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    Latar Belakang: Stres oksidatif, disfungsi endotel dan inflamasi mendasari proses aterosklerosis pada anak sindrom nefrotik (SN). Kombinasi dl-α-tokoferol dan asam askorbat berpotensi menurunkan proses stress oksidatif dan disfungsi endotel banyak diteliti pada orang dewasa namun terbatas pada anak SN. Tujuan: Membuktikan pengaruh pemberian kombinasi dl-α-tokoferol dan asam askorbat terhadap Δ kadar LDL-ox sebagai marker stress oksidatif, reseptor makrofag sCD36, sVCAM-1 dan NO sebagai biomarker disfungsi endotel pada anak SN usia 1 – 15 tahun. Metode: Randomized pre test-post test control group design dilakukan pada anak SN usia 1- 15 tahun selama 12 minggu. Kelompok perlakuan diberi obat standar (prednison dosis penuh) dan kombinasi dl-α-tokoferol 10-15 mg /kg/hari & asam askorbat dengan dosis sama, dibagi 2 dosis secara oral. Kelompok kontrol menerima obat standar dan plasebo. Variabel LDL-ox, sCD36, sVCAM-1 diperiksa secara ELISA, NO secara kolorimetri. Analisis statistik digunakan uji Wilcoxon, uji t tidak berpasangan/Mann-Whitney U. Hasil: Rerata pretest-posttest kelompok perlakuan kadar LDL-ox (127,2 menjadi 89,5 U/L); sVCAM-1:(929,4 menjadi 868,4ng/mL); NO: (8,9 menjadi 8,5μM/L) menurun. Kadar sCD36 (72,5 menjadi 123,5 ng/mL) meningkat. Kelompok kontrol: LDL-ox (125,2 menjadi 76,7 U/L), sVCAM-1(1231,2 menjadi 1008,0 ng/mL), NO (8,2 menjadi 7,9μM) menurun,. sCD36(56,9 menjadi 61,7ng/mL) meningkat. Uji Wilcoxon kelompok perlakuan dan kontrol berturut-turut kadar LDL-ox p =0,039 dan 0,001, kadar sCD36 : p=0,163 & 0,088, sVCAM-1: p=0,306 & 0,122 dan NO: p=0,983 & 0,760. Δ LDL-ox -37.7 vs - 48.6U / L ; Δ sCD36: 51.1vs 17,2ng / mL; Δ sVCAM-1: -61.0 vs –223ng /mL ; ΔNO -0.4 vs- 0.6 mg/dL dengan uji beda berturut-turut p = 0,594; 0,327; 0,883; 0,864. Berdasarkan status remisi, uji beda kadar LDL-ox, Δ kadar LDL-ox dan kadar sVCAM-1 post test pada kelompok perlakuan berbeda bermakna dengan p=0,016; 0,047 dan 0,000. Kesimpulan: Pemberian kombinasi dl-α-tokoferol dan asam askorbat dosis 10-15 mg/kgBB/hari selama 12 minggu efektif menurunkan kadar stres oksidatif dan disfungsi endotel pada kelompok perlakuan yang remisi, tetapi tidak efektif terhadap Δ kadar LDL-ox, Δ sCD36, Δ sVCAM-1 dan Δ NO di antara dua kelompok. Kata kunci: Sindrom nefrotik, anti oksidan, stress oksidatif, disfungsi endotel Background: Oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction and inflammation contribute to early atherosclerosis process in neprotic syndrome (NS). Administration of combination dl-α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid are potential in decreasing oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction, investigated in adult but not yet in children. Objective: To prove that combined supplementation of dl-α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid on serum levels of oxidized LDL (ox-LDL), soluble scavenger receptor of macrophage CD36(sCD36), soluble vascular cellular adhesion molecule (sVCAM-1) and nitric oxide (NO) level in NS of 1- 15 years old. Methods: A randomized pre test–post test control group design was done for 12 weeks. Treatment group was given standard therapy and dl-α-tocopherol 10 -15 mg/kgBW/day plus ascorbic acid in the same dose, twice daily orally. Control group was given steroid therapy (standard) and placebo. Serum level of ox-LDL, sCD36, sVCAM-1 were measured by ELISA and NO by colorimetri. Analysis was done by Wilcoxon, independent t test or Mann-Whitney U test. Results: The mean level of pre and posttest of ox-LDL (127.2 to 89.5 U/L), sVCAM-1(929.4 to 868.4 ng/mL) and NO (8.9 to 8.5 μM/L) were decreased, but the level of sCD36 (72.5 to 123.5 ng/mL) increased in the treatment group. In control group, the mean level of ox-LDL(125.2 to 76.7 U/L), sVCAM-1(1231.2 to 1008.0 ng/mL), NO ( 8.2 to 7.9 μM) were decreased, but sCD36 (56.9-61.7 ng/mL) was increased. The Wilcoxon test of ox-LDL levels showed p :0.039 in treatment group and p=0.001 in control group. P value in treatment and control group of sCD36 levels were 0.163 and 0.088; sVCAM-1 levels p value = 0.306 & 0.122 and NO levels were p value =0.983 and 0.760. The Δ level of ox-LDL on treatment group compared to control was -37.7vs - 48.6U/L ; Δ sCD36: 51.1vs 17.2ng/mL; Δ sVCAM-1: -61.0 vs –223ng/mL ; Δ NO: -0.4 vs -0.6mg/dL. P value of Δ ox-LDL, ΔsVCAM-1, Δ sCD36 , ΔNO were 0.594, 0.327, 0.883, 0.864, respectively. According to remission state at the end of the study p value level of ox-LDL, Δ ox-LDL and level of sVCAM-1 in treatment group were 0,016; 0,047 and 0,000 respectively. Conclusions: Combined supplementation of dl-α-tocopherol and ascorbic acid 10 –15 mg/kgBW/day for 12 weeks decreased of stress oxidative and endothelial disfunction biomarker in remission state of the treatment group but did not effective to decrease level of Δ ox-LDL, Δ sCD36, Δ sVCAM –1 and Δ NO between two groups. Keywords: Nephrotic syndrome, antioxidant, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunctio

    Observation of ηcωω\eta_c\to\omega\omega in J/ψγωωJ/\psi\to\gamma\omega\omega

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    Using a sample of (1310.6±7.0)×106(1310.6\pm7.0)\times10^6 J/ψJ/\psi events recorded with the BESIII detector at the symmetric electron positron collider BEPCII, we report the observation of the decay of the (11S0)(1^1 S_0) charmonium state ηc\eta_c into a pair of ω\omega mesons in the process J/ψγωωJ/\psi\to\gamma\omega\omega. The branching fraction is measured for the first time to be B(ηcωω)=(2.88±0.10±0.46±0.68)×103\mathcal{B}(\eta_c\to\omega\omega)= (2.88\pm0.10\pm0.46\pm0.68)\times10^{-3}, where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second systematic and the third is from the uncertainty of B(J/ψγηc)\mathcal{B}(J/\psi\to\gamma\eta_c). The mass and width of the ηc\eta_c are determined as M=(2985.9±0.7±2.1)M=(2985.9\pm0.7\pm2.1)\,MeV/c2c^2 and Γ=(33.8±1.6±4.1)\Gamma=(33.8\pm1.6\pm4.1)\,MeV.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    On the minimization of Dirichlet eigenvalues

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    Results are obtained for two minimization problems: Ik(c)=inf{λk(Ω):Ω open, convex in Rm, T(Ω)=c},I_k(c)=\inf \{\lambda_k(\Omega): \Omega\ \textup{open, convex in}\ \mathbb{R}^m,\ \mathcal{T}(\Omega)= c \}, and Jk(c)=inf{λk(Ω):Ω quasi-open in Rm,Ω1,P(Ω)c},J_k(c)=\inf\{\lambda_k(\Omega): \Omega\ \textup{quasi-open in}\ \mathbb{R}^m, |\Omega|\le 1, \mathcal {P}(\Omega)\le c \}, where c>0c>0, λk(Ω)\lambda_k(\Omega) is the kk'th eigenvalue of the Dirichlet Laplacian acting in L2(Ω)L^2(\Omega), Ω|\Omega| denotes the Lebesgue measure of Ω\Omega, P(Ω)\mathcal{P}(\Omega) denotes the perimeter of Ω\Omega, and where T\mathcal{T} is in a suitable class set functions. The latter include for example the perimeter of Ω\Omega, and the moment of inertia of Ω\Omega with respect to its center of mass.Comment: 15 page

    Maximal subsemigroups of the semigroup of all mappings on an infinite set

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    In this paper we classify the maximal subsemigroups of the \emph{full transformation semigroup} ΩΩ\Omega^\Omega, which consists of all mappings on the infinite set Ω\Omega, containing certain subgroups of the symmetric group \sym(\Omega) on Ω\Omega. In 1965 Gavrilov showed that there are five maximal subsemigroups of ΩΩ\Omega^\Omega containing \sym(\Omega) when Ω\Omega is countable and in 2005 Pinsker extended Gavrilov's result to sets of arbitrary cardinality. We classify the maximal subsemigroups of ΩΩ\Omega^\Omega on a set Ω\Omega of arbitrary infinite cardinality containing one of the following subgroups of \sym(\Omega): the pointwise stabiliser of a non-empty finite subset of Ω\Omega, the stabiliser of an ultrafilter on Ω\Omega, or the stabiliser of a partition of Ω\Omega into finitely many subsets of equal cardinality. If GG is any of these subgroups, then we deduce a characterisation of the mappings f,gΩΩf,g\in \Omega^\Omega such that the semigroup generated by G{f,g}G\cup \{f,g\} equals ΩΩ\Omega^\Omega.Comment: Revised according to comments by the referee, 29 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Trans. American Mathematical Societ

    Disjoint Infinity-Borel Functions

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    This is a followup to a paper by the author where the disjointness relation for definable functions from ωω{^\omega \omega} to ωω{^\omega \omega} is analyzed. In that paper, for each aωωa \in {^\omega \omega} we defined a Baire class one function fa:ωωωωf_a : {^\omega \omega} \to {^\omega \omega} which encoded aa in a certain sense. Given g:ωωωωg : {^\omega \omega} \to {^\omega \omega}, let Ψ(g)\Psi(g) be the statement that gg is disjoint from at most countably many of the functions faf_a. We show the consistency strength of (g)Ψ(g)(\forall g)\, \Psi(g) is that of an inaccessible cardinal. We show that AD+\textrm{AD}^+ implies (g)Ψ(g)(\forall g)\, \Psi(g). Finally, we show that assuming large cardinals, (g)Ψ(g)(\forall g)\, \Psi(g) holds in models of the form L(R)[U]L(\mathbb{R})[\mathcal{U}] where U\mathcal{U} is a selective ultrafilter on ω\omega.Comment: 16 page

    The geometrical quantity in damped wave equations on a square

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    The energy in a square membrane Ω\Omega subject to constant viscous damping on a subset ωΩ\omega\subset \Omega decays exponentially in time as soon as ω\omega satisfies a geometrical condition known as the "Bardos-Lebeau-Rauch" condition. The rate τ(ω)\tau(\omega) of this decay satisfies τ(ω)=2min(μ(ω),g(ω))\tau(\omega)= 2 \min(-\mu(\omega), g(\omega)) (see Lebeau [Math. Phys. Stud. 19 (1996) 73-109]). Here μ(ω)\mu(\omega) denotes the spectral abscissa of the damped wave equation operator and g(ω)g(\omega) is a number called the geometrical quantity of ω\omega and defined as follows. A ray in Ω\Omega is the trajectory generated by the free motion of a mass-point in Ω\Omega subject to elastic reflections on the boundary. These reflections obey the law of geometrical optics. The geometrical quantity g(ω)g(\omega) is then defined as the upper limit (large time asymptotics) of the average trajectory length. We give here an algorithm to compute explicitly g(ω)g(\omega) when ω\omega is a finite union of squares

    Markov uniqueness of degenerate elliptic operators

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    Let Ω\Omega be an open subset of \Ri^d and HΩ=i,j=1dicijjH_\Omega=-\sum^d_{i,j=1}\partial_i c_{ij} \partial_j a second-order partial differential operator on L2(Ω)L_2(\Omega) with domain Cc(Ω)C_c^\infty(\Omega) where the coefficients cijW1,(Ω)c_{ij}\in W^{1,\infty}(\Omega) are real symmetric and C=(cij)C=(c_{ij}) is a strictly positive-definite matrix over Ω\Omega. In particular, HΩH_\Omega is locally strongly elliptic. We analyze the submarkovian extensions of HΩH_\Omega, i.e. the self-adjoint extensions which generate submarkovian semigroups. Our main result establishes that HΩH_\Omega is Markov unique, i.e. it has a unique submarkovian extension, if and only if \capp_\Omega(\partial\Omega)=0 where \capp_\Omega(\partial\Omega) is the capacity of the boundary of Ω\Omega measured with respect to HΩH_\Omega. The second main result establishes that Markov uniqueness of HΩH_\Omega is equivalent to the semigroup generated by the Friedrichs extension of HΩH_\Omega being conservative.Comment: 24 page