28,663 research outputs found

    Automated Mobile System for Accurate Outdoor Tree Crop Enumeration Using an Uncalibrated Camera.

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    This paper demonstrates an automated computer vision system for outdoor tree crop enumeration in a seedling nursery. The complete system incorporates both hardware components (including an embedded microcontroller, an odometry encoder, and an uncalibrated digital color camera) and software algorithms (including microcontroller algorithms and the proposed algorithm for tree crop enumeration) required to obtain robust performance in a natural outdoor environment. The enumeration system uses a three-step image analysis process based upon: (1) an orthographic plant projection method integrating a perspective transform with automatic parameter estimation; (2) a plant counting method based on projection histograms; and (3) a double-counting avoidance method based on a homography transform. Experimental results demonstrate the ability to count large numbers of plants automatically with no human effort. Results show that, for tree seedlings having a height up to 40 cm and a within-row tree spacing of approximately 10 cm, the algorithms successfully estimated the number of plants with an average accuracy of 95.2% for trees within a single image and 98% for counting of the whole plant population in a large sequence of images

    Temporal variations of the anomalous oxygen component

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    Data from the cosmic ray experiment on Voyagers 1 and 2 was used to examine anomalous oxygen in the time period from launch in 1977 to the end of 1981. Several time periods were found where large periodic (typically 26 day) temporal variations of the oxygen intensity between approximately 5 - 15 MeV/nuc are present. Variations in intensity by up to a factor of 10 are observed during these periods. Several characteristics of these variations indicate that they are not higher energy extensions of the low energy particle (approximately 1 MeV/nuc) increases found in many corotating interaction regions (CIR's). Many of these periodic temporal variations are correlated with similar, but much smaller, recurrent variations in the 75 MeV proton rate. Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 counting rates were compared to estimate the local radial gradient for both the protons and the oxygen. The proton gradients during periods of both maximum and minumum fluxes are consistent with the overall positive radial gradients reported by others from Pioneer and near-Earth observations, supporting the view that these variations are due to local modulation of a source outside the radial range of project measurements. In contrast, the oxygen gradients during periods of maximum proton flux differ in sign from those during minimum proton fluxes, suggesting that the origin of the oxygen variations is different from that of the protons

    Acceleration of protons at 32 Jovian radii in the outer magnetosphere of jupiter

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    During the inbound pass of Pioneer 10, a rapid ten-fold increase of the 0.2 to MeV proton flux was observed at 32 Jovian radii (R sub J). The total event lasted for 30 minutes and was made up of a number of superimposed individual events. At the time, the spacecraft was in the outer magnetosphere about 7 R sub J below the magnetic equator. Before and after the event, the proton flux was characteristic of the low flux level normally encountered between crossings of the magnetic equator. Flux changes at different energies were coherent within 1 minute; a time comparable to the time resolution of the data. The angular distributions were highly anisotropic with protons streaming towards Jupiter. A field-aligned dumbbell distribution was observed initially, and a pancake distribution just before the flux decayed to its pre-event value. The alpha particle flux changed as rapidly as the proton flux but peaked at different times. The energetic electron flux behaved differently; it increased gradually throughout the period

    Atomic discreteness and the nature of structural equilibrium in conductance histograms of electromigrated Cu-nanocontacts

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    We investigate the histograms of conductance values obtained during controlled electromigration thinning of Cu thin films. We focus on the question whether the most frequently observed conductance values, apparent as peaks in conductance histograms, can be attributed to the atomic structure of the wire. To this end we calculate the Fourier transform of the conductance histograms. We find all the frequencies matching the highly symmetric crystallographic directions of fcc-Cu. In addition, there are other frequencies explainable by oxidation and possibly formation of hcp-Cu. With these structures we can explain all peaks occurring in the Fourier transform within the relevant range. The results remain the same if only a third of the samples are included. By comparing our results to the ones available in the literature on work-hardened nanowires we find indications that even at low temperatures of the environment, metallic nanocontacts could show enhanced electromigration at low current densities due to defects enhancing electron scattering

    Nodal Domain Statistics for Quantum Maps, Percolation and SLE

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    We develop a percolation model for nodal domains in the eigenvectors of quantum chaotic torus maps. Our model follows directly from the assumption that the quantum maps are described by random matrix theory. Its accuracy in predicting statistical properties of the nodal domains is demonstrated by numerical computations for perturbed cat maps and supports the use of percolation theory to describe the wave functions of general hamiltonian systems, where the validity of the underlying assumptions is much less clear. We also demonstrate that the nodal domains of the perturbed cat maps obey the Cardy crossing formula and find evidence that the boundaries of the nodal domains are described by SLE with κ\kappa close to the expected value of 6, suggesting that quantum chaotic wave functions may exhibit conformal invariance in the semiclassical limit.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure