3,721 research outputs found

    Una aplicación móvil para estudiantes con dificultades de aprendizaje: diseño y validación

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    En los últimos años, el uso de tecnologías y dispositivos portátiles se ha generalizado en muchos campos y también en la educación. Hay además muchas investigaciones que demuestran la enorme difusión del uso y la popularidad de los dispositivos móviles entre los jóvenes. La tecnología móvil ofrece la capacidad de apoyar el aprendizaje y también ofrece tanto a los estudiantes como a los profesores oportunidades de aprendizaje personalizadas. Los principales factores para la adopción e implementación del M-Learning en las escuelas son la disposición y disposición de los maestros. Hay muchos estudios que demuestran las actitudes y percepciones positivas de los profesores de secundaria sobre el uso de dispositivos móviles en la escuela. Es más, un gran número de encuestas indican que el uso de tecnologías móviles, afecta positivamente la educación de los niños con necesidades educativas especiales como el autismo, dislexia, etc. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo el diseño y la evaluación de una aplicación educativa para Android que se espera ayude a los estudiantes de escuela secundaria griega con dificultades de aprendizaje a adquirir habilidades adicionales en matemáticas. En primer lugar, se han analizado las actitudes y percepciones de los profesores griegos de educación especial sobre el uso de las TIC en clase para asegurarse, por una parte, de que el conocimiento de los profesores en este campo es adecuado, teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que el conocimiento de las TIC no es una habilidad previa para convertirse en profesor. Esta etapa se realiza a través de cuestionarios estructurados y el análisis de los datos de las respuestas se ha realizado con el software IBM SPSS Statistics. En segundo lugar, en el marco de la elaboración de la tesis se ha creado una nueva aplicación tecnológica Android, destinada a ayudar a los estudiantes con dificultades de aprendizaje en el campo de las matemáticas. La herramienta de desarrollo de aplicaciones que se ha utilizado es Android Studio, el IDE oficial (Entorno de Desarrollo Integrado) para la plataforma Android. El lenguaje de programación que se ha utilizado es Java. Antes de su implementación la aplicación fue evaluada por 7 docentes especializados tanto en el área de informática como en matemáticas a través de un cuestionario estructurado. Se implementó su uso durante dos meses en escuelas de secundaria educación . Después de su implementación se evaluaron los resultados a través de entrevistas a profesores de educación especial y cuestionarios dirigidos a estudiantes con dificultades de aprendizaje con el fin de estimar, por un lado, las opiniones e impresiones de los estudiantes y profesores y, por otro lado, las habilidades potenciales que los estudiantes podían haber adquirido. El análisis estadístico de los cuestionarios de evaluación docente reveló que los profesores de matemáticas e informática tienen una actitud positiva hacia la aplicación “Love2LearnMaths”. El mismo punto de vista positivo hacia la aplicación se puede observar en las respuestas de los profesores entrevistados, que son los docentes de matemáticas para estudiantes con NEE. Los estudiantes de los departamentos de integración, por otro lado, parecen estar positivamente entusiasmados con el uso de la aplicación “Love2LearnMaths” como lo revela el análisis de los cuestionarios de los estudiantes para la evaluación de la aplicación.In recent years the use of portable technologies and devices has become widespread in many fields, such as in the economy, tourism, entertainment, but also in education. There are many surveys that prove the huge spread of use and popularity of mobile devices (mobile phones, tablets and laptops) among young people. On the other hand, mobile phones are mostly preferred compared to other mobile devices by secondary school students. Mobile technology offers the ability to support learning and also offers to both students and teachers personalized learning opportunities. The main factors for the adoption and implementation of M-Learning in schools are the willingness and readiness of teachers. There are many studies that prove the positive attitudes and perceptions of secondary school teachers on the use of mobile devices in school. However, specifically for Greece much fewer studies have been carried out. What is more, a great number of surveys indicate that the use of mobile technologies, affects positively the education of children with special educational needs such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia etc. Therefore, this PhD dissertation aims at the design and evaluation of an educational Android application that is expected to help Greek gymnasium’s students with learning difficulties to acquire extra skills in mathematics. Firstly, the attitudes and perceptions of Greek special education teachers about the use of ICTs in class have been analyzed to make sure on the one hand that teachers’ knowledge on this field is adequate, considering the fact that ICTs’ knowledge is not a prerequisite skill for becoming teacher. Additionally, teachers’ attitudes towards the use of ICTs in class have been clarified. This stage is carried out via structured questionnaires and the data analysis of the answers has been made with IBM SPSS Statistics software. Secondly, in the framework of the thesis’ elaboration, a new technological Android application has been created, aiming at assisting students with learning difficulties in the field of mathematics. The application development tool that has been used is Android Studio, the official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the Android platform. The programming language that has been used is Java, while XML’s knowledge was required in order to customize the formatting and the appearance of the application. The application was to be implemented in integration departments of two secondary Greek schools within a period of six months (finally the period was reduced to two due to covid-19 restrictions). Before its implementation the application was evaluated by 7 teachers specialized in both the area of informatics and mathematics via a structured questionnaire. After its implementation the results were evaluated via interviews with special education teachers and questionnaires addressed to students with learning difficulties in order to estimate on the one hand the opinions and impressions of the students and teachers because of its use and, on the other hand the potential skills that the students may have acquired. The statistical analysis of teachers' evaluation questionnaires revealed that mathematicians and informatics’ teachers have a positive attitude towards the application “Love2LearnMaths”. Similar attitudes towards mobile devices and apps in general had been announced by the Special Education teachers of the first phase of our research. The same positive point of view towards the application “Love2LearnMaths” can be observed in the answers of the interviewees, who are the special education mathematicians. Students of integration departments on the other hand, appear positively enthusiastic about the use of the application “Love2LearnMaths” as revealed by the analysis of Students’ questionnaires for the evaluation of the app.

    Aprendizagem Digital: Modelos diferenciados de ensino utilizando TICs para alunos com problemas de visão – Boas práticas: Jogando entre 1 a 10

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    The idea of inclusion encourages an inclusive, open-door school. By adapting formal instruction to standard instruction that is acceptable for everyone while taking into account the requirements, quirks, skills, interests, and experiences of each student, the use of ICTs aids in this direction. One such group is the visually challenged, whose inclusion in general education classes is made possible with the use of ICTs. In the current study, a method of individualized education in the field of mathematics is developed and put into practice, allowing all students-visually impaired or not-to master the mathematical operation of adding to the first ten at their own speed and time. Results show that differentiated instruction improves students' ability to understand mathematical operations: ADDITION from 1 to 10.La idea de inclusión fomenta una escuela inclusiva y de puertas abiertas. Al adaptar la instrucción formal a la instrucción estándar aceptable para todos, teniendo en cuenta los requisitos, peculiaridades, habilidades, intereses y experiencias de cada estudiante, el uso de las TIC ayuda en esta dirección. Uno de estos grupos es el de los discapacitados visuales, cuya inclusión en las clases de educación general es posible con el uso de las TIC. En el presente estudio se desarrolla y pone en práctica un método de enseñanza individualizado en el área de matemáticas, que permite a todos los alumnos -con discapacidad visual o no- dominar la operación matemática de sumar al top ten a su propio ritmo y tiempo. Los resultados muestran que la enseñanza diferenciada mejora la capacidad de los estudiantes para comprender las operaciones matemáticas: SUMA del 1 al 10.A ideia de inclusão incentiva uma escola inclusiva e de portas abertas. Ao adaptar a instrução formal à instrução padrão aceitável para todos, levando em conta os requisitos, peculiaridades, habilidades, interesses e experiências de cada aluno, o uso das TICs auxilia nessa direção. Um desses grupos é o dos deficientes visuais, cuja inclusão nas classes de educação geral é possível com o uso das TICs. No presente estudo, é desenvolvido e colocado em prática um método de ensino individualizado na área da matemática, permitindo que todos os alunos-deficientes visuais ou não-dominem a operação matemática de somar aos dez primeiros no seu próprio ritmo e tempo. Os resultados mostram que o ensino diferenciado melhora a capacidade dos alunos de entender as operações matemáticas: ADIÇÃO de 1 a 10


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    This study aims at the design and evaluation of an educational Android application that is expected to help Greek gymnasium students with learning difficulties acquire extra skills in mathematics. Firstly, the attitudes and perceptions of Greek special education teachers about the use of ICTs in class have been searched via a questionnaire. The results show that all teachers are familiar with the use of ICTs and recognise the importance of ICTs in the education of pupils with SEN. Additionally, they could very easily accept and use a new mobile educational app in the learning process. We then created an application that was first evaluated by 7 mathematicians and informatics’ teachers. Their evaluation showed a positive attitude toward the application. During the 2021-2022 school year, the application was implemented in two secondary Greek schools. 16 students with learning difficulties, tried the app under the supervision of 3 special education teachers. Students, answering a questionnaire with both closed-ended and open-ended questions, appear enthusiastic about the application with no differentiation according to their gender and type of difficulty. Positive points of view towards the application are also observed in the answers of the 3 special education mathematicians who were interviewed.  Article visualizations

    Energy Power, Digital Infrastructure and Elearning Platforms: Afrrican Experience.

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    Information and communication technologies are one of the most pervasive technologies in the world, second only to 'human intelligence' or the human brain. Thus, understanding the factors that determine the diffusion of new technologies across african countries is important to understanding the process of economic development. And whereas, energy is linked with the capacity to perform, the rate at which energy is consumed for the acceleration of the pace of socio-economic activities is regarded as power. Consequently, it will be obvious that the magnitude of the standard of living in any society; the growth and development of such an economy; and its ability to affect the course of events(such as ICT revolution)will be a function of the extent to which its energy(power) resources are developed and utilised. This paper therefore argued for the need to provide assistance in reducing vulnerability and building the capacity of african countries to more widely reap the benefits of the clean development mechanism in areas such as the development of cleaner and renewable energies. Inevitably, this is the critical condition for the sustainability of the emergent e-learning platforms and digital networks in africa.ICT, learning, elearning, development, energy, power, information, communication, solar, electricity, wind, governance, africa, electronics, telecommunications, internet, digital, satellite, renewable energy, gas turbine, power plants, bandwidth, coal, hydro, biomass, steam, transmission, distribution, utilisation

    Using Information Communications Technologies to Implement Universal Design for Learning

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    The purpose of this paper is to assist Ministries of Education, their donors and partners, Disabled Persons Organizations (DPOs), and the practitioner community funded by and working with USAID to select, pilot, and (as appropriate) scale up ICT4E solutions to facilitate the implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), with a particular emphasis on supporting students with disabilities to acquire literacy and numeracy skills. The paper focuses primarily on how technology can support foundational skills acquisition for students with disabilities, while also explaining when, why, and how technologies that assist students with disabilities can, in some applications, have positive impacts on all students’ basic skills development. In 2018, USAID released the Toolkit for Universal Design for Learning to Help All Children Read, section 3.1 of which provides basic information on the role of technologies to support UDL principles and classroom learning. This paper expands upon that work and offers more extensive advice on using ICT4E1 to advance equitable access to high quality learning. Like the UDL toolkit, the audience for this guide is mainly Ministries of Education and development agencies working in the area of education, but this resource can also be helpful for DPOs and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) wishing to pilot or spearhead ICT initiatives. Content for this paper was informed by expert interviews and reviews of field reports during 2018. These included programs associated with United Nations, Zero Project, World Innovation Summit, UNESCO Mobile Learning Awards, and USAID’s All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development. Relevant case studies of select education programs integrating technology to improve learning outcomes for students with disabilities were summarized for this document

    One-to-One Laptop Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean: Panorama and Perspectives

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    The introduction of technology in education is gaining momentum worldwide. One model of incorporating technology into education that has gained tremendous traction in Latin America and the Caribbean is One-to-One computing. The term "One-to-One" refers to the ratio of digital devices per child so that each child is provided with a digital device, most often a laptop, to facilitate learning. The objective of this document is to provide an overview of One-to-One implementations with a regional focus on Latin America and the Caribbean. It also proposes a systemic approach to improve the quality of education in contexts of mass laptop distributions to students and teachers.e-Learning, Teacher Education & Quality, Innovation

    Estratégias & tecnologias digitais para a integração do Autismo

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    The number of people with Autism spectrum disorders is increasing significantly. The purpose of this literature review is to contribute to the integration of autistic people in the educational context with the help of technological means. Educators' views on the education they should provide to students so that autistic people feel accepted by their peers and have equal and inclusive opportunities are listed. People on the Autism spectrum have difficulties in important pillars such as communication, memory, and attention. Strategies are presented for teachers to achieve the inclusion of students and the role of assistive technology, and its benefits are identified for people with Autism with the main benefit being the improvement of communication skills, the improvement of organization activities, memory, and attention.El número de personas con trastornos del espectro autista está aumentando significativamente. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica fue contribuir a la integración de las personas autistas en el contexto educativo con la ayuda de medios tecnológicos. Se enumeran las opiniones de los educadores sobre la educación que deben ofrecer a los alumnos para que las personas autistas se sientan aceptadas por sus compañeros y tengan oportunidades equitativas e inclusivas. Las personas en el espectro del autismo tienen dificultades con pilares importantes como la comunicación, la memoria y la atención. Se presentan estrategias para que los docentes logren la inclusión de los estudiantes y el rol de la tecnología asistiva, y se identifican sus beneficios para las personas con autismo, siendo el principal beneficio la mejora de las habilidades comunicativas, la mejora de las actividades de organización, memoria y atención.O número de pessoas com transtornos do espectro do Autismo está aumentando significativamente. O objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi contribuir para a integração de pessoas autistas no contexto educacional com o auxílio de meios tecnológicos. São listadas as opiniões dos educadores sobre a educação que devem oferecer aos alunos para que os autistas se sintam aceitos por seus pares e tenham oportunidades iguais e inclusivas. As pessoas no espectro do Autismo apresentam dificuldades em pilares importantes como comunicação, memória e atenção. São apresentadas estratégias para os professores conseguirem a inclusão dos alunos e o papel da tecnologia assistiva, e são identificados seus benefícios para pessoas com autismo sendo o principal benefício, a melhora das habilidades de comunicação, a melhora das atividades de organização, memória e atenção

    The impacts of ICT on the students’ Performance: A Review of Access to Information

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    The study was on the Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on the students and his/her information to access in the Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan. A sample of 50 respondents (students) was selected from the department of Political science, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. However, related literatures were reviewed from textbooks, journals and past researches. The research instruments were questionnaire which was statically analyzed with contingency tables while the hypotheses were tested by using the mean statistic. The results of the present study showed a diverse response of the student regarding the impact of ICT’s on the students and their access to information


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    Este artigo investiga as tendências atuais na transformação de laboratórios STEM na era da digitalização devido à integração de tecnologias digitais e ao reconhecimento da importância do desenvolvimento de habilidades metacognitivas. O artigo examina o papel da metacognição e seu impacto no processo de aprendizagem, bem como o uso de tecnologias digitais, como laboratórios remotos, laboratórios virtuais, realidade aumentada, realidade virtual e dispositivos móveis na educação STEM. Os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem que o uso dessas tecnologias digitais pode ser benéfico para a aprendizagem de ciências no ensino superior e secundário. Além disso, essas tecnologias podem ser usadas para promover o engajamento, a colaboração e o acesso dos alunos ao conhecimento científico. Além disso, a metacognição é uma habilidade importante para professores e alunos, e pode ser desenvolvida através do uso da pirâmide do conhecimento, pirâmide de inteligência emocional, pirâmide metacognitiva e modelos de pirâmide de superdotação.This paper investigates the current trends in the transformation of STEM laboratories in the age of digitization due to the integration of digital technologies and the recognition of the importance of developing metacognitive skills. The paper examines the role of metacognition and its impact on the learning process, as well as the use of digital technologies such as remote labs, virtual labs, augmented reality, virtual reality, and mobile devices in STEM education. Results from this research suggest that the use of these digital technologies can be beneficial for science learning in both higher and secondary education. Additionally, these technologies can be used to promote student engagement, collaboration, and access to scientific knowledge. Furthermore, metacognition is an important skill for both teachers and students, and can be developed through the use of the knowledge pyramid, emotional intelligence pyramid, metacognitive pyramid, and giftedness pyramid models.Este artículo investiga las tendencias actuales en la transformación de los laboratorios STEM en la era de la digitalización debido a la integración de tecnologías digitales y al reconocimiento de la importancia del desarrollo de habilidades metacognitivas. El documento examina el papel de la metacognición y su impacto en el proceso de aprendizaje, así como el uso de tecnologías digitales como laboratorios remotos, laboratorios virtuales, realidad aumentada, realidad virtual y dispositivos móviles en la educación STEM. Los resultados de esta investigación sugieren que el uso de estas tecnologías digitales puede ser beneficioso para el aprendizaje de las ciencias tanto en la educación superior como en la secundaria. Además, estas tecnologías pueden utilizarse para promover la participación, colaboración y acceso al conocimiento científico por parte de los estudiantes. Además, la metacognición es una habilidad importante tanto para profesores como para estudiantes y puede desarrollarse mediante el uso de los modelos de pirámide del conocimiento, pirámide de inteligencia emocional, pirámide metacognitiva y pirámide de talento.Este artigo investiga as tendências atuais na transformação de laboratórios STEM na era da digitalização devido à integração de tecnologias digitais e ao reconhecimento da importância do desenvolvimento de habilidades metacognitivas. O artigo examina o papel da metacognição e seu impacto no processo de aprendizagem, bem como o uso de tecnologias digitais, como laboratórios remotos, laboratórios virtuais, realidade aumentada, realidade virtual e dispositivos móveis na educação STEM. Os resultados desta pesquisa sugerem que o uso dessas tecnologias digitais pode ser benéfico para a aprendizagem de ciências no ensino superior e secundário. Além disso, essas tecnologias podem ser usadas para promover o engajamento, a colaboração e o acesso dos alunos ao conhecimento científico. Além disso, a metacognição é uma habilidade importante para professores e alunos, e pode ser desenvolvida através do uso da pirâmide do conhecimento, pirâmide de inteligência emocional, pirâmide metacognitiva e modelos de pirâmide de superdotação

    New learning opportunities in a networked world: developing a research agenda on innovative uses of ICTS for learning and teaching

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    IDRC Project Title: Developing a Research Agenda on Expanding New Digital Learning Opportunities in Developing Countries;IDRC Project Number: 107628The report describes outcomes of the activities carried out for the project “New Learning Opportunities in a Networked World: Developing a Research Agenda on Innovative uses of ICTs for Learning and Teaching”. The research consists of three main activities, namely desk research, written expert consultation and group concept mapping study involving a 2-day workshop and a follow-up with experts who could not attend the workshop. These activities are interconnected elements of the consultative approach to establishing a research agenda.International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canad