13 research outputs found

    On Dependency Graphs and the Lattice Gas

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    Note on the smallest root of the independence polynomial

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    One can define the independence polynomial of a graph G as follows. Let i(k)(G) denote the number of independent sets of size k of G, where i(0)(G) = 1. Then the independence polynomial of G is I(G,x) = Sigma(n)(k=0)(-1)(k)i(k)(G)x(k). In this paper we give a new proof of the fact that the root of I(G,x) having the smallest modulus is unique and is real

    The Lefthanded Local Lemma characterizes chordal dependency graphs

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    Shearer gave a general theorem characterizing the family \LLL of dependency graphs labeled with probabilities pvp_v which have the property that for any family of events with a dependency graph from \LLL (whose vertex-labels are upper bounds on the probabilities of the events), there is a positive probability that none of the events from the family occur. We show that, unlike the standard Lov\'asz Local Lemma---which is less powerful than Shearer's condition on every nonempty graph---a recently proved `Lefthanded' version of the Local Lemma is equivalent to Shearer's condition for all chordal graphs. This also leads to a simple and efficient algorithm to check whether a given labeled chordal graph is in \LLL.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Finitely dependent coloring

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    We prove that proper coloring distinguishes between block-factors and finitely dependent stationary processes. A stochastic process is finitely dependent if variables at sufficiently well-separated locations are independent; it is a block-factor if it can be expressed as an equivariant finite-range function of independent variables. The problem of finding non-block-factor finitely dependent processes dates back to 1965. The first published example appeared in 1993, and we provide arguably the first natural examples. More precisely, Schramm proved in 2008 that no stationary 1-dependent 3-coloring of the integers exists, and conjectured that no stationary k-dependent q-coloring exists for any k and q. We disprove this by constructing a 1-dependent 4-coloring and a 2-dependent 3-coloring, thus resolving the question for all k and q. Our construction is canonical and natural, yet very different from all previous schemes. In its pure form it yields precisely the two finitely dependent colorings mentioned above, and no others. The processes provide unexpected connections between extremal cases of the Lovasz local lemma and descent and peak sets of random permutations. Neither coloring can be expressed as a block-factor, nor as a function of a finite-state Markov chain; indeed, no stationary finitely dependent coloring can be so expressed. We deduce extensions involving d dimensions and shifts of finite type; in fact, any non-degenerate shift of finite type also distinguishes between block-factors and finitely dependent processes

    Sequences with changing dependencies

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    Consider words over an alphabet with n letters. Fisher [Amer. Math. Monthly, 96 (1989), pp. 610 - 614] calculated the number of distinct words of length l assuming certain pairs of letters commute. In this paper we are interested in a more general setting where the pairs of letters that commute at a certain position of a word depend on the initial segment of the word. In particular, we show that if for each word at each position any letter fails to commute with at most a constant number of other letters, then the number of distinct words of length l is at most Cn+l for some constant C. We use this result to obtain a lower bound on the number of diagonal flips required in the worst case to transform one n-vertex labeled triangulated planar graph into some other one

    Bears with Hats and Independence Polynomials

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    Consider the following hat guessing game. A bear sits on each vertex of a graph GG, and a demon puts on each bear a hat colored by one of hh colors. Each bear sees only the hat colors of his neighbors. Based on this information only, each bear has to guess gg colors and he guesses correctly if his hat color is included in his guesses. The bears win if at least one bear guesses correctly for any hat arrangement. We introduce a new parameter - fractional hat chromatic number μ^\hat{\mu}, arising from the hat guessing game. The parameter μ^\hat{\mu} is related to the hat chromatic number which has been studied before. We present a surprising connection between the hat guessing game and the independence polynomial of graphs. This connection allows us to compute the fractional hat chromatic number of chordal graphs in polynomial time, to bound fractional hat chromatic number by a function of maximum degree of GG, and to compute the exact value of μ^\hat{\mu} of cliques, paths, and cycles