2 research outputs found

    Relating Neural Dynamics to Olfactory Coding and Behavior

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    Sensory stimuli often evoke temporal patterns of spiking activity across a population of neurons in the early processing stages. What features of these spatiotemporal responses encode behaviorally relevant information, and how dynamic processing of sensory signals facilitates information processing are fundamental problems in sensory neuroscience that remain to be understood. In this thesis, I have investigated these issues using a relatively simple invertebrate model (locusts; Schistocerca americana). In locusts, odorants are transduced into electrical signals by olfactory sensory neurons in the antenna and are subsequently relayed to the downstream neural circuit in the antennal lobe (analogous to the olfactory bulb in vertebrates). We found that the sensory input evoked by an odorant could vary depending on whether the stimulus was presented solitarily or in an overlapping sequence following another cue. These inconsistent sensory inputs triggered dynamic reorganization of ensemble activity in the downstream antennal lobe. As a result, we found that the neural activities evoked by an odorant pattern-matched across conditions, thereby providing a basis for invariant stimulus recognition. Notably, we found that only the combination of neurons activated by an odorant was conserved across conditions. The temporal structure of the ensemble neural responses, on the other hand, varied depending on stimulus history: synchronous ensemble firings when stimulated by a novel odorant compared to asynchronous activities induced by a redundant stimulus. Furthermore, these neural responses were refined on a slower timescale (on the order of minutes, i.e. happening over trials) such that the same information about odorant identity and intensity was represented with fewer spikes. We validated these interpretations of our physiological data using results from multiple quantitative behavioral assays. In sum, this thesis work provides fundamental insights regarding behaviorally important features of olfactory signal processing in a relatively simple biological olfactory system