minimizing the completion delay, which is not the right objective for real-time applications that have strict deadlines. In this work, we are interested in finding a code that is instantly decodable by the maximum number of users. First, we prove that this problem is NP-Hard in the general case. Then we consider the practical probabilistic scenario, where users have i.i.d. loss probability and the number of packets is linear or polynomial in the number of users. In this scenario, we provide a polynomial-time (in the number of users) algorithm that finds the optimal coded packet. The proposed algorithm is evaluated using both simulation and real network traces of a real-time Android application. Both results show that the proposed coding scheme significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines: an optimal repetition code and a COPE-like greedy scheme.Comment: ToN 2013 Submission Versio

    "Graph Entropy, Network Coding and Guessing games"

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    We introduce the (private) entropy of a directed graph (in a new network coding sense) as well as a number of related concepts. We show that the entropy of a directed graph is identical to its guessing number and can be bounded from below with the number of vertices minus the size of the graph’s shortest index code. We show that the Network Coding solvability of each specific multiple unicast network is completely determined by the entropy (as well as by the shortest index code) of the directed graph that occur by identifying each source node with each corresponding target node. Shannon’s information inequalities can be used to calculate up- per bounds on a graph’s entropy as well as calculating the size of the minimal index code. Recently, a number of new families of so-called non-shannon-type information inequalities have been discovered. It has been shown that there exist communication networks with a ca- pacity strictly ess than required for solvability, but where this fact cannot be derived using Shannon’s classical information inequalities. Based on this result we show that there exist graphs with an entropy that cannot be calculated using only Shannon’s classical information inequalities, and show that better estimate can be obtained by use of certain non-shannon-type information inequalities