1,095 research outputs found

    Polynomial Interrupt Timed Automata

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    Interrupt Timed Automata (ITA) form a subclass of stopwatch automata where reachability and some variants of timed model checking are decidable even in presence of parameters. They are well suited to model and analyze real-time operating systems. Here we extend ITA with polynomial guards and updates, leading to the class of polynomial ITA (PolITA). We prove the decidability of the reachability and model checking of a timed version of CTL by an adaptation of the cylindrical decomposition method for the first-order theory of reals. Compared to previous approaches, our procedure handles parameters and clocks in a unified way. Moreover, we show that PolITA are incomparable with stopwatch automata. Finally additional features are introduced while preserving decidability

    Language Emptiness of Continuous-Time Parametric Timed Automata

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    Parametric timed automata extend the standard timed automata with the possibility to use parameters in the clock guards. In general, if the parameters are real-valued, the problem of language emptiness of such automata is undecidable even for various restricted subclasses. We thus focus on the case where parameters are assumed to be integer-valued, while the time still remains continuous. On the one hand, we show that the problem remains undecidable for parametric timed automata with three clocks and one parameter. On the other hand, for the case with arbitrary many clocks where only one of these clocks is compared with (an arbitrary number of) parameters, we show that the parametric language emptiness is decidable. The undecidability result tightens the bounds of a previous result which assumed six parameters, while the decidability result extends the existing approaches that deal with discrete-time semantics only. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first positive result in the case of continuous-time and unbounded integer parameters, except for the rather simple case of single-clock automata

    Quantitative model checking of continuous-time Markov chains against timed automata specifications

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    We study the following problem: given a continuous-time Markov chain (CTMC) C, and a linear real-time property provided as a deterministic timed automaton (DTA) A, what is the probability of the set of paths of C that are\ud accepted by A (C satisfies A)? It is shown that this set of paths is measurable and computing its probability can be reduced to computing the reachability probability in a piecewise deterministic Markov process (PDP). The reachability probability is characterized as the least solution of a system of integral equations and is shown to be approximated by solving a system of partial differential equations. For the special case of single-clock DTA, the system of integral equations can be transformed into a system of linear equations where the coefficients are solutions of ordinary differential equations

    Simple Priced Timed Games Are Not That Simple

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    Priced timed games are two-player zero-sum games played on priced timed automata (whose locations and transitions are labeled by weights modeling the costs of spending time in a state and executing an action, respectively). The goals of the players are to minimise and maximise the cost to reach a target location, respectively. We consider priced timed games with one clock and arbitrary (positive and negative) weights and show that, for an important subclass of theirs (the so-called simple priced timed games), one can compute, in exponential time, the optimal values that the players can achieve, with their associated optimal strategies. As side results, we also show that one-clock priced timed games are determined and that we can use our result on simple priced timed games to solve the more general class of so-called reset-acyclic priced timed games (with arbitrary weights and one-clock)

    LTL Parameter Synthesis of Parametric Timed Automata

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    The parameter synthesis problem for parametric timed automata is undecidable in general even for very simple reachability properties. In this paper we introduce restrictions on parameter valuations under which the parameter synthesis problem is decidable for LTL properties. The investigated bounded integer parameter synthesis problem could be solved using an explicit enumeration of all possible parameter valuations. We propose an alternative symbolic zone-based method for this problem which results in a faster computation. Our technique extends the ideas of the automata-based approach to LTL model checking of timed automata. To justify the usefulness of our approach, we provide experimental evaluation and compare our method with explicit enumeration technique.Comment: 23 pages, extended versio