11 research outputs found

    On 2-arc-transitivity of Cayley graphs

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    AbstractThe classification of 2-arc-transitive Cayley graphs of cyclic groups, given in (J. Algebra. Combin. 5 (1996) 83ā€“86) by Alspach, Conder, Xu and the author, motivates the main theme of this article: the study of 2-arc-transitive Cayley graphs of dihedral groups. First, a previously unknown infinite family of such graphs, arising as covers of certain complete graphs, is presented, leading to an interesting property of Singer cycles in the group PGL(2,q), q an odd prime power, among others. Second, a structural reduction theorem for 2-arc-transitive Cayley graphs of dihedral groups is proved, putting usā€”modulo a possible existence of such graphs among regular cyclic covers over a small family of certain bipartite graphsā€”a step away from a complete classification of such graphs. As a byproduct, a partial description of 2-arc-transitive Cayley graphs of abelian groups with at most three involutions is also obtained

    Finite edge-transitive dihedrant graphs

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    AbstractIn this paper, we first prove that each biquasiprimitive permutation group containing a regular dihedral subgroup is biprimitive, and then give a classification of such groups. The classification is then used to classify vertex-quasiprimitive and vertex-biquasiprimitive edge-transitive dihedrants. Moreover, a characterization of valencies of normal edge-transitive dihedrants is obtained, and some classes of examples with certain valences are constructed

    A characterization of metacirculants

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    AbstractMetacirculants were introduced by Alspach and Parsons in 1982 and have been a rich source of various topics since then, including the Hamiltonian path problem in metacirculants. A metacirculant has a vertex-transitive metacyclic subgroup of automorphisms, and a long-standing interesting question in the area is if the converse statement is true, namely, whether a graph with a vertex-transitive metacyclic automorphism group is a metacirculant. We shall answer this question in the negative, and then present a classification of cubic metacirculants

    Product of Locally Primitive Graphs

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    Many large graphs can be constructed from existing smaller graphs by using graph operations, such as the product of two graphs. Many properties of such large graphs are closely related to those of the corresponding smaller ones. In this paper we consider the product of two locally primitive graphs and prove that only tensor product of them will also be locally primitive

    2-Arc-transitive metacyclic covers of complete graphs

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    Regular covers of complete graphs whose fibre-preserving automorphism groups act 2-arc-transitively are investigated. Such covers have been classified when the covering transformation groups K are cyclic groups Z(d) for an integer d >= 2, metacyclic abelian groups Z(p)(2), or nonmetacyclic abelian groups Z(p)(3) for a prime p (see S.F. Du et al. (1998) [5] for the first two metacyclic group cases and see S.F. Du et al. (2005) [3] for the third nonmetacyclic group case). In this paper, a complete classification is achieved of all such covers when K is any metacyclic group. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.116Ysciescopu

    (Algebraic aspects of graph theory)

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