89,644 research outputs found

    Revisiting Content Availability in Distributed Online Social Networks

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    Online Social Networks (OSN) are among the most popular applications in today's Internet. Decentralized online social networks (DOSNs), a special class of OSNs, promise better privacy and autonomy than traditional centralized OSNs. However, ensuring availability of content when the content owner is not online remains a major challenge. In this paper, we rely on the structure of the social graphs underlying DOSN for replication. In particular, we propose that friends, who are anyhow interested in the content, are used to replicate the users content. We study the availability of such natural replication schemes via both theoretical analysis as well as simulations based on data from OSN users. We find that the availability of the content increases drastically when compared to the online time of the user, e. g., by a factor of more than 2 for 90% of the users. Thus, with these simple schemes we provide a baseline for any more complicated content replication scheme.Comment: 11pages, 12 figures; Technical report at TU Berlin, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ISSN 1436-9915

    The geometry of spontaneous spiking in neuronal networks

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    The mathematical theory of pattern formation in electrically coupled networks of excitable neurons forced by small noise is presented in this work. Using the Freidlin-Wentzell large deviation theory for randomly perturbed dynamical systems and the elements of the algebraic graph theory, we identify and analyze the main regimes in the network dynamics in terms of the key control parameters: excitability, coupling strength, and network topology. The analysis reveals the geometry of spontaneous dynamics in electrically coupled network. Specifically, we show that the location of the minima of a certain continuous function on the surface of the unit n-cube encodes the most likely activity patterns generated by the network. By studying how the minima of this function evolve under the variation of the coupling strength, we describe the principal transformations in the network dynamics. The minimization problem is also used for the quantitative description of the main dynamical regimes and transitions between them. In particular, for the weak and strong coupling regimes, we present asymptotic formulas for the network activity rate as a function of the coupling strength and the degree of the network. The variational analysis is complemented by the stability analysis of the synchronous state in the strong coupling regime. The stability estimates reveal the contribution of the network connectivity and the properties of the cycle subspace associated with the graph of the network to its synchronization properties. This work is motivated by the experimental and modeling studies of the ensemble of neurons in the Locus Coeruleus, a nucleus in the brainstem involved in the regulation of cognitive performance and behavior

    Method maximizing the spread of influence in directed signed weighted graphs

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    We propose a new method for maximizing the spread of influence, based on the identification of significant factors of the total energy of a control system. The model of a socio-economic system can be represented in the form of cognitive maps that are directed signed weighted graphs with cause-and-effect relationships and cycles. Identification and selection of target factors and effective control factors of a system is carried out as a solution to the optimal control problem. The influences are determined by the solution to optimization problem of maximizing the objective function, leading to matrix symmetrization. The gear-ratio symmetrization is based on computing the similarity extent of fan-beam structures of the influence spread of vertices v_i and v_j to all other vertices. This approach provides the real computational domain and correctness of solving the optimal control problem. In addition, it does not impose requirements for graphs to be ordering relationships, to have a matrix of special type or to fulfill stability conditions. In this paper, determination of new metrics of vertices, indicating and estimating the extent and the ability to effectively control, are likewise offered. Additionally, we provide experimental results over real cognitive models in support

    A model for cascading failures in complex networks

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    Large but rare cascades triggered by small initial shocks are present in most of the infrastructure networks. Here we present a simple model for cascading failures based on the dynamical redistribution of the flow on the network. We show that the breakdown of a single node is sufficient to collapse the efficiency of the entire system if the node is among the ones with largest load. This is particularly important for real-world networks with an highly hetereogeneous distribution of loads as the Internet and electrical power grids.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure