189,204 research outputs found

    Compactness Properties of Weighted Summation Operators on Trees

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    We investigate compactness properties of weighted summation operators Vα,σV_{\alpha,\sigma} as mapping from ℓ1(T)\ell_1(T) into ℓq(T)\ell_q(T) for some q∈(1,∞)q\in (1,\infty). Those operators are defined by (Vα,σx)(t):=α(t)∑s⪰tσ(s)x(s) ,t∈T  , (V_{\alpha,\sigma} x)(t) :=\alpha(t)\sum_{s\succeq t}\sigma(s) x(s)\,,\quad t\in T\;, where TT is a tree with induced partial order t⪯st \preceq s (or s⪰ts \succeq t) for t,s∈Tt,s\in T. Here α\alpha and σ\sigma are given weights on TT. We introduce a metric dd on TT such that compactness properties of (T,d)(T,d) imply two--sided estimates for en(Vα,σ)e_n(V_{\alpha,\sigma}), the (dyadic) entropy numbers of Vα,σV_{\alpha,\sigma}. The results are applied for concrete trees as e.g. moderate increasing, biased or binary trees and for weights with α(t)σ(t)\alpha(t)\sigma(t) decreasing either polynomially or exponentially. We also give some probabilistic applications for Gaussian summation schemes on trees

    On the tractability of some natural packing, covering and partitioning problems

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    In this paper we fix 7 types of undirected graphs: paths, paths with prescribed endvertices, circuits, forests, spanning trees, (not necessarily spanning) trees and cuts. Given an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and two "object types" A\mathrm{A} and B\mathrm{B} chosen from the alternatives above, we consider the following questions. \textbf{Packing problem:} can we find an object of type A\mathrm{A} and one of type B\mathrm{B} in the edge set EE of GG, so that they are edge-disjoint? \textbf{Partitioning problem:} can we partition EE into an object of type A\mathrm{A} and one of type B\mathrm{B}? \textbf{Covering problem:} can we cover EE with an object of type A\mathrm{A}, and an object of type B\mathrm{B}? This framework includes 44 natural graph theoretic questions. Some of these problems were well-known before, for example covering the edge-set of a graph with two spanning trees, or finding an ss-tt path PP and an s′s'-t′t' path P′P' that are edge-disjoint. However, many others were not, for example can we find an ss-tt path P⊆EP\subseteq E and a spanning tree T⊆ET\subseteq E that are edge-disjoint? Most of these previously unknown problems turned out to be NP-complete, many of them even in planar graphs. This paper determines the status of these 44 problems. For the NP-complete problems we also investigate the planar version, for the polynomial problems we consider the matroidal generalization (wherever this makes sense)

    On Generalizations of Supereulerian Graphs

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    A graph is supereulerian if it has a spanning closed trail. Pulleyblank in 1979 showed that determining whether a graph is supereulerian, even when restricted to planar graphs, is NP-complete. Let κ2˘7(G)\kappa\u27(G) and δ(G)\delta(G) be the edge-connectivity and the minimum degree of a graph GG, respectively. For integers s≥0s \ge 0 and t≥0t \ge 0, a graph GG is (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerian if for any disjoint edge sets X,Y⊆E(G)X, Y \subseteq E(G) with ∣X∣≤s|X|\le s and ∣Y∣≤t|Y|\le t, GG has a spanning closed trail that contains XX and avoids YY. This dissertation is devoted to providing some results on (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerian graphs and supereulerian hypergraphs. In Chapter 2, we determine the value of the smallest integer j(s,t)j(s,t) such that every j(s,t)j(s,t)-edge-connected graph is (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerian as follows: j(s,t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \max\{4, t + 2\} & \mbox{ if $0 \le s \le 1$, or $(s,t) \in \{(2,0), (2,1), (3,0),(4,0)\}$,} \\ 5 & \mbox{ if $(s,t) \in \{(2,2), (3,1)\}$,} \\ s + t + \frac{1 - (-1)^s}{2} & \mbox{ if $s \ge 2$ and $s+t \ge 5$. } \end{array} \right. As applications, we characterize (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerian graphs when t≥3t \ge 3 in terms of edge-connectivities, and show that when t≥3t \ge 3, (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerianicity is polynomially determinable. In Chapter 3, for a subset Y⊆E(G)Y \subseteq E(G) with ∣Y∣≤κ2˘7(G)−1|Y|\le \kappa\u27(G)-1, a necessary and sufficient condition for G−YG-Y to be a contractible configuration for supereulerianicity is obtained. We also characterize the (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerianicity of GG when s+t≤κ2˘7(G)s+t\le \kappa\u27(G). These results are applied to show that if GG is (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerian with κ2˘7(G)=δ(G)≥3\kappa\u27(G)=\delta(G)\ge 3, then for any permutation α\alpha on the vertex set V(G)V(G), the permutation graph α(G)\alpha(G) is (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerian if and only if s+t≤κ2˘7(G)s+t\le \kappa\u27(G). For a non-negative integer s≤∣V(G)∣−3s\le |V(G)|-3, a graph GG is ss-Hamiltonian if the removal of any k≤sk\le s vertices results in a Hamiltonian graph. Let is,t(G)i_{s,t}(G) and hs(G)h_s(G) denote the smallest integer ii such that the iterated line graph Li(G)L^{i}(G) is (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerian and ss-Hamiltonian, respectively. In Chapter 4, for a simple graph GG, we establish upper bounds for is,t(G)i_{s,t}(G) and hs(G)h_s(G). Specifically, the upper bound for the ss-Hamiltonian index hs(G)h_s(G) sharpens the result obtained by Zhang et al. in [Discrete Math., 308 (2008) 4779-4785]. Harary and Nash-Williams in 1968 proved that the line graph of a graph GG is Hamiltonian if and only if GG has a dominating closed trail, Jaeger in 1979 showed that every 4-edge-connected graph is supereulerian, and Catlin in 1988 proved that every graph with two edge-disjoint spanning trees is a contractible configuration for supereulerianicity. In Chapter 5, utilizing the notion of partition-connectedness of hypergraphs introduced by Frank, Kir\\u27aly and Kriesell in 2003, we generalize the above-mentioned results of Harary and Nash-Williams, of Jaeger and of Catlin to hypergraphs by characterizing hypergraphs whose line graphs are Hamiltonian, and showing that every 2-partition-connected hypergraph is a contractible configuration for supereulerianicity. Applying the adjacency matrix of a hypergraph HH defined by Rodr\\u27iguez in 2002, let λ2(H)\lambda_2(H) be the second largest adjacency eigenvalue of HH. In Chapter 6, we prove that for an integer kk and a rr-uniform hypergraph HH of order nn with r≥4r\ge 4 even, the minimum degree δ≥k≥2\delta\ge k\ge 2 and k≠r+2k\neq r+2, if λ2(H)≤(r−1)δ−r2(k−1)n4(r+1)(n−r−1)\lambda_2(H)\le (r-1)\delta-\frac{r^2(k-1)n}{4(r+1)(n-r-1)}, then HH is kk-edge-connected. %κ2˘7(H)≥k\kappa\u27(H)\ge k. Some discussions are displayed in the last chapter. We extend the well-known Thomassen Conjecture that every 4-connected line graph is Hamiltonian to hypergraphs. The (s,t)(s,t)-supereulerianicity of hypergraphs is another interesting topic to be investigated in the future

    Decomposition of Levy trees along their diameter

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    We study the diameter of L{\'e}vy trees that are random compact metric spaces obtained as the scaling limits of Galton-Watson trees. L{\'e}vy trees have been introduced by Le Gall and Le Jan (1998) and they generalise Aldous' Continuum Random Tree (1991) that corresponds to the Brownian case. We first characterize the law of the diameter of L{\'e}vy trees and we prove that it is realized by a unique pair of points. We prove that the law of L{\'e}vy trees conditioned to have a fixed diameter r ∈\in (0, ∞\infty) is obtained by glueing at their respective roots two independent size-biased L{\'e}vy trees conditioned to have height r/2 and then by uniformly re-rooting the resulting tree; we also describe by a Poisson point measure the law of the subtrees that are grafted on the diameter. As an application of this decomposition of L{\'e}vy trees according to their diameter, we characterize the joint law of the height and the diameter of stable L{\'e}vy trees conditioned by their total mass; we also provide asymptotic expansions of the law of the height and of the diameter of such normalised stable trees, which generalises the identity due to Szekeres (1983) in the Brownian case
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