301,462 research outputs found

    Asymptotics of the Euler number of bipartite graphs

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    We define the Euler number of a bipartite graph on nn vertices to be the number of labelings of the vertices with 1,2,...,n1,2,...,n such that the vertices alternate in being local maxima and local minima. We reformulate the problem of computing the Euler number of certain subgraphs of the Cartesian product of a graph GG with the path PmP_m in terms of self adjoint operators. The asymptotic expansion of the Euler number is given in terms of the eigenvalues of the associated operator. For two classes of graphs, the comb graphs and the Cartesian product P2â–¡PmP_2 \Box P_m, we numerically solve the eigenvalue problem.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure, submitted to JCT

    Graph edit distance from spectral seriation

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    This paper is concerned with computing graph edit distance. One of the criticisms that can be leveled at existing methods for computing graph edit distance is that they lack some of the formality and rigor of the computation of string edit distance. Hence, our aim is to convert graphs to string sequences so that string matching techniques can be used. To do this, we use a graph spectral seriation method to convert the adjacency matrix into a string or sequence order. We show how the serial ordering can be established using the leading eigenvector of the graph adjacency matrix. We pose the problem of graph-matching as a maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) alignment of the seriation sequences for pairs of graphs. This treatment leads to an expression in which the edit cost is the negative logarithm of the a posteriori sequence alignment probability. We compute the edit distance by finding the sequence of string edit operations which minimizes the cost of the path traversing the edit lattice. The edit costs are determined by the components of the leading eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix and by the edge densities of the graphs being matched. We demonstrate the utility of the edit distance on a number of graph clustering problems

    Hardness and Algorithms for Rainbow Connectivity

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    An edge-colored graph G is rainbow connected if any two vertices are connected by a path whose edges have distinct colors. The rainbow connectivity of a connected graph G, denoted rc(G), is the smallest number of colors that are needed in order to make G rainbow connected. In addition to being a natural combinatorial problem, the rainbow connectivity problem is motivated by applications in cellular networks. In this paper we give the first proof that computing rc(G) is NP-Hard. In fact, we prove that it is already NP-Complete to decide if rc(G) = 2, and also that it is NP-Complete to decide whether a given edge-colored (with an unbounded number of colors) graph is rainbow connected. On the positive side, we prove that for every ϵ\epsilon > 0, a connected graph with minimum degree at least ϵn\epsilon n has bounded rainbow connectivity, where the bound depends only on ϵ\epsilon, and the corresponding coloring can be constructed in polynomial time. Additional non-trivial upper bounds, as well as open problems and conjectures are also pre sented
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