4 research outputs found

    Número acromático de gráficas gramíneas bipartitas

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    44 páginas. Maestría en Optimización.En este trabajo estudiamos diversas propiedades de las gráficas gramíneas bipartitas, enfocándonos en particular en las coloraciones completas y el número acromático de las mismas. En el capítulo 1, presentamos al lector los conceptos preliminares más importantes para el desarrollo de éste trabajo. En el capíutlo 2, introducimos una clasificación de las gramíneas bipartitas en varias familias, y presentamos varias propiedades relacionadas con la estructura de estas familias, en particular, mostramos dos resultados importantes: una caracterización de un grupo de gramíneas bipartitas en términos de acoplamientos y la relación que el mismo grupo guarda con la familia de torneos regulares. También exploramos el problema de reconocer gráficas gramíneas en estas familias y presentamos un programa entero y un algoritmo que resuelven el problema. En cuanto a problemas de coloración, en el capítulo 3, damos una cota superior, que es justa, para el número acromático de una familia de gramíneas bipartitas y clasificamos las coloraciones completas que alcanzan dicha cota. Estudiamos algunas de las coloraciones completas mencionadas y exhibimos condiciones necesarias y condiciones suficientes para la existencia de estas coloraciones. Así mismo, presentamos técnicas para obtener y extender coloraciones completas en las gráficas de interés

    On b-colorings and b-continuity of graphs

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    A b-coloring of G is a proper vertex coloring such that there is a vertex in each color class, which is adjacent to at least one vertex in every other color class. Such a vertex is called a color-dominating vertex. The b-chromatic number of G is the largest k such that there is a b-coloring of G by k colors. Moreover, if for every integer k, between chromatic number and b-chromatic number, there exists a b-coloring of G by k colors, then G is b-continuous. Determining the b-chromatic number of a graph G and the decision whether the given graph G is b-continuous or not is NP-hard. Therefore, it is interesting to find new results on b-colorings and b-continuity for special graphs. In this thesis, for several graph classes some exact values as well as bounds of the b-chromatic number were ascertained. Among all we considered graphs whose independence number, clique number, or minimum degree is close to its order as well as bipartite graphs. The investigation of bipartite graphs was based on considering of the so-called bicomplement which is used to determine the b-chromatic number of special bipartite graphs, in particular those whose bicomplement has a simple structure. Then we studied some graphs whose b-chromatic number is close to its t-degree. At last, the b-continuity of some graphs is studied, for example, for graphs whose b-chromatic number was already established in this thesis. In particular, we could prove that Halin graphs are b-continuous.:Contents 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 2.1 Basic terminology 2.2 Colorings of graphs 2.2.1 Vertex colorings 2.2.2 a-colorings 3 b-colorings 3.1 General bounds on the b-chromatic number 3.2 Exact values of the b-chromatic number for special graphs 3.2.1 Graphs with maximum degree at most 2 3.2.2 Graphs with independence number close to its order 3.2.3 Graphs with minimum degree close to its order 3.2.4 Graphs G with independence number plus clique number at most number of vertices 3.2.5 Further known results for special graphs 3.3 Bipartite graphs 3.3.1 General bounds on the b-chromatic number for bipartite graphs 3.3.2 The bicomplement 3.3.3 Bicomplements with simple structure 3.4 Graphs with b-chromatic number close to its t-degree 3.4.1 Regular graphs 3.4.2 Trees and Cacti 3.4.3 Halin graphs 4 b-continuity 4.1 b-spectrum of special graphs 4.2 b-continuous graph classes 4.2.1 Known b-continuous graph classes 4.2.2 Halin graphs 4.3 Further graph properties concerning b-colorings 4.3.1 b-monotonicity 4.3.2 b-perfectness 5 Conclusion Bibliograph

    On Approximating the Achromatic Number

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    The achromatic number problem is to legally color the vertices of an input graph with the maximum number of colors, denoted

    On Approximating the Achromatic Number

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