556 research outputs found

    Some Results On Convex Greedy Embedding Conjecture for 3-Connected Planar Graphs

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    A greedy embedding of a graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E) into a metric space (X,d)(X,d) is a function x:V(G)→Xx : V(G) \to X such that in the embedding for every pair of non-adjacent vertices x(s),x(t)x(s), x(t) there exists another vertex x(u)x(u) adjacent to x(s)x(s) which is closer to x(t)x(t) than x(s)x(s). This notion of greedy embedding was defined by Papadimitriou and Ratajczak (Theor. Comput. Sci. 2005), where authors conjectured that every 3-connected planar graph has a greedy embedding (possibly planar and convex) in the Euclidean plane. Recently, greedy embedding conjecture has been proved by Leighton and Moitra (FOCS 2008). However, their algorithm do not result in a drawing that is planar and convex for all 3-connected planar graph in the Euclidean plane. In this work we consider the planar convex greedy embedding conjecture and make some progress. We derive a new characterization of planar convex greedy embedding that given a 3-connected planar graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E), an embedding x: V \to \bbbr^2 of GG is a planar convex greedy embedding if and only if, in the embedding xx, weight of the maximum weight spanning tree (TT) and weight of the minimum weight spanning tree (\func{MST}) satisfies \WT(T)/\WT(\func{MST}) \leq (\card{V}-1)^{1 - \delta}, for some 0<δ≤10 < \delta \leq 1.Comment: 19 pages, A short version of this paper has been accepted for presentation in FCT 2009 - 17th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theor

    Euclidean Greedy Drawings of Trees

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    Greedy embedding (or drawing) is a simple and efficient strategy to route messages in wireless sensor networks. For each source-destination pair of nodes s, t in a greedy embedding there is always a neighbor u of s that is closer to t according to some distance metric. The existence of greedy embeddings in the Euclidean plane R^2 is known for certain graph classes such as 3-connected planar graphs. We completely characterize the trees that admit a greedy embedding in R^2. This answers a question by Angelini et al. (Graph Drawing 2009) and is a further step in characterizing the graphs that admit Euclidean greedy embeddings.Comment: Expanded version of a paper to appear in the 21st European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2013). 24 pages, 20 figure

    On Planar Greedy Drawings of 3-Connected Planar Graphs

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    A graph drawing is greedy if, for every ordered pair of vertices (x,y), there is a path from x to y such that the Euclidean distance to y decreases monotonically at every vertex of the path. Greedy drawings support a simple geometric routing scheme, in which any node that has to send a packet to a destination "greedily" forwards the packet to any neighbor that is closer to the destination than itself, according to the Euclidean distance in the drawing. In a greedy drawing such a neighbor always exists and hence this routing scheme is guaranteed to succeed. In 2004 Papadimitriou and Ratajczak stated two conjectures related to greedy drawings. The greedy embedding conjecture states that every 3-connected planar graph admits a greedy drawing. The convex greedy embedding conjecture asserts that every 3-connected planar graph admits a planar greedy drawing in which the faces are delimited by convex polygons. In 2008 the greedy embedding conjecture was settled in the positive by Leighton and Moitra. In this paper we prove that every 3-connected planar graph admits a planar greedy drawing. Apart from being a strengthening of Leighton and Moitra\u27s result, this theorem constitutes a natural intermediate step towards a proof of the convex greedy embedding conjecture

    On the Area Requirements of Planar Greedy Drawings of Triconnected Planar Graphs

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    In this paper we study the area requirements of planar greedy drawings of triconnected planar graphs. Cao, Strelzoff, and Sun exhibited a family H\cal H of subdivisions of triconnected plane graphs and claimed that every planar greedy drawing of the graphs in H\mathcal H respecting the prescribed plane embedding requires exponential area. However, we show that every nn-vertex graph in H\cal H actually has a planar greedy drawing respecting the prescribed plane embedding on an O(n)×O(n)O(n)\times O(n) grid. This reopens the question whether triconnected planar graphs admit planar greedy drawings on a polynomial-size grid. Further, we provide evidence for a positive answer to the above question by proving that every nn-vertex Halin graph admits a planar greedy drawing on an O(n)×O(n)O(n)\times O(n) grid. Both such results are obtained by actually constructing drawings that are convex and angle-monotone. Finally, we consider α\alpha-Schnyder drawings, which are angle-monotone and hence greedy if α≤30∘\alpha\leq 30^\circ, and show that there exist planar triangulations for which every α\alpha-Schnyder drawing with a fixed α<60∘\alpha<60^\circ requires exponential area for any resolution rule

    Some Results on Greedy Embeddings in Metric Spaces

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    Geographic Routing is a family of routing algorithms that uses geographic point locations as addresses for the purposes of routing. Such routing algorithms have proven to be both simple to implement and heuristically effective when applied to wireless sensor networks. Greedy Routing is a natural abstraction of this model in which nodes are assigned virtual coordinates in a metric space, and these coordinates are used to perform point-to-point routing. Here we resolve a conjecture of Papadimitriou and Ratajczak that every 3-connected planar graph admits a greedy embedding into the Euclidean plane. This immediately implies that all 3-connected graphs that exclude K 3,3 as a minor admit a greedy embedding into the Euclidean plane. We also prove a combinatorial condition that guarantees nonembeddability. We use this result to construct graphs that can be greedily embedded into the Euclidean plane, but for which no spanning tree admits such an embedding.Massachusetts Institute of Technology ((Akamai) Presidential Fellowship

    A version of Tutte's polynomial for hypergraphs

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    Tutte's dichromate T(x,y) is a well known graph invariant. Using the original definition in terms of internal and external activities as our point of departure, we generalize the valuations T(x,1) and T(1,y) to hypergraphs. In the definition, we associate activities to hypertrees, which are generalizations of the indicator function of the edge set of a spanning tree. We prove that hypertrees form a lattice polytope which is the set of bases in a polymatroid. In fact, we extend our invariants to integer polymatroids as well. We also examine hypergraphs that can be represented by planar bipartite graphs, write their hypertree polytopes in the form of a determinant, and prove a duality property that leads to an extension of Tutte's Tree Trinity Theorem.Comment: 49 page
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