188 research outputs found

    Efficient Semantic-based Content Search in P2P Network

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    Most existing Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems support only title-based searches and are limited in functionality when compared to today’s search engines. In this paper, we present the design of a distributed P2P information sharing system that supports semantic-based content searches of relevant documents. First, we propose a general and extensible framework for searching similar documents in P2P network. The framework is based on the novel concept of Hierarchical Summary Structure. Second, based on the framework, we develop our efficient document searching system, by effectively summarizing and maintaining all documents within the network with different granularity. Finally, an experimental study is conducted on a real P2P prototype, and a large-scale network is further simulated. The results show the effectiveness, efficiency and scalability of the proposed system.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Dynamics, robustness and fragility of trust

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    Trust is often conveyed through delegation, or through recommendation. This makes the trust authorities, who process and publish trust recommendations, into an attractive target for attacks and spoofing. In some recent empiric studies, this was shown to lead to a remarkable phenomenon of *adverse selection*: a greater percentage of unreliable or malicious web merchants were found among those with certain types of trust certificates, then among those without. While such findings can be attributed to a lack of diligence in trust authorities, or even to conflicts of interest, our analysis of trust dynamics suggests that public trust networks would probably remain vulnerable even if trust authorities were perfectly diligent. The reason is that the process of trust building, if trust is not breached too often, naturally leads to power-law distributions: the rich get richer, the trusted attract more trust. The evolutionary processes with such distributions, ubiquitous in nature, are known to be robust with respect to random failures, but vulnerable to adaptive attacks. We recommend some ways to decrease the vulnerability of trust building, and suggest some ideas for exploration.Comment: 17 pages; simplified the statement and the proof of the main theorem; FAST 200

    A customized semantic service retrieval methodology for the digital ecosystems environment

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    With the emergence of the Web and its pervasive intrusion on individuals, organizations, businesses etc., people now realize that they are living in a digital environment analogous to the ecological ecosystem. Consequently, no individual or organization can ignore the huge impact of the Web on social well-being, growth and prosperity, or the changes that it has brought about to the world economy, transforming it from a self-contained, isolated, and static environment to an open, connected, dynamic environment. Recently, the European Union initiated a research vision in relation to this ubiquitous digital environment, known as Digital (Business) Ecosystems. In the Digital Ecosystems environment, there exist ubiquitous and heterogeneous species, and ubiquitous, heterogeneous, context-dependent and dynamic services provided or requested by species. Nevertheless, existing commercial search engines lack sufficient semantic supports, which cannot be employed to disambiguate user queries and cannot provide trustworthy and reliable service retrieval. Furthermore, current semantic service retrieval research focuses on service retrieval in the Web service field, which cannot provide requested service retrieval functions that take into account the features of Digital Ecosystem services. Hence, in this thesis, we propose a customized semantic service retrieval methodology, enabling trustworthy and reliable service retrieval in the Digital Ecosystems environment, by considering the heterogeneous, context-dependent and dynamic nature of services and the heterogeneous and dynamic nature of service providers and service requesters in Digital Ecosystems.The customized semantic service retrieval methodology comprises: 1) a service information discovery, annotation and classification methodology; 2) a service retrieval methodology; 3) a service concept recommendation methodology; 4) a quality of service (QoS) evaluation and service ranking methodology; and 5) a service domain knowledge updating, and service-provider-based Service Description Entity (SDE) metadata publishing, maintenance and classification methodology.The service information discovery, annotation and classification methodology is designed for discovering ubiquitous service information from the Web, annotating the discovered service information with ontology mark-up languages, and classifying the annotated service information by means of specific service domain knowledge, taking into account the heterogeneous and context-dependent nature of Digital Ecosystem services and the heterogeneous nature of service providers. The methodology is realized by the prototype of a Semantic Crawler, the aim of which is to discover service advertisements and service provider profiles from webpages, and annotating the information with service domain ontologies.The service retrieval methodology enables service requesters to precisely retrieve the annotated service information, taking into account the heterogeneous nature of Digital Ecosystem service requesters. The methodology is presented by the prototype of a Service Search Engine. Since service requesters can be divided according to the group which has relevant knowledge with regard to their service requests, and the group which does not have relevant knowledge with regard to their service requests, we respectively provide two different service retrieval modules. The module for the first group enables service requesters to directly retrieve service information by querying its attributes. The module for the second group enables service requesters to interact with the search engine to denote their queries by means of service domain knowledge, and then retrieve service information based on the denoted queries.The service concept recommendation methodology concerns the issue of incomplete or incorrect queries. The methodology enables the search engine to recommend relevant concepts to service requesters, once they find that the service concepts eventually selected cannot be used to denote their service requests. We premise that there is some extent of overlap between the selected concepts and the concepts denoting service requests, as a result of the impact of service requesters’ understandings of service requests on the selected concepts by a series of human-computer interactions. Therefore, a semantic similarity model is designed that seeks semantically similar concepts based on selected concepts.The QoS evaluation and service ranking methodology is proposed to allow service requesters to evaluate the trustworthiness of a service advertisement and rank retrieved service advertisements based on their QoS values, taking into account the contextdependent nature of services in Digital Ecosystems. The core of this methodology is an extended CCCI (Correlation of Interaction, Correlation of Criterion, Clarity of Criterion, and Importance of Criterion) metrics, which allows a service requester to evaluate the performance of a service provider in a service transaction based on QoS evaluation criteria in a specific service domain. The evaluation result is then incorporated with the previous results to produce the eventual QoS value of the service advertisement in a service domain. Service requesters can rank service advertisements by considering their QoS values under each criterion in a service domain.The methodology for service domain knowledge updating, service-provider-based SDE metadata publishing, maintenance, and classification is initiated to allow: 1) knowledge users to update service domain ontologies employed in the service retrieval methodology, taking into account the dynamic nature of services in Digital Ecosystems; and 2) service providers to update their service profiles and manually annotate their published service advertisements by means of service domain knowledge, taking into account the dynamic nature of service providers in Digital Ecosystems. The methodology for service domain knowledge updating is realized by a voting system for any proposals for changes in service domain knowledge, and by assigning different weights to the votes of domain experts and normal users.In order to validate the customized semantic service retrieval methodology, we build a prototype – a Customized Semantic Service Search Engine. Based on the prototype, we test the mathematical algorithms involved in the methodology by a simulation approach and validate the proposed functions of the methodology by a functional testing approach

    Event-based awareness services for P2P groupware systems

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    P2P systems enable decentralised applications for supporting collaborating groups and communities, where the collaboration may involve both sharing of data and sharing of group processes among group members. In such applications, monitoring and awareness are critical functionalities required for an effective collaboration. However, to date there has been little research into providing generic, application-independent awareness in P2P groupware systems. We present a distributed event-based awareness approach for such systems that provides different forms of awareness through a set of interoperating, low-level awareness services. The user and technical requirements for the approach are motivated with reference to Project-Based Learning in a P2P environment. We describe the implementation of a superpeer P2P network on a Cloud platform and the provision of reliable awareness services (AaaS - Awareness as a Service) from the Cloud. We report on the outcomes of an empirical evaluation of the performance and scalability of the approach

    Summary Management in P2P Systems

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    International audienceSharing huge, massively distributed databases in P2P systems is inherently difficult. As the amount of stored data increases, data localization techniques become no longer suf- ficient. A practical approach is to rely on compact database summaries rather than raw database records, whose access is costly in large P2P systems. In this paper, we consider summaries that are synthetic, multidimensional views with two main virtues. First, they can be directly queried and used to approximately answer a query without exploring the original data. Second, as semantic indexes, they support locating relevant nodes based on data content. Our main contribution is to define a summary model for P2P systems, and the appropriate algorithms for summary management. Our performance evaluation shows that the cost of query routing is minimized, while incurring a low cost of summary maintenance

    Ontology-based Search Algorithms over Large-Scale Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    Peer-to-Peer(P2P) systems have emerged as a promising paradigm to structure large scale distributed systems. They provide a robust, scalable and decentralized way to share and publish data.The unstructured P2P systems have gained much popularity in recent years for their wide applicability and simplicity. However efficient resource discovery remains a fundamental challenge for unstructured P2P networks due to the lack of a network structure. To effectively harness the power of unstructured P2P systems, the challenges in distributed knowledge management and information search need to be overcome. Current attempts to solve the problems pertaining to knowledge management and search have focused on simple term based routing indices and keyword search queries. Many P2P resource discovery applications will require more complex query functionality, as users will publish semantically rich data and need efficiently content location algorithms that find target content at moderate cost. Therefore, effective knowledge and data management techniques and search tools for information retrieval are imperative and lasting. In my dissertation, I present a suite of protocols that assist in efficient content location and knowledge management in unstructured Peer-to-Peer overlays. The basis of these schemes is their ability to learn from past peer interactions and increasing their performance with time.My work aims to provide effective and bandwidth-efficient searching and data sharing in unstructured P2P environments. A suite of algorithms which provide peers in unstructured P2P overlays with the state necessary in order to efficiently locate, disseminate and replicate objects is presented. Also, Existing approaches to federated search are adapted and new methods are developed for semantic knowledge representation, resource selection, and knowledge evolution for efficient search in dynamic and distributed P2P network environments. Furthermore,autonomous and decentralized algorithms that reorganizes an unstructured network topology into a one with desired search-enhancing properties are proposed in a network evolution model to facilitate effective and efficient semantic search in dynamic environments

    Use of latent semantic indexing for content based searching and routing of mobile agents on P2P network

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    The peer-to-peer (P2P) system has a number of nodes that are connected to each other in an unstructured or a structured overlay network. One of the most important problems in a P2P system is locating of resources that are shared by various nodes. Techniques such as Flooding and Distributed Hash-Table (DHT) have been proposed to locate resources shared by various nodes. Flooding suffers from saturation as number of nodes increase, while DHT cannot handle multiple keys to define and search a resource. Various further research works including multi agent systems (MAS) have been pursued that take unstructured or structured networks as a backbone and hence inherently suffer from problems. We present the solution that is more efficient and effective for discovering shared resources on a network that is influenced by content shared by nodes. Our solution presents use of multiple agents that manage the shared information on a node and a mobile agent called Reconnaissance Agent (RA) that is responsible for querying various nodes. To reduce the search load on nodes that have unrelated content, an efficient migration route is proposed for RA that is based on cosine similarity of content shared by nodes and user query. Results show reduction in search load and traffic due to communication, and increase in recall value for locating of resources defined by multiple keys using RA that are logically similar to user query. Furthermore, the results indicate that by use of our technique the relevance of search results is higher; that is obtained by minimal traffic generation/communication and hops made by RA
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