6,955 research outputs found

    p-Adic valuation of weights in Abelian codes over /spl Zopf/(p/sup d/)

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    Counting polynomial techniques introduced by Wilson are used to provide analogs of a theorem of McEliece. McEliece's original theorem relates the greatest power of p dividing the Hamming weights of words in cyclic codes over GF (p) to the length of the smallest unity-product sequence of nonzeroes of the code. Calderbank, Li, and Poonen presented analogs for cyclic codes over /spl Zopf/(2/sup d/) using various weight functions (Hamming, Lee, and Euclidean weight as well as count of occurrences of a particular symbol). Some of these results were strengthened by Wilson, who also considered the alphabet /spl Zopf/(p/sup d/) for p an arbitrary prime. These previous results, new strengthened versions, and generalizations are proved here in a unified and comprehensive fashion for the larger class of Abelian codes over /spl Zopf/(p/sup d/) with p any prime. For Abelian codes over /spl Zopf//sub 4/, combinatorial methods for use with counting polynomials are developed. These show that the analogs of McEliece's theorem obtained by Wilson (for Hamming weight, Lee weight, and symbol counts) and the analog obtained here for Euclidean weight are sharp in the sense that they give the maximum power of 2 that divides the weights of all the codewords whose Fourier transforms have a specified support

    Product formula for p-adic epsilon factors

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    Let X be a smooth proper curve over a finite field of characteristic p. We prove a product formula for p-adic epsilon factors of arithmetic D-modules on X. In particular we deduce the analogous formula for overconvergent F-isocrystals, which was conjectured previously. The p-adic product formula is the equivalent in rigid cohomology of the Deligne-Laumon formula for epsilon factors in l-adic \'etale cohomology (for a prime l different from p). One of the main tools in the proof of this p-adic formula is a theorem of regular stationary phase for arithmetic D-modules that we prove by microlocal techniques.Comment: Revised version: some proofs and constructions detailed, notation improved, index of notation added ; 88 page

    Extensions of Effective Medium Theory of Transport in Disordered Systems

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    Effective medium theory of transport in disordered systems, whose basis is the replacement of spatial disorder by temporal memory, is extended in several practical directions. Restricting attention to a 1-dimensional system with bond disorder for specificity, a transformation procedure is developed to deduce, from given distribution functions characterizing the system disorder, explicit expressions for the memory functions. It is shown how to use the memory functions in the Lapace domain forms in which they first appear, and in the time domain forms which are obtained via numerical inversion algorithms, to address time evolution of the system beyond the asymptotic domain of large times normally treated. An analytic but approximate procedure is provided to obtain the memories, in addition to the inversion algorithm. Good agreement of effective medium theory predictions with numerically computed exact results is found for all time ranges for the distributions used except near the percolation limit as expected. The use of ensemble averages is studied for normal as well as correlation observables. The effect of size on effective mediumtheory is explored and it is shown that, even in the asymptotic limit, finite size corrections develop to the well known harmonic mean prescription for finding the effective rate. A percolation threshold is shown to arise even in 1-d for finite (but not infinite) systems at a concentration of broken bonds related to the system size. Spatially long range transfer rates are shown to emerge naturally as a consequence of the replacement of spatial disorder by temporal memories, in spite of the fact that the original rates possess nearest neighbor character. Pausing time distributions in continuous time random walks corresponding to the effective medium memories are calculated.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    For the Jubilee of Vladimir Mikhailovich Chernov

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    On April 25, 2019, Vladimir Chernov celebrated his 70th birthday, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Chief Researcher at the Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Image Processing of the Image Processing Systems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPSI RAS), a branch of the Federal Science Research Center "Crystallography and Photonics RAS and part-Time Professor at the Department of Geoinformatics and Information Security of the Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University). The article briefly describes the scientific and pedagogical achievements of the hero of the day. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    p-Adic estimates of Hamming weights in Abelian codes over Galois rings

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    A generalization of McEliece's theorem on the p-adic valuation of Hamming weights of words in cyclic codes is proved in this paper by means of counting polynomial techniques introduced by Wilson along with a technique known as trace-averaging introduced here. The original theorem of McEliece concerned cyclic codes over prime fields. Delsarte and McEliece later extended this to Abelian codes over finite fields. Calderbank, Li, and Poonen extended McEliece's original theorem to cover cyclic codes over the rings /spl Zopf//sub 2//sup d/, Wilson strengthened their results and extended them to cyclic codes over /spl Zopf//sub p//sup d/, and Katz strengthened Wilson's results and extended them to Abelian codes over /spl Zopf//sub p//sup d/. It is natural to ask whether there is a single analogue of McEliece's theorem which correctly captures the behavior of codes over all finite fields and all rings of integers modulo prime powers. In this paper, this question is answered affirmatively: a single theorem for Abelian codes over Galois rings is presented. This theorem contains all previously mentioned results and more