7 research outputs found

    A note on light geometric graphs

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    Let G be a geometric graph on n vertices in general position in the plane. We say that G is k-light if no edge e of G has the property that each of the two open half-planes bounded by the line through e contains more than k edges of G. We extend the previous result in Ackerman and Pinchasi (2012) [1] and with a shorter argument show that every k-light geometric graph on n vertices has at most O(n√k) edges. This bound is best possible.Simons Foundation (Fellowship)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant DMS-1069197)NEC Corporation (MIT Award

    The maximum number of edges in geometric graphs with pairwise virtually avoiding edges

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    Abstract Let G be a geometric graph on n vertices that are not necessarily in general position. Assume that no line passing through one edge of G meets the relative interior of another edge. We show that in this case the number of edges in G is at most 2n − 3

    Planar Point Sets Determine Many Pairwise Crossing Segments

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    We show that any set of nn points in general position in the plane determines n1o(1)n^{1-o(1)} pairwise crossing segments. The best previously known lower bound, Ω(n)\Omega\left(\sqrt n\right), was proved more than 25 years ago by Aronov, Erd\H os, Goddard, Kleitman, Klugerman, Pach, and Schulman. Our proof is fully constructive, and extends to dense geometric graphs.Comment: A preliminary version to appear in the proceedings of STOC 201