48 research outputs found

    Linear cryptanalysis of pseudorandom functions

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    Relatório de projeto de pesquisa.In this paper, we study linear relations propagating across block ciphers from the key input to the ciphertext (for a fixed plaintext block). This is a usual setting of a one-way function, used for instance in modes of operation such as KFB (key feedback). We instantiate the block cipher with the full 16-round DES and s2s^2-DES, 10-round LOKI91 and 24-round Khufu, for which linear relations with high bias are well known. Other interesting targets include the full 8.5-round IDEA and PES ciphers for which high bias linear relations exist under the assumption of weak keys. Consequences of these findings impact the security of modes of operation such as KFB and of pseudorandom number/bit generators. These analyses were possible due to the linear structure and the poor diffusion of the key schedule algorithms. These findings shall motivate carefull (re)design of current and future key schedule algorithms

    RAZOR A Lightweight Block Cipher for Security in IoT

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    Rapid technological developments prompted a need to do everything from anywhere and that is growing due to modern lifestyle. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is helping to provide the solutions by inter-connecting the smart devices. Lightweight block ciphers are deployed to enable the security in such devices. In this paper, a new lightweight block cipher RAZOR is proposed that is based on a hybrid design technique. The round function of RAZOR is designed by mixing the Feistel and substitution permutation network techniques. The rotation and XOR based diffusion function is applied on 32-bit input with 8 branches and branch number 7 to optimize the security. The strength of RAZOR is proved against differential, linear, and impossible differential attacks. The number of active S-boxes in any 5-round differential characteristic of RAZOR is 21 in comparison to the 10, 6, 4, 7, and 6 for PRESENT, Rectangle, LBlock, GIFT, and SCENERY respectively. RAZOR provides better security than the existing lightweight designs. The average throughput of 1.47 mega bytes per second to encrypt the large files makes it a better choice for software oriented IoT applications

    Cryptographic properties of Boolean functions defining elementary cellular automata

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    In this work, the algebraic properties of the local transition functions of elementary cellular automata (ECA) were analysed. Specifically, a classification of such cellular automata was done according to their algebraic degree, the balancedness, the resiliency, nonlinearity, the propagation criterion and the existence of non-zero linear structures. It is shown that there is not any ECA satisfying all properties at the same time

    A Better Key Schedule for DES-like Ciphers

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    Several DES-like ciphers aren't utilizing their full potential strength, because of the short key and linear or otherwise easily tractable algorithms they use to generate their key schedules. Using DES as example, we show a way to generate round subkeys to increase the cipher strength substantially by making relations between the round subkeys practically intractable

    Results from a Search for the Best Linear Approximation of a Block Cipher

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    In this paper, we investigate the application of an algorithm to find the best linear approximation of a basic Substitution-Permutation Network block cipher. The results imply that, while it is well known that the S-box used for the Advanced Encryption Standard has good nonlinear properties, it is straightforward to randomly select other S-boxes which are able to provide a similar level of security, as indicated by the exact bias of the best linear approximation found by the algorithm, rather than a simple upper bound on the maximum bias

    Rectangle and Boomerang Attacks on DES

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    Multiple Linear Cryptanalysis of Reduced-Round SMS4 Block Cipher

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    SMS4 is a 32-round unbalanced Feistel block cipher with its block size and key size being 128 bits. As a fundamental block cipher used in the WAPI standard, the Chinese national standard for WLAN, it has been widely implemented in Chinese WLAN industry. In this paper, we present a modified branch-and-bound algorithm which can be used for searching multiple linear characteristics for SMS4-like unbalanced Feistel block ciphers. Furthermore, we find a series of 5-round iterative linear characteristics of SMS4 when applying the modified algorithm in SMS4. Then based on each 5-round iterative linear characteristic mentioned above, an 18-round linear characteristic of SMS4 can be constructed, thus leading to a list of 18-round linear characteristics of SMS4. According to the framework of Biryukov $et\ al.$ from Crpto 2004, a key recovery attack can be mounted on 22-round SMS4 by utilizing the above multiple linear characteristics. As a matter of fact, our result has much lower data complexity than the previously best known cryptanalytic result on 22-round SMS4, which is also the previously best known result on SMS4

    On the Role of Key Schedules in Attacks on Iterated Ciphers

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    Abstract. This paper considers iterated ciphers and their resistance against linear and differential cryptanalysis. In the theory of these attacks one assumes independence of the round keys in the ciphers. Very often though, the round keys are computed in a key schedule algorithm from a short key in a nonrandom fashion. In this paper it is shown by experiments that ciphers with complex key schedules resist both attacks better than ciphers with more straightforward key schedules. It is well-known that by assuming independent round keys the probabilities of differentials and linear hulls can be modeled by Markov chains and that for most such ciphers the distribution of the probabilities of these converge to the uniform distribution after some number of rounds. The presented experiments illustrate that some iterated ciphers with very simple key schedules will never reach this uniform distribution. Also the experiments show that ciphers with well-designed, complex key schedules reach the uniform distribution faster (using fewer rounds) than ciphers with poorly designed key schedules. As a side result it was found that there exist ciphers for which the differential of the highest probability for one fixed key is also the differential of the highest probability for any other key. It is believed that this is the first such example provided in the literature

    Improving the Search Algorithm for the Best Linear Expression

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