10 research outputs found

    PSPACE Reasoning for Graded Modal Logics

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    We present a PSPACE algorithm that decides satisfiability of the graded modal logic Gr(K_R)---a natural extension of propositional modal logic K_R by counting expressions---which plays an important role in the area of knowledge representation. The algorithm employs a tableaux approach and is the first known algorithm which meets the lower bound for the complexity of the problem. Thus, we exactly fix the complexity of the problem and refute an ExpTime-hardness conjecture. We extend the results to the logic Gr(K_(R \cap I)), which augments Gr(K_R) with inverse relations and intersection of accessibility relations. This establishes a kind of ``theoretical benchmark'' that all algorithmic approaches can be measured against

    Towards Resolution-based Reasoning for Connected Logics

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    AbstractThe method of connecting logics has gained a lot of attention in the knowledge representation and ontology communities because of its intuitive semantics and natural support for modular KR, its generality, and its robustness concerning decidability preservation. However, so far no dedicated automated reasoning solutions have been developed, and the only reasoning available was via translation into sufficiently expressive logics. In this paper, we present a simple modalised version of basic E-connections, and develop a sound, complete, and terminating resolution-based reasoning procedure. The approach is modular and can be extended to more expressive versions of E-connections

    Labelled Modal Tableaux

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    Labelled tableaux are extensions of semantic tableaux with annotations (labels, indices) whose main function is to enrich the modal object language with semantic elements. This paper consists of three parts. In the first part we consider some options for labels: simple constant labels vs labels with free variables, logic depended inference rules vs labels manipulation based on a label algebra. In the second and third part we concentrate on a particular labelled tableaux system called KEM using free variable and a specialised label algebra. Specifically in the second part we show how labelled tableaux (KEM) can account for different types of logics (e.g., non-normal modal logics and conditional logics). In the third and final part we investigate the relative complexity of labelled tableaux systems and we show that the uses of KEM's label algebra can lead to speed up on proofs

    On the Relative Complexity of Modal Tableaux

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    We investigate the relative complexity of two free-variable labelled modal tableaux (KEM and Single Step Tableaux, SST). We discuss the reasons why p-simulation is not a proper measure of the relative complexity of tableaux-like proof systems, and we propose an improved comparison scale (p-search-simulation). Finally we show that KEM p-search-simulates SST while SST cannot p-search-simulate KEM

    The most nonelementary theory (a direct lower bound proof)

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    We give a direct proof by generic reduction that a decidable rudimentary theory of finite typed sets [Henkin 63, Meyer 74, Statman 79, Mairson 92] requires space exceeding infinitely often an exponentially growing stack of twos. This gives the highest currently known lower bound for a decidable logical theory and affirmatively answers to Problem 10.13 of [Compton & Henson 90]: Is there a `natural' decidable theory with a lower bound of the form exp(f(n))\exp_\infty(f(n)), where ff is not linearly bounded? The highest previously known lower and upper bounds for `natural' decidable theories, like WS1S, S2S, are `just' linearly growing stacks of twos

    The undecidability of the first-order theories of one step rewriting in linear canonical systems

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    By reduction from the halting problem for Minsky's two-register machines we prove that there is no algorithm capable of deciding the EAAA-theory of one step rewriting of an arbitrary finite linear confluent finitely terminating term rewriting system (weak undecidability). We also present a fixed such system with undecidable EA...A-theory of one step rewriting (strong undecidability). This improves over all previously known results of the same kind

    Resolution-based decision procedures for subclasses of first-order logic

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    This thesis studies decidable fragments of first-order logic which are relevant to the field of nonclassical logic and knowledge representation. We show that refinements of resolution based on suitable liftable orderings provide decision procedures for the subclasses E+, K, and DK of first-order logic. By the use of semantics-based translation methods we can embed the description logic ALB and extensions of the basic modal logic K into fragments of first-order logic. We describe various decision procedures based on ordering refinements and selection functions for these fragments and show that a polynomial simulation of tableaux-based decision procedures for these logics is possible. In the final part of the thesis we develop a benchmark suite and perform an empirical analysis of various modal theorem provers.Diese Arbeit untersucht entscheidbare Fragmente der Logik erster Stufe, die mit nicht-klassischen Logiken und Wissensrepräsentationsformalismen im Zusammenhang stehen. Wir zeigen, daß Entscheidungsverfahren für die Teilklassen E+, K, und DK der Logik erster Stufe unter Verwendung von Resolution eingeschränkt durch geeignete liftbare Ordnungen realisiert werden können. Durch Anwendung von semantikbasierten Übersetzungsverfahren lassen sich die Beschreibungslogik ALB und Erweiterungen der Basismodallogik K in Teilklassen der Logik erster Stufe einbetten. Wir stellen eine Reihe von Entscheidungsverfahren auf der Basis von Resolution eingeschränkt durch liftbare Ordnungen und Selektionsfunktionen für diese Logiken vor und zeigen, daß eine polynomielle Simulation von tableaux-basierten Entscheidungsverfahren für diese Logiken möglich ist. Im abschließenden Teil der Arbeit führen wir eine empirische Untersuchung der Performanz verschiedener modallogischer Theorembeweiser durch

    On evaluating decision procedures for modal logic

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    {hustadt, schmidt} topi-sb.mpg.de This paper investigates the evaluation method of decision procedures for multi-modal logic proposed by Giunchiglia and Sebastiani as an adaptation from the evaluation method of Mitchell et al of decision procedures for propositional logic. We compare three different theorem proving approaches, namely the Davis-Putnam-based procedure KSAT, the tableaux-based system KTUS and a translation approach combined with first-order resolution. Our results do not support the claims of Giunchiglia and Sebastiani concerning the computational superiority of KSAT over KRIS, and an easy-hard-easy pattern for randomly generated modal formulae.