280 research outputs found

    MaxLength considered harmful to the RPKI

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    User convenience and strong security are often at odds, and most security applications need to find some sort of balance between these two (often opposing) goals. The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI), a security infrastructure built on top of interdomain routing, is not immune to this issue. The RPKI uses the maxLength attribute to reduce the amount of information that must be explicitly recorded in its cryptographic objects. MaxLength also allows operators to easily reconfigure their networks without modifying their RPKI objects. Our network measurements, however, suggest that the maxLength attribute strikes the wrong balance between security and user convenience. We therefore believe that operators should avoid using maxLength. We give operational recommendations and develop software that allow operators to reap many of the benefits of maxLength without its security costs.https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/1015.pdfhttps://eprint.iacr.org/2016/1015.pdfPublished versio

    Improving Anycast with Measurements

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    Since the first Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks were launched, the strength of such attacks has been steadily increasing, from a few megabits per second to well into the terabit/s range. The damage that these attacks cause, mostly in terms of financial cost, has prompted researchers and operators alike to investigate and implement mitigation strategies. Examples of such strategies include local filtering appliances, Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)-based blackholing and outsourced mitigation in the form of cloud-based DDoS protection providers. Some of these strategies are more suited towards high bandwidth DDoS attacks than others. For example, using a local filtering appliance means that all the attack traffic will still pass through the owner's network. This inherently limits the maximum capacity of such a device to the bandwidth that is available. BGP Blackholing does not have such limitations, but can, as a side-effect, cause service disruptions to end-users. A different strategy, that has not attracted much attention in academia, is based on anycast. Anycast is a technique that allows operators to replicate their service across different physical locations, while keeping that service addressable with just a single IP-address. It relies on the BGP to effectively load balance users. In practice, it is combined with other mitigation strategies to allow those to scale up. Operators can use anycast to scale their mitigation capacity horizontally. Because anycast relies on BGP, and therefore in essence on the Internet itself, it can be difficult for network engineers to fine tune this balancing behavior. In this thesis, we show that that is indeed the case through two different case studies. In the first, we focus on an anycast service during normal operations, namely the Google Public DNS, and show that the routing within this service is far from optimal, for example in terms of distance between the client and the server. In the second case study, we observe the root DNS, while it is under attack, and show that even though in aggregate the bandwidth available to this service exceeds the attack we observed, clients still experienced service degradation. This degradation was caused due to the fact that some sites of the anycast service received a much higher share of traffic than others. In order for operators to improve their anycast networks, and optimize it in terms of resilience against DDoS attacks, a method to assess the actual state of such a network is required. Existing methodologies typically rely on external vantage points, such as those provided by RIPE Atlas, and are therefore limited in scale, and inherently biased in terms of distribution. We propose a new measurement methodology, named Verfploeter, to assess the characteristics of anycast networks in terms of client to Point-of-Presence (PoP) mapping, i.e. the anycast catchment. This method does not rely on external vantage points, is free of bias and offers a much higher resolution than any previous method. We validated this methodology by deploying it on a testbed that was locally developed, as well as on the B root DNS. We showed that the increased \textit{resolution} of this methodology improved our ability to assess the impact of changes in the network configuration, when compared to previous methodologies. As final validation we implement Verfploeter on Cloudflare's global-scale anycast Content Delivery Network (CDN), which has almost 200 global Points-of-Presence and an aggregate bandwidth of 30 Tbit/s. Through three real-world use cases, we demonstrate the benefits of our methodology: Firstly, we show that changes that occur when withdrawing routes from certain PoPs can be accurately mapped, and that in certain cases the effect of taking down a combination of PoPs can be calculated from individual measurements. Secondly, we show that Verfploeter largely reinstates the ping to its former glory, showing how it can be used to troubleshoot network connectivity issues in an anycast context. Thirdly, we demonstrate how accurate anycast catchment maps offer operators a new and highly accurate tool to identify and filter spoofed traffic. Where possible, we make datasets collected over the course of the research in this thesis available as open access data. The two best (open) dataset awards that were awarded for these datasets confirm that they are a valued contribution. In summary, we have investigated two large anycast services and have shown that their deployments are not optimal. We developed a novel measurement methodology, that is free of bias and is able to obtain highly accurate anycast catchment mappings. By implementing this methodology and deploying it on a global-scale anycast network we show that our method adds significant value to the fast-growing anycast CDN industry and enables new ways of detecting, filtering and mitigating DDoS attacks

    Kirin: Hitting the Internet with Millions of Distributed IPv6 Announcements

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    The Internet is a critical resource in the day-to-day life of billions ofusers. To support the growing number of users and their increasing demands,operators have to continuously scale their network footprint -- e.g., byjoining Internet Exchange Points -- and adopt relevant technologies -- such asIPv6. IPv6, however, has a vastly larger address space compared to itspredecessor, which allows for new kinds of attacks on the Internet routinginfrastructure. In this paper, we present Kirin: a BGP attack that sources millions of IPv6routes and distributes them via thousands of sessions across various IXPs tooverflow the memory of border routers within thousands of remote ASes. Kirin'shighly distributed nature allows it to bypass traditional route-floodingdefense mechanisms, such as per-session prefix limits or route flap damping. Weanalyze the theoretical feasibility of the attack by formulating it as aInteger Linear Programming problem, test for practical hurdles by deploying theinfrastructure required to perform a small-scale Kirin attack using 4 IXPs, andvalidate our assumptions via BGP data analysis, real-world measurements, androuter testbed experiments. Despite its low deployment cost, we find Kirincapable of injecting lethal amounts of IPv6 routes in the routers of thousandsof ASes.<br

    Leveraging Conventional Internet Routing Protocol Behavior to Defeat DDoS and Adverse Networking Conditions

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    The Internet is a cornerstone of modern society. Yet increasingly devastating attacks against the Internet threaten to undermine the Internet\u27s success at connecting the unconnected. Of all the adversarial campaigns waged against the Internet and the organizations that rely on it, distributed denial of service, or DDoS, tops the list of the most volatile attacks. In recent years, DDoS attacks have been responsible for large swaths of the Internet blacking out, while other attacks have completely overwhelmed key Internet services and websites. Core to the Internet\u27s functionality is the way in which traffic on the Internet gets from one destination to another. The set of rules, or protocol, that defines the way traffic travels the Internet is known as the Border Gateway Protocol, or BGP, the de facto routing protocol on the Internet. Advanced adversaries often target the most used portions of the Internet by flooding the routes benign traffic takes with malicious traffic designed to cause widespread traffic loss to targeted end users and regions. This dissertation focuses on examining the following thesis statement. Rather than seek to redefine the way the Internet works to combat advanced DDoS attacks, we can leverage conventional Internet routing behavior to mitigate modern distributed denial of service attacks. The research in this work breaks down into a single arc with three independent, but connected thrusts, which demonstrate that the aforementioned thesis is possible, practical, and useful. The first thrust demonstrates that this thesis is possible by building and evaluating Nyx, a system that can protect Internet networks from DDoS using BGP, without an Internet redesign and without cooperation from other networks. This work reveals that Nyx is effective in simulation for protecting Internet networks and end users from the impact of devastating DDoS. The second thrust examines the real-world practicality of Nyx, as well as other systems which rely on real-world BGP behavior. Through a comprehensive set of real-world Internet routing experiments, this second thrust confirms that Nyx works effectively in practice beyond simulation as well as revealing novel insights about the effectiveness of other Internet security defensive and offensive systems. We then follow these experiments by re-evaluating Nyx under the real-world routing constraints we discovered. The third thrust explores the usefulness of Nyx for mitigating DDoS against a crucial industry sector, power generation, by exposing the latent vulnerability of the U.S. power grid to DDoS and how a system such as Nyx can protect electric power utilities. This final thrust finds that the current set of exposed U.S. power facilities are widely vulnerable to DDoS that could induce blackouts, and that Nyx can be leveraged to reduce the impact of these targeted DDoS attacks

    Performance Evaluation of Distributed Security Protocols Using Discrete Event Simulation

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    The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) that manages inter-domain routing on the Internet lacks security. Protective measures using public key cryptography introduce complexities and costs. To support authentication and other security functionality in large networks, we need public key infrastructures (PKIs). Protocols that distribute and validate certificates introduce additional complexities and costs. The certification path building algorithm that helps users establish trust on certificates in the distributed network environment is particularly complicated. Neither routing security nor PKI come for free. Prior to this work, the research study on performance issues of these large-scale distributed security systems was minimal. In this thesis, we evaluate the performance of BGP security protocols and PKI systems. We answer the questions about how the performance affects protocol behaviors and how we can improve the efficiency of these distributed protocols to bring them one step closer to reality. The complexity of the Internet makes an analytical approach difficult; and the scale of Internet makes empirical approaches also unworkable. Consequently, we take the approach of simulation. We have built the simulation frameworks to model a number of BGP security protocols and the PKI system. We have identified performance problems of Secure BGP (S-BGP), a primary BGP security protocol, and proposed and evaluated Signature Amortization (S-A) and Aggregated Path Authentication (APA) schemes that significantly improve efficiency of S-BGP without compromising security. We have also built a simulation framework for general PKI systems and evaluated certification path building algorithms, a critical part of establishing trust in Internet-scale PKI, and used this framework to improve algorithm performance

    Kirin: Hitting the Internet with Millions of Distributed IPv6 Announcements

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    The Internet is a critical resource in the day-to-day life of billions of users. To support the growing number of users and their increasing demands, operators have to continuously scale their network footprint -- e.g., by joining Internet Exchange Points -- and adopt relevant technologies -- such as IPv6. IPv6, however, has a vastly larger address space compared to its predecessor, which allows for new kinds of attacks on the Internet routing infrastructure. In this paper, we revisit prefix de-aggregation attacks in the light of these two changes and introduce Kirin -- an advanced BGP prefix de-aggregation attack that sources millions of IPv6 routes and distributes them via thousands of sessions across various IXPs to overflow the memory of border routers within thousands of remote ASes. Kirin's highly distributed nature allows it to bypass traditional route-flooding defense mechanisms, such as per-session prefix limits or route flap damping. We analyze the theoretical feasibility of the attack by formulating it as a Integer Linear Programming problem, test for practical hurdles by deploying the infrastructure required to perform a small-scale Kirin attack using 4 IXPs, and validate our assumptions via BGP data analysis, real-world measurements, and router testbed experiments. Despite its low deployment cost, we find Kirin capable of injecting lethal amounts of IPv6 routes in the routers of thousands of ASes

    Improving the accuracy of spoofed traffic inference in inter-domain traffic

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    Ascertaining that a network will forward spoofed traffic usually requires an active probing vantage point in that network, effectively preventing a comprehensive view of this global Internet vulnerability. We argue that broader visibility into the spoofing problem may lie in the capability to infer lack of Source Address Validation (SAV) compliance from large, heavily aggregated Internet traffic data, such as traffic observable at Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). The key idea is to use IXPs as observatories to detect spoofed packets, by leveraging Autonomous System (AS) topology knowledge extracted from Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) data to infer which source addresses should legitimately appear across parts of the IXP switch fabric. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the existing literature does not capture several fundamental challenges to this approach, including noise in BGP data sources, heuristic AS relationship inference, and idiosyncrasies in IXP interconnec- tivity fabrics. We propose Spoofer-IX, a novel methodology to navigate these challenges, leveraging Customer Cone semantics of AS relationships to guide precise classification of inter-domain traffic as In-cone, Out-of-cone ( spoofed ), Unverifiable, Bogon, and Unas- signed. We apply our methodology on extensive data analysis using real traffic data from two distinct IXPs in Brazil, a mid-size and a large-size infrastructure. In the mid-size IXP with more than 200 members, we find an upper bound volume of Out-of-cone traffic to be more than an order of magnitude less than the previous method inferred on the same data, revealing the practical importance of Customer Cone semantics in such analysis. We also found no significant improvement in deployment of SAV in networks using the mid-size IXP between 2017 and 2019. In hopes that our methods and tools generalize to use by other IXPs who want to avoid use of their infrastructure for launching spoofed-source DoS attacks, we explore the feasibility of scaling the system to larger and more diverse IXP infrastructures. To promote this goal, and broad replicability of our results, we make the source code of Spoofer-IX publicly available. This thesis illustrates the subtleties of scientific assessments of operational Internet infrastructure, and the need for a community focus on reproducing and repeating previous methods.A constatação de que uma rede encaminhará tráfego falsificado geralmente requer um ponto de vantagem ativo de medição nessa rede, impedindo efetivamente uma visão abrangente dessa vulnerabilidade global da Internet. Isto posto, argumentamos que uma visibilidade mais ampla do problema de spoofing pode estar na capacidade de inferir a falta de conformidade com as práticas de Source Address Validation (SAV) a partir de dados de tráfego da Internet altamente agregados, como o tráfego observável nos Internet Exchange Points (IXPs). A ideia chave é usar IXPs como observatórios para detectar pacotes falsificados, aproveitando o conhecimento da topologia de sistemas autônomos extraído dos dados do protocolo BGP para inferir quais endereços de origem devem aparecer legitimamente nas comunicações através da infra-estrutura de um IXP. Nesta tese, demonstramos que a literatura existente não captura diversos desafios fundamentais para essa abordagem, incluindo ruído em fontes de dados BGP, inferência heurística de relacionamento de sistemas autônomos e características específicas de interconectividade nas infraestruturas de IXPs. Propomos o Spoofer-IX, uma nova metodologia para superar esses desafios, utilizando a semântica do Customer Cone de relacionamento de sistemas autônomos para guiar com precisão a classificação de tráfego inter-domínio como In-cone, Out-of-cone ( spoofed ), Unverifiable, Bogon, e Unassigned. Aplicamos nossa metodologia em análises extensivas sobre dados reais de tráfego de dois IXPs distintos no Brasil, uma infraestrutura de médio porte e outra de grande porte. No IXP de tamanho médio, com mais de 200 membros, encontramos um limite superior do volume de tráfego Out-of-cone uma ordem de magnitude menor que o método anterior inferiu sob os mesmos dados, revelando a importância prática da semântica do Customer Cone em tal análise. Além disso, não encontramos melhorias significativas na implantação do Source Address Validation (SAV) em redes usando o IXP de tamanho médio entre 2017 e 2019. Na esperança de que nossos métodos e ferramentas sejam aplicáveis para uso por outros IXPs que desejam evitar o uso de sua infraestrutura para iniciar ataques de negação de serviço através de pacotes de origem falsificada, exploramos a viabilidade de escalar o sistema para infraestruturas IXP maiores e mais diversas. Para promover esse objetivo e a ampla replicabilidade de nossos resultados, disponibilizamos publicamente o código fonte do Spoofer-IX. Esta tese ilustra as sutilezas das avaliações científicas da infraestrutura operacional da Internet e a necessidade de um foco da comunidade na reprodução e repetição de métodos anteriores

    On the Effectiveness of BGP Hijackers That Evade Public Route Collectors

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    Routing hijack attacks have plagued the Internet for decades. After many failed mitigation attempts, recent Internet-wide BGP monitoring infrastructures relying on distributed route collection systems, called route collectors, give us hope that future monitor systems can quickly detect and ultimately mitigate hijacks. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of public route collectors with respect to future attackers deliberately engineering longer hijacks to avoid being recorded by route collectors. Our extensive simulations (and attacks we device) show that monitor-based systems may be unable to observe many carefully crafted hijacks diverting traffic from thousands of ASes. Hijackers could predict whether their attacks would propagate to some BGP feeders (i.e., monitors) of public route collectors. Then, manipulate BGP route propagation so that the attack never reaches those monitors. This observation remains true when considering plausible future Internet topologies, with more IXP links and up to 4 times more monitors peering with route collectors. We then evaluate the feasibility of performing hijacks not observed by route collectors in the real-world. We experiment with two classifiers to predict the monitors that are dangerous to report the attack to route collectors, one based on monitor proximities (i.e., shortest path lengths) and another based on Gao-Rexford routing policies. We show that a proximity-based classifier could be sufficient for the hijacker to identify all dangerous monitors for hijacks announced to peer-to-peer neighbors. For hijacks announced to transit networks, a Gao-Rexford classifier reduces wrong inferences by ≥91%\ge 91\% without introducing new misclassifications for existing dangerous monitors
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