8 research outputs found

    Does Massive MIMO Fail in Ricean Channels?

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    Massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) is now making its way to the standardization exercise of future 5G networks. Yet, there are still fundamental questions pertaining to the robustness of massive MIMO against physically detrimental propagation conditions. On these grounds, we identify scenarios under which massive MIMO can potentially fail in Ricean channels, and characterize them physically, as well as, mathematically. Our analysis extends and generalizes a stream of recent papers on this topic and articulates emphatically that such harmful scenarios in Ricean fading conditions are unlikely and can be compensated using any standard scheduling scheme. This implies that massive MIMO is intrinsically effective at combating interuser interference and, if needed, can avail of the base-station scheduler for further robustness.Comment: IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, accepte

    Cancellation Techniques for Co-channel Interference in MIMO-OFDM Systems and Evaluating Their Performance

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    In a wireless communication system, the transmitted signal is exposed to various surfaces where it bounces and results in several delayed versions of the same signal at the receiver end. The delayed signals are in the form of electromagnetic waves that are diffracted and reflected from the various object surfaces. These result in co-channel interferences for wireless systems. MIMO has proven to be a striking solution for the new generation of wireless systems. MIMO-OFDM system with QPSK modulation is considered as the wireless system for studying the performance of interference cancellation techniques. The BER performance is studied in channels such as Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channels. The effects of interference are reduced to a certain extent by the inclusion of CDMA (spread spectrum technique) as Technique 1. The effects of interference on this system have been further reduced using the LMS filter as Technique 2. Hence, to show better performance in MIMO-OFDM systems, it is recommended to employ both CDMA and LMS filters to decrease the effects of co-channel interference. It is observed that the parameter BER reduces as the SNR increases for both these channels. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01313 Full Text: PD

    Favorable Propagation with User Cluster Sharing

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    We examine the favorable propagation (FP) behavior of a massive multi-user multiple-input-multiple-output (MU-MIMO) system equipped with a uniform linear array (ULA), horizontal uniform rectangular array (HURA) or uniform circular array (UCA) using a ray-based channel model with user cluster sharing. We demonstrate FP for these systems and provide analytical expressions for the mean-squared distance (MSD) of the FP metric from its large-system limit for each of the aforementioned topologies. We use these results to examine the detrimental effects of user cluster sharing on FP behavior, and demonstrate the superior performance of the ULA as compared to the UCA and the HURA with equal inter-element spacing. Although cluster sharing has a negative impact on FP for finite arrays, we additionally examine the asymptotic rate of convergence to FP as a function of array size and show that this rate is unchanged with or without user cluster sharing.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in IEEE PIMRC 202

    Joint precoding and antenna selection in massive mimo systems

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    This thesis presents an overview of massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and proposes new algorithms to jointly precode and select the antennas. Massive MIMO is a new technology, which is candidate for comprising the fifth-generation (5G) of mobile cellular systems. This technology employs a huge amount of antennas at the base station and can reach high data rates under favorable, or asymptotically favorable, propagation conditions, while using simple linear processing. However, massive MIMO systems have some drawbacks, such as the high cost related to the base stations. A way to deal with this issue is to employ antenna selection algorithms at the base stations. These algorithms reduce the number of active antennas, decreasing the deployment and maintenance costs related to the base stations. Moreover, this thesis also describes a class of nonlinear precoders that are rarely addressed in the literature; these techniques are able to generate precoded sparse signals in order to achieve joint precoding and antenna selection. This thesis proposes two precoders belonging to this class, where the number of selected antennas is controlled by a design parameter. Simulation results show that the proposed precoders reach a lower bit-error rate than the classical antenna selection algorithms. Furthermore, simulation results show that the proposed precoders present a linear relation between the aforementioned design parameter that controls the signals’ sparsity and the number of selected antennas. Such relation is invariant to the number of base station’s antennas and the number of terminals served by this base station.Esta dissertação apresenta uma visão geral sobre MIMO (do termo em inglês, multiple-input multiple-output) massivo e propõe novos algoritmos que permitem a pré-codificacão de sinais e a seleção de antenas de forma simultânea. MIMO massivo é uma nova tecnologia candidata para compor a quinta geração (5G) dos sistemas celulares. Essa tecnologia utiliza uma quantidade muito grande de antenas na estação-base e, sob condições de propagação favorável ou assintoticamente favorável, pode alcançar taxas de transmissão elevadas, ainda que utilizando um simples processamento linear. Entretanto, os sistemas MIMO massivo apresentam algumas desvantagens, como por exemplo, o alto custo de implementação das estações-bases. Uma maneira de lidar com esse problema é utilizar algoritmos de seleção de antenas na estação-base. Com esses algoritmos é possível reduzir o número de antenas ativas e consequentemente reduzir o custo nas estações-bases. Essa dissertação também apresenta uma classe pouco estudada de pré-codificadores não-lineares que buscam sinais pré-codificados esparsos para realizar a seleção de antenas conjuntamente com a pré-codificação. Além disso, este trabalho propõem dois novos pré-codificadores pertencentes a essa classe, para os quais o número de antenas selecionadas é controlado por um parâmetro de projeto. Resultados de simulações mostram que os pré-codificadores propostos conseguem uma BER (do termo em inglês, bit-error rate) menor que os algoritmos clássicos usados para selecionar antenas. Além disso, resultados de simulações mostram que os pré-codificadores propostos apresentam uma relação linear com o parâmetro de projeto que controla a quantidade de antenas selecionadas; tal relação independe do número de antenas na estação-base e do número de terminais servidos por essa estação