21,928 research outputs found

    Semi-Streaming Algorithms for Annotated Graph Streams

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    Considerable effort has been devoted to the development of streaming algorithms for analyzing massive graphs. Unfortunately, many results have been negative, establishing that a wide variety of problems require Ω(n2)\Omega(n^2) space to solve. One of the few bright spots has been the development of semi-streaming algorithms for a handful of graph problems -- these algorithms use space O(npolylog(n))O(n\cdot\text{polylog}(n)). In the annotated data streaming model of Chakrabarti et al., a computationally limited client wants to compute some property of a massive input, but lacks the resources to store even a small fraction of the input, and hence cannot perform the desired computation locally. The client therefore accesses a powerful but untrusted service provider, who not only performs the requested computation, but also proves that the answer is correct. We put forth the notion of semi-streaming algorithms for annotated graph streams (semi-streaming annotation schemes for short). These are protocols in which both the client's space usage and the length of the proof are O(npolylog(n))O(n \cdot \text{polylog}(n)). We give evidence that semi-streaming annotation schemes represent a substantially more robust solution concept than does the standard semi-streaming model. On the positive side, we give semi-streaming annotation schemes for two dynamic graph problems that are intractable in the standard model: (exactly) counting triangles, and (exactly) computing maximum matchings. The former scheme answers a question of Cormode. On the negative side, we identify for the first time two natural graph problems (connectivity and bipartiteness in a certain edge update model) that can be solved in the standard semi-streaming model, but cannot be solved by annotation schemes of "sub-semi-streaming" cost. That is, these problems are just as hard in the annotations model as they are in the standard model.Comment: This update includes some additional discussion of the results proven. The result on counting triangles was previously included in an ECCC technical report by Chakrabarti et al. available at http://eccc.hpi-web.de/report/2013/180/. That report has been superseded by this manuscript, and the CCC 2015 paper "Verifiable Stream Computation and Arthur-Merlin Communication" by Chakrabarti et a

    Near Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Dynamic DFS in Undirected Graphs

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    Depth first search (DFS) tree is a fundamental data structure for solving graph problems. The classical algorithm [SiComp74] for building a DFS tree requires O(m+n)O(m+n) time for a given graph GG having nn vertices and mm edges. Recently, Baswana et al. [SODA16] presented a simple algorithm for updating DFS tree of an undirected graph after an edge/vertex update in O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) time. However, their algorithm is strictly sequential. We present an algorithm achieving similar bounds, that can be adopted easily to the parallel environment. In the parallel model, a DFS tree can be computed from scratch using mm processors in expected O~(1)\tilde{O}(1) time [SiComp90] on an EREW PRAM, whereas the best deterministic algorithm takes O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n}) time [SiComp90,JAlg93] on a CRCW PRAM. Our algorithm can be used to develop optimal (upto polylog n factors deterministic algorithms for maintaining fully dynamic DFS and fault tolerant DFS, of an undirected graph. 1- Parallel Fully Dynamic DFS: Given an arbitrary online sequence of vertex/edge updates, we can maintain a DFS tree of an undirected graph in O~(1)\tilde{O}(1) time per update using mm processors on an EREW PRAM. 2- Parallel Fault tolerant DFS: An undirected graph can be preprocessed to build a data structure of size O(m) such that for a set of kk updates (where kk is constant) in the graph, the updated DFS tree can be computed in O~(1)\tilde{O}(1) time using nn processors on an EREW PRAM. Moreover, our fully dynamic DFS algorithm provides, in a seamless manner, nearly optimal (upto polylog n factors) algorithms for maintaining a DFS tree in semi-streaming model and a restricted distributed model. These are the first parallel, semi-streaming and distributed algorithms for maintaining a DFS tree in the dynamic setting.Comment: Accepted to appear in SPAA'17, 32 Pages, 5 Figure

    Graph Sparsification in the Semi-streaming Model

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    Analyzing massive data sets has been one of the key motivations for studying streaming algorithms. In recent years, there has been significant progress in analysing distributions in a streaming setting, but the progress on graph problems has been limited. A main reason for this has been the existence of linear space lower bounds for even simple problems such as determining the connectedness of a graph. However, in many new scenarios that arise from social and other interaction networks, the number of vertices is significantly less than the number of edges. This has led to the formulation of the semi-streaming model where we assume that the space is (near) linear in the number of vertices (but not necessarily the edges), and the edges appear in an arbitrary (and possibly adversarial) order. In this paper we focus on graph sparsification, which is one of the major building blocks in a variety of graph algorithms. There has been a long history of (non-streaming) sampling algorithms that provide sparse graph approximations and it a natural question to ask if the sparsification can be achieved using a small space, and in addition using a single pass over the data? The question is interesting from the standpoint of both theory and practice and we answer the question in the affirmative, by providing a one pass O~(n/ϵ2)\tilde{O}(n/\epsilon^{2}) space algorithm that produces a sparsification that approximates each cut to a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon) factor. We also show that Ω(nlog1ϵ)\Omega(n \log \frac1\epsilon) space is necessary for a one pass streaming algorithm to approximate the min-cut, improving upon the Ω(n)\Omega(n) lower bound that arises from lower bounds for testing connectivity

    Depth First Search in the Semi-streaming Model

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    Depth first search (DFS) tree is a fundamental data structure for solving various graph problems. The classical algorithm for building a DFS tree requires O(m+n) time for a given undirected graph G having n vertices and m edges. In the streaming model, an algorithm is allowed several passes (preferably single) over the input graph having a restriction on the size of local space used. Now, a DFS tree of a graph can be trivially computed using a single pass if O(m) space is allowed. In the semi-streaming model allowing O(n) space, it can be computed in O(n) passes over the input stream, where each pass adds one vertex to the DFS tree. However, it remains an open problem to compute a DFS tree using o(n) passes using o(m) space even in any relaxed streaming environment. We present the first semi-streaming algorithms that compute a DFS tree of an undirected graph in o(n) passes using o(m) space. We first describe an extremely simple algorithm that requires at most ceil[n/k] passes to compute a DFS tree using O(nk) space, where k is any positive integer. For example using k=sqrt{n}, we can compute a DFS tree in sqrt{n} passes using O(n sqrt{n}) space. We then improve this algorithm by using more involved techniques to reduce the number of passes to ceil[h/k] under similar space constraints, where h is the height of the computed DFS tree. In particular, this algorithm improves the bounds for the case where the computed DFS tree is shallow (having o(n) height). Moreover, this algorithm is presented in form of a framework that allows the flexibility of using any algorithm to maintain a DFS tree of a stored sparser subgraph as a black box, which may be of an independent interest. Both these algorithms essentially demonstrate the existence of a trade-off between the space and number of passes required for computing a DFS tree. Furthermore, we evaluate these algorithms experimentally which reveals their exceptional performance in practice. For both random and real graphs, they require merely a few passes even when allowed just O(n) space

    Scalable Auction Algorithms for Bipartite Maximum Matching Problems

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    In this paper, we give new auction algorithms for maximum weighted bipartite matching (MWM) and maximum cardinality bipartite bb-matching (MCbM). Our algorithms run in O(logn/ε8)O\left(\log n/\varepsilon^8\right) and O(logn/ε2)O\left(\log n/\varepsilon^2\right) rounds, respectively, in the blackboard distributed setting. We show that our MWM algorithm can be implemented in the distributed, interactive setting using O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) and O(logn)O(\log n) bit messages, respectively, directly answering the open question posed by Demange, Gale and Sotomayor [DNO14]. Furthermore, we implement our algorithms in a variety of other models including the the semi-streaming model, the shared-memory work-depth model, and the massively parallel computation model. Our semi-streaming MWM algorithm uses O(1/ε8)O(1/\varepsilon^8) passes in O(nlognlog(1/ε))O(n \log n \cdot \log(1/\varepsilon)) space and our MCbM algorithm runs in O(1/ε2)O(1/\varepsilon^2) passes using O((iLbi+R)log(1/ε))O\left(\left(\sum_{i \in L} b_i + |R|\right)\log(1/\varepsilon)\right) space (where parameters bib_i represent the degree constraints on the bb-matching and LL and RR represent the left and right side of the bipartite graph, respectively). Both of these algorithms improves \emph{exponentially} the dependence on ε\varepsilon in the space complexity in the semi-streaming model against the best-known algorithms for these problems, in addition to improvements in round complexity for MCbM. Finally, our algorithms eliminate the large polylogarithmic dependence on nn in depth and number of rounds in the work-depth and massively parallel computation models, respectively, improving on previous results which have large polylogarithmic dependence on nn (and exponential dependence on ε\varepsilon in the MPC model).Comment: To appear in APPROX 202

    Algorithms for Big Data: Graphs and PageRank

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    This work consists of a study of a set of techniques and strategies related with algorithm's design, whose purpose is the resolution of problems on massive data sets, in an efficient way. This field is known as Algorithms for Big Data. In particular, this work has studied the Streaming Algorithms, which represents the basis of the data structures of sublinear order o(n)o(n) in space, known as Sketches. In addition, it has deepened in the study of problems applied to Graphs on the Semi-Streaming model. Next, the PageRank algorithm was analyzed as a concrete case study. Finally, the development of a library for the resolution of graph problems, implemented on the top of the intensive mathematical computation platform known as TensorFlow has been started.Comment: in Spanish, 143 pages, final degree project (bachelor's thesis

    Almost Optimal Streaming Algorithms for Coverage Problems

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    Maximum coverage and minimum set cover problems --collectively called coverage problems-- have been studied extensively in streaming models. However, previous research not only achieve sub-optimal approximation factors and space complexities, but also study a restricted set arrival model which makes an explicit or implicit assumption on oracle access to the sets, ignoring the complexity of reading and storing the whole set at once. In this paper, we address the above shortcomings, and present algorithms with improved approximation factor and improved space complexity, and prove that our results are almost tight. Moreover, unlike most of previous work, our results hold on a more general edge arrival model. More specifically, we present (almost) optimal approximation algorithms for maximum coverage and minimum set cover problems in the streaming model with an (almost) optimal space complexity of O~(n)\tilde{O}(n), i.e., the space is {\em independent of the size of the sets or the size of the ground set of elements}. These results not only improve over the best known algorithms for the set arrival model, but also are the first such algorithms for the more powerful {\em edge arrival} model. In order to achieve the above results, we introduce a new general sketching technique for coverage functions: This sketching scheme can be applied to convert an α\alpha-approximation algorithm for a coverage problem to a (1-\eps)\alpha-approximation algorithm for the same problem in streaming, or RAM models. We show the significance of our sketching technique by ruling out the possibility of solving coverage problems via accessing (as a black box) a (1 \pm \eps)-approximate oracle (e.g., a sketch function) that estimates the coverage function on any subfamily of the sets