837 research outputs found

    Parallel Batch-Dynamic Graph Connectivity

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    In this paper, we study batch parallel algorithms for the dynamic connectivity problem, a fundamental problem that has received considerable attention in the sequential setting. The most well known sequential algorithm for dynamic connectivity is the elegant level-set algorithm of Holm, de Lichtenberg and Thorup (HDT), which achieves O(log⁡2n)O(\log^2 n) amortized time per edge insertion or deletion, and O(log⁡n/log⁡log⁡n)O(\log n / \log\log n) time per query. We design a parallel batch-dynamic connectivity algorithm that is work-efficient with respect to the HDT algorithm for small batch sizes, and is asymptotically faster when the average batch size is sufficiently large. Given a sequence of batched updates, where Δ\Delta is the average batch size of all deletions, our algorithm achieves O(log⁡nlog⁡(1+n/Δ))O(\log n \log(1 + n / \Delta)) expected amortized work per edge insertion and deletion and O(log⁡3n)O(\log^3 n) depth w.h.p. Our algorithm answers a batch of kk connectivity queries in O(klog⁡(1+n/k))O(k \log(1 + n/k)) expected work and O(log⁡n)O(\log n) depth w.h.p. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first parallel batch-dynamic algorithm for connectivity.Comment: This is the full version of the paper appearing in the ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), 201

    Multiple-Edge-Fault-Tolerant Approximate Shortest-Path Trees

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    Let GG be an nn-node and mm-edge positively real-weighted undirected graph. For any given integer f≥1f \ge 1, we study the problem of designing a sparse \emph{f-edge-fault-tolerant} (ff-EFT) σ\sigma{\em -approximate single-source shortest-path tree} (σ\sigma-ASPT), namely a subgraph of GG having as few edges as possible and which, following the failure of a set FF of at most ff edges in GG, contains paths from a fixed source that are stretched at most by a factor of σ\sigma. To this respect, we provide an algorithm that efficiently computes an ff-EFT (2∣F∣+1)(2|F|+1)-ASPT of size O(fn)O(f n). Our structure improves on a previous related construction designed for \emph{unweighted} graphs, having the same size but guaranteeing a larger stretch factor of 3(f+1)3(f+1), plus an additive term of (f+1)log⁡n(f+1) \log n. Then, we show how to convert our structure into an efficient ff-EFT \emph{single-source distance oracle} (SSDO), that can be built in O~(fm)\widetilde{O}(f m) time, has size O(fnlog⁡2n)O(fn \log^2 n), and is able to report, after the failure of the edge set FF, in O(∣F∣2log⁡2n)O(|F|^2 \log^2 n) time a (2∣F∣+1)(2|F|+1)-approximate distance from the source to any node, and a corresponding approximate path in the same amount of time plus the path's size. Such an oracle is obtained by handling another fundamental problem, namely that of updating a \emph{minimum spanning forest} (MSF) of GG after that a \emph{batch} of kk simultaneous edge modifications (i.e., edge insertions, deletions and weight changes) is performed. For this problem, we build in O(mlog⁡3n)O(m \log^3 n) time a \emph{sensitivity} oracle of size O(mlog⁡2n)O(m \log^2 n), that reports in O(k2log⁡2n)O(k^2 \log^2 n) time the (at most 2k2k) edges either exiting from or entering into the MSF. [...]Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamic Algorithms for the Massively Parallel Computation Model

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    The Massive Parallel Computing (MPC) model gained popularity during the last decade and it is now seen as the standard model for processing large scale data. One significant shortcoming of the model is that it assumes to work on static datasets while, in practice, real-world datasets evolve continuously. To overcome this issue, in this paper we initiate the study of dynamic algorithms in the MPC model. We first discuss the main requirements for a dynamic parallel model and we show how to adapt the classic MPC model to capture them. Then we analyze the connection between classic dynamic algorithms and dynamic algorithms in the MPC model. Finally, we provide new efficient dynamic MPC algorithms for a variety of fundamental graph problems, including connectivity, minimum spanning tree and matching.Comment: Accepted to the 31st ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2019

    The Power of Dynamic Distance Oracles: Efficient Dynamic Algorithms for the Steiner Tree

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    In this paper we study the Steiner tree problem over a dynamic set of terminals. We consider the model where we are given an nn-vertex graph G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) with positive real edge weights, and our goal is to maintain a tree which is a good approximation of the minimum Steiner tree spanning a terminal set S⊆VS \subseteq V, which changes over time. The changes applied to the terminal set are either terminal additions (incremental scenario), terminal removals (decremental scenario), or both (fully dynamic scenario). Our task here is twofold. We want to support updates in sublinear o(n)o(n) time, and keep the approximation factor of the algorithm as small as possible. We show that we can maintain a (6+ε)(6+\varepsilon)-approximate Steiner tree of a general graph in O~(nlog⁡D)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n} \log D) time per terminal addition or removal. Here, DD denotes the stretch of the metric induced by GG. For planar graphs we achieve the same running time and the approximation ratio of (2+ε)(2+\varepsilon). Moreover, we show faster algorithms for incremental and decremental scenarios. Finally, we show that if we allow higher approximation ratio, even more efficient algorithms are possible. In particular we show a polylogarithmic time (4+ε)(4+\varepsilon)-approximate algorithm for planar graphs. One of the main building blocks of our algorithms are dynamic distance oracles for vertex-labeled graphs, which are of independent interest. We also improve and use the online algorithms for the Steiner tree problem.Comment: Full version of the paper accepted to STOC'1

    Optimal decremental connectivity in planar graphs

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    We show an algorithm for dynamic maintenance of connectivity information in an undirected planar graph subject to edge deletions. Our algorithm may answer connectivity queries of the form `Are vertices uu and vv connected with a path?' in constant time. The queries can be intermixed with any sequence of edge deletions, and the algorithm handles all updates in O(n)O(n) time. This results improves over previously known O(nlog⁥n)O(n \log n) time algorithm

    Faster Fully-Dynamic Minimum Spanning Forest

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    We give a new data structure for the fully-dynamic minimum spanning forest problem in simple graphs. Edge updates are supported in O(log⁥4n/log⁥log⁥n)O(\log^4n/\log\log n) amortized time per operation, improving the O(log⁥4n)O(\log^4n) amortized bound of Holm et al. (STOC'98, JACM'01). We assume the Word-RAM model with standard instructions.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamic Dominators and Low-High Orders in DAGs

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    We consider practical algorithms for maintaining the dominator tree and a low-high order in directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) subject to dynamic operations. Let G be a directed graph with a distinguished start vertex s. The dominator tree D of G is a tree rooted at s, such that a vertex v is an ancestor of a vertex w if and only if all paths from s to w in G include v. The dominator tree is a central tool in program optimization and code generation, and has many applications in other diverse areas including constraint programming, circuit testing, biology, and in algorithms for graph connectivity problems. A low-high order of G is a preorder of D that certifies the correctness of D, and has further applications in connectivity and path-determination problems. We first provide a practical and carefully engineered version of a recent algorithm [ICALP 2017] for maintaining the dominator tree of a DAG through a sequence of edge deletions. The algorithm runs in O(mn) total time and O(m) space, where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of edges before any deletion. In addition, we present a new algorithm that maintains a low-high order of a DAG under edge deletions within the same bounds. Both results extend to the case of reducible graphs (a class that includes DAGs). Furthermore, we present a fully dynamic algorithm for maintaining the dominator tree of a DAG under an intermixed sequence of edge insertions and deletions. Although it does not maintain the O(mn) worst-case bound of the decremental algorithm, our experiments highlight that the fully dynamic algorithm performs very well in practice. Finally, we study the practical efficiency of all our algorithms by conducting an extensive experimental study on real-world and synthetic graphs

    Faster Deterministic Fully-Dynamic Graph Connectivity

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    We give new deterministic bounds for fully-dynamic graph connectivity. Our data structure supports updates (edge insertions/deletions) in O(log⁥2n/log⁥log⁥n)O(\log^2n/\log\log n) amortized time and connectivity queries in O(log⁥n/log⁥log⁥n)O(\log n/\log\log n) worst-case time, where nn is the number of vertices of the graph. This improves the deterministic data structures of Holm, de Lichtenberg, and Thorup (STOC 1998, J.ACM 2001) and Thorup (STOC 2000) which both have O(log⁥2n)O(\log^2n) amortized update time and O(log⁥n/log⁥log⁥n)O(\log n/\log\log n) worst-case query time. Our model of computation is the same as that of Thorup, i.e., a pointer machine with standard AC0AC^0 instructions.Comment: To appear at SODA 2013. 19 pages, 1 figur
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