10 research outputs found

    On Fulkerson conjecture

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    If GG is a bridgeless cubic graph, Fulkerson conjectured that we can find 6 perfect matchings (a{\em Fulkerson covering}) with the property that every edge of GG is contained in exactly two of them. A consequence of the Fulkerson conjecture would be that every bridgeless cubic graph has 3 perfect matchings with empty intersection (this problem is known as the Fan Raspaud Conjecture). A {\em FR-triple} is a set of 3 such perfect matchings. We show here how to derive a Fulkerson covering from two FR-triples. Moreover, we give a simple proof that the Fulkerson conjecture holds true for some classes of well known snarks.Comment: Accepted for publication in Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory; Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory (2010) xxx-yy

    Covering cubic graphs with matchings of large size

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    Let m be a positive integer and let G be a cubic graph of order 2n. We consider the problem of covering the edge-set of G with the minimum number of matchings of size m. This number is called excessive [m]-index of G in literature. The case m=n, that is a covering with perfect matchings, is known to be strictly related to an outstanding conjecture of Berge and Fulkerson. In this paper we study in some details the case m=n-1. We show how this parameter can be large for cubic graphs with low connectivity and we furnish some evidence that each cyclically 4-connected cubic graph of order 2n has excessive [n-1]-index at most 4. Finally, we discuss the relation between excessive [n-1]-index and some other graph parameters as oddness and circumference.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure


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    The Berge-Fulkerson conjecture, originally formulated in the language of mathematical programming, asserts that the edges of every bridgeless cubic (3-valent) graph can be covered with six perfect matchings in such a way that every edge is in exactly two of them. As with several other classical conjectures in graph theory, every counterexample to the Berge-Fulkerson conjecture must be a non-3-edge-colorable cubic graph. In contrast to Tutte's 5-flow conjecture and the cycle double conjecture, no nontrivial reduction is known for the Berge-Fulkerson conjecture. In the present paper, we prove that a possible minimum counterexample to the conjecture must be cyclically 5-edge-connected

    Covering cubic graphs with matchings of large size

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    Abstract Let m be a positive integer and let G be a cubic graph of order 2n. We consider the problem of covering the edge-set of G with the minimum number of matchings of size m. This number is called the excessive [m]-index of G in the literature. The case m = n, that is, a covering with perfect matchings, is known to be strictly related to an outstanding conjecture of Berge and Fulkerson. In this paper we study in some detail the case m = n − 1. We show how this parameter can be large for cubic graphs with low connectivity and we furnish some evidence that each cyclically 4-connected cubic graph of order 2n has excessive [n − 1]-index at most 4. Finally, we discuss the relation between excessive [n − 1]-index and some other graph parameters such as oddness and circumference

    Desenvolvimentos da Conjetura de Fulkerson

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    Orientador: Christiane Neme CamposDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Em 1971, Fulkerson propôs a seguinte conjetura: todo grafo cúbico sem arestas de corte admite seis emparelhamentos perfeitos tais que cada aresta do grafo pertence a exatamente dois destes emparelhamentos. A Conjetura de Fulkerson tem desafiado pesquisadores desde sua publicação. Esta conjetura é facilmente verificada para grafos cúbicos 3-aresta-coloráveis. Portanto, a dificuldade do problema reside em estabelecer a conjetura para grafos cúbicos sem arestas de corte que não possuem 3-coloração de arestas. Estes grafos são chamados snarks. Nesta dissertação, a Conjetura de Fulkerson e os snarks são introduzidos com ¿ênfase em sua história e resultados mais relevantes. Alguns resultados relacionados à Conjetura de Fulkerson são apresentados, enfatizando suas conexões com outras conjeturas. Um breve histórico do Problema das Quatro Cores e suas relações com snarks também são apresentados. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, a Conjetura de Fulkerson é verificada para algumas famílias infinitas de snarks construídas com o método de Loupekine, utilizando subgrafos do Grafo de Petersen. Primeiramente, mostramos que a família dos LP0-snarks satisfaz a Conjetura de Fulkerson. Em seguida, generalizamos este resultado para a família mais abrangente dos LP1-snarks. Além disto, estendemos estes resultados para Snarks de Loupekine construídos com subgrafos de snarks diferentes do Grafo de PetersenAbstract: In 1971, Fulkerson proposed a conjecture that states that every bridgeless cubic graph has six perfect matchings such that each edge of the graph belongs to precisely two of these matchings. Fulkerson's Conjecture has been challenging researchers since its publication. It is easily verified for 3-edge-colourable cubic graphs. Therefore, the difficult task is to settle the conjecture for non-3-edge-colourable bridgeless cubic graphs, called snarks. In this dissertation, Fulkerson's Conjecture and snarks are presented with emphasis in their history and remarkable results. We selected some results related to Fulkerson's Conjecture, emphasizing their reach and connections with other conjectures. It is also presented a brief history of the Four-Colour Problem and its connections with snarks. In the second part of this work, we verify Fulkerson's Conjecture for some infinite families of snarks constructed with Loupekine's method using subgraphs of the Petersen Graph. More specifically, we first show that the family of LP0-snarks satisfies Fulkerson's Conjecture. Then, we generalise this result by proving that Fulkerson's Conjecture holds for the broader family of LP1-snarks. We also extend these results to even more general Loupekine Snarks constructed with subgraphs of snarks other than the Petersen GraphMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    On Fulkerson conjecture

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    If G is a bridgeless cubic graph, Fulkerson conjectured that we can find 6 perfect matchings (a Fulkerson covering) with the property that every edge of G is contained in exactly two of them. A consequence of the Fulkerson conjecture would be that every bridgeless cubic graph has 3 perfect matchings with empty intersection (this problem is known as the Fan Raspaud Conjecture). A FR-triple is a set of 3 such perfect matchings. We show here how to derive a Fulkerson covering from two FR-triples. Moreover, we give a simple proof that the Fulkerson conjecture holds true for some classes of well known snarks