1,292 research outputs found

    Smart charging strategies for electric vehicle charging stations

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    Although the concept of transportation electrification holds enormous prospects in addressing the global environmental pollution problem, consumer concerns over the limited availability of charging stations and long charging/waiting times are major contributors to the slow uptake of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in many countries. To address the consumer concerns, many countries have undertaken projects to deploy a network of both fast and slow charging stations, commonly known as electric vehicle charging networks. While a large electric vehicle charging network will certainly be helpful in addressing PEV owners\u27 concerns, the full potential of this network cannot be realised without the implementation of smart charging strategies. For example, the charging load distribution in an EV charging network would be expected to be skewed towards stations located in hotspot areas, instigating longer queues and waiting times in these areas, particularly during afternoon peak traffic hours. This can also lead to a major challenge for the utilities in the form of an extended PEV charging load period, which could overlap with residential evening peak load hours, increasing peak demand and causing serious issues including network instability and power outages. This thesis presents a smart charging strategy for EV charging networks. The proposed smart charging strategy finds the optimum charging station for a PEV owner to ensure minimum charging time, travel time and charging cost. The problem is modelled as a multi-objective optimisation problem. A metaheuristic solution in the form of ant colony optimisation (ACO) is applied to solve the problem. Considering the influence of pricing on PEV owners\u27 behaviour, the smart charging strategy is then extended to address the charging load imbalance problem in the EV network. A coordinated dynamic pricing model is presented to reduce the load imbalance, which contributes to a reduction in overlaps between residential and charging loads. A constraint optimization problem is formulated and a heuristic solution is introduced to minimize the overlap between the PEV and residential peak load periods. In the last part of this thesis, a smart management strategy for portable charging stations (PCSs) is introduced. It is shown that when smartly managed, PCSs can play an important role in the reduction of waiting times in an EV charging network. A new strategy is proposed for dispatching/allocating PCSs during various hours of the day to reduce waiting times at public charging stations. This also helps to decrease the overlap between the total PEV demand and peak residential load

    Power interchange analysis for reliable vehicle-to-grid connectivity

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    Due to the progressively growing energy demand, electricl vehicles (EVs) are increasingly replacing unfashionable vehicles equipped with internal combustion engines. The new era of modern grid is aiming to unlock the possibility of resource coordination between EVs and power grid. The goal of including vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology is to enable shared access to power resources. To define the initiative, this article investigates the bidirectional power flow between EVs and the main grid. The article provides a new algorithm framework for energy optimization that enables real-time decision making to facilitate charge/discharge processes in grid connected mode. Accordingly, the energy flow optimization, communications for data exchange, and local controller are joined to support system reliability for both power grid and EV owners at parking lot sites. The local controller is the key component that collects the EV data for decision making through real-time communications with EV platforms. The main responsibility of this controller is managing the energy flow during the process of real-time charging without impacting the basic functionalities of both grid and EV systems. Finally, a case study of a modified IEEE 13-node test feeder is proposed to validate the impact of energy flow optimization using V2G technology. This visionary concept provides improvement in grid scalability and reliability to grid operations through accessing EV power storage as a complementary resource of future energy systems

    A graph automorphic approach for placement and sizing of charging stations in EV network considering traffic

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    This paper proposes a novel graph-based approach with automorphic grouping for the modelling, synthesis, and analysis of electric vehicle (EV) networks with charging stations (CSs) that considers the impacts of traffic. The EV charge demands are modeled by a graph where nodes are positioned at potential locations for CSs, and edges represent traffic flow between the nodes. A synchronization protocol is assumed for the network where the system states correspond to the waiting time at each node. These models are then utilized for the placement and sizing of CSs in order to limit vehicle waiting times at all stations below a desirable threshold level. The main idea is to reformulate the CS placement and sizing problems in a control framework. Moreover, a strategy for the deployment of portable charging stations (PCSs) in selected areas is introduced to further improve the quality of solutions by reducing the overshooting of waiting times during peak traffic hours. Further, the inherent symmetry of the graph, described by graph automorphisms, are leveraged to investigate the number and positions of CSs. Detailed simulations are performed for the EV network of Perth Metropolitan in Western Australia to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Spatial Arbitrage Through Bidirectional Electric Vehicle Charging with Delivery Fleets

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    The adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), including electric taxis and buses, as a mode of transportation, is rapidly increasing in cities. In addition to providing economic and environmental benefits, these fleets can potentially participate in the energy arbitrage market by leveraging their mobile energy storage capabilities. This presents an opportunity for EV owners to contribute to a more sustainable and efficient energy system while also reducing their operational costs. The present study introduces deterministic and single-stage stochastic optimization frameworks that aim to maximize revenue by optimizing the charging, discharging, and travel of a fleet of electric vehicles in the context of uncertainty surrounding both spatial and temporal energy prices. The simulations are performed on a fleet of electric delivery trucks, which have to make deliveries to certain locations on specific dates. The findings indicate the promising potential of bidirectional electric vehicle charging as a mobile grid asset. However, it is important to note that significant revenue is only realized in scenarios where there is substantial variation in prices between different areas, and when these price variations can be accurately forecasted with a high level of confidence

    The Critical Role of Public Charging Infrastructure

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    Editors: Peter Fox-Penner, PhD, Z. Justin Ren, PhD, David O. JermainA decade after the launch of the contemporary global electric vehicle (EV) market, most cities face a major challenge preparing for rising EV demand. Some cities, and the leaders who shape them, are meeting and even leading demand for EV infrastructure. This book aggregates deep, groundbreaking research in the areas of urban EV deployment for city managers, private developers, urban planners, and utilities who want to understand and lead change

    Development of a power monitoring and control system to provide demand side management of electric vehicle charging activity.

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    Due to the recent inflow of Electric Vehicles (EVs) to the automobile market, new concerns have risen with respect to the additional electrical load and the resultant effects on an overloaded electric grid. Either for convenience purposes or possibly necessity due to limited electric range on EVs, some EV owners may desire to charge their EV while at work in addition to charging at home. These forward-thinking daytime charging providers are typically Commercial and Industrial (C&I) electric ratepayers, or other large electric consumers which constitute the majority of businesses, shopping centers, academic campuses and manufacturing facilities. Increased electricity consumption due to EV charging activity results in higher electricity costs due to differences in the billing structures between residential and C&I electric ratepayers. Therefore, it is beneficial to the EVSE charging provider to minimize charging activity around peak demand periods which would result in lower electrical costs overall. A solution is developed that can provide this control without creating a nuisance to electric vehicle owners since EV charging demand is somewhat inelastic due to range anxiety. The primary objective of the research detailed in this dissertation is to develop a novel demand side management system for monitoring the peak demand of commercial time-of-day electric ratepayers that cost effectively predicts and controls electric vehicle charging during peak demand periods. This objective is achieved, therefore confirming the hypothesis that such a system can provide cost and demand benefits to forward-thinking commercial electric ratepayers that provide daytime charging capabilities. This work proposes and evaluates a novel Power Monitoring and Control System (PMCS) that can be implemented at C&I EV charging locations to minimize or eliminate the negative impacts of charging electric vehicles at the workplace in C&I environments. Operation of the PMCS begins by forecasting electrical demand in advance of every 15 minute demand interval throughout the day. The forecast is generated using an artificial neural network and a number of input data streams. Electrical demand has been shown to correlate well with weather data such as temperature and dew point. Therefore, using those measurements along with a date and time stamp, and historical electrical demand measurements, a highly accurate forecast for the following 15-minute demand interval was achieved. From that forecast, the number of EV charging stations that may be active, without the chance of creating new electrical demand peaks, is calculated. Finally, the forecast is then used to properly schedule EV charging activity so that electrical demand peaks can be avoided but charging activity is maximized. The avoidance of charging activity at or near peaks in electrical demand results in lower total electric costs associated with the charging process. The final design was implemented in an EV charging testbed at the University of Louisville and data was collected to verify the operation and performance of the PMCS. With a properly designed scheduling and prioritization control algorithm, increases in electrical demand and associated costs are limited to the error in the forecasting algorithm used for predicting electrical demand levels. The final design of the forecasting algorithm results in a mean absolute percent error of 0.02% to 0.08% in the electrical demand forecast. This corresponds to approximately 3 to 10 kVA of error in electrical demand. Taking this error into account, total cost of charging several EVs is reduced by nearly 90%. Furthermore, for scenarios where there are several more electric vehicles requiring charge than there are charging stations available, several scheduling algorithms are presented in an attempt to minimize the total processing time required for completing all charging transactions

    Enhancing the efficiency of electricity utilization through home energy management systems within the smart grid framework

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    The concept behind smart grids is the aggregation of “intelligence” into the grid, whether through communication systems technologies that allow broadcast/data reception in real-time, or through monitoring and systems control in an autonomous way. With respect to the technological advancements, in recent years there has been a significant increment in devices and new strategies for the implementation of smart buildings/homes, due to the growing awareness of society in relation to environmental concerns and higher energy costs, so that energy efficiency improvements can provide real gains within modern society. In this perspective, the end-users are seen as active players with the ability to manage their energy resources, for example, microproduction units, domestic loads, electric vehicles and their participation in demand response events. This thesis is focused on identifying application areas where such technologies could bring benefits for their applicability, such as the case of wireless networks, considering the positive and negative points of each protocol available in the market. Moreover, this thesis provides an evaluation of dynamic prices of electricity and peak power, using as an example a system with electric vehicles and energy storage, supported by mixed-integer linear programming, within residential energy management. This thesis will also develop a power measuring prototype designed to process and determine the main electrical measurements and quantify the electrical load connected to a low voltage alternating current system. Finally, two cases studies are proposed regarding the application of model predictive control and thermal regulation for domestic applications with cooling requirements, allowing to minimize energy consumption, considering the restrictions of demand, load and acclimatization in the system

    Frontiers In Operations Research For Overcoming Barriers To Vehicle Electrification

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    Electric vehicles (EVs) hold many promises including diversification of the transportation energy feedstock and reduction of greenhouse gas and other emissions. However, achieving large-scale adoption of EVs presents a number of challenges resulting from a current lack of supporting infrastructure and difficulties in overcoming technological barriers. This dissertation addresses some of these challenges by contributing to the advancement of theories in the areas of network optimization and mechanism design. To increase the electric driving range of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), we propose a powertrain energy management control system that exploits energy efficiency dif- ferences of the electric machine and the internal combustion engine during route planning. We introduce the Energy-Efficient Routing problem (EERP) for PHEVs, and formulate this problem as a new class of the shortest path problem. We prove that the EERP is NP-complete. We then propose two exact algorithms that find optimal solutions by exploiting the transitive structure inherent in the network. To tackle the intractability of the problem, we proposed a Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (FPTAS). From a theoretic perspective, the proposed two-phase approaches improve the state-of-the-art to optimally solving shortest path problems on general constrained multi-graph networks. These novel approaches are scalable and offer broad potential in many network optimization problems. In the context of vehicle routing, this is the first study to take into account energy efficiency difference of different operating modes of PHEVs during route planning, which is a high level powertrain energy management procedure. Another challenge for EV adoption is the inefficiency of current charging systems. In addition, high electricity consumption rates of EVs during charging make the load manage- ment of micro grids a challenge. We proposed an offline optimal mechanism for scheduling and pricing of electric vehicle charging considering incentives of both EV owners and utility companies. In the offline setting, information about future supply and demand is known to the scheduler. By considering uncertainty about future demand, we then designed a family of online mechanisms for real-time scheduling of EV charging. A fundamental problem with significant economic implications is how to price the charging units at different times under dynamic demand. We propose novel bidding based mechanisms for online scheduling and pricing of electric vehicle charging. The proposed preemption-aware charging mechanisms consider incentives of both EV drivers and grid operators. We also prove incentive-compatibility of the mechanisms, that is, truthful reporting is a dominant strategy for self-interested EV drivers. The proposed mechanisms demonstrate the benefits of electric grid load management, revenue maximization, and quick response, key attributes when providing online charging services

    Autonomous Multi-Chemistry Secondary-Use Battery Energy Storage

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    Battery energy storage is poised to play an increasingly important role in the modern electric grid. Not only does it provide the ability to change the time-of-day and magnitude of energy produced by renewable resources like wind and solar, it can also provide a host of other 3ancillary grid-stabilizing services. Cost remains a limiting factor in deploying energy storage systems large enough to provide these services on the scale required by an electric utility provider. Secondary-use electric vehicle batteries are a source of inexpensive energy storage materials that are not yet ready for the landfill but cannot operate in vehicles any longer. However, the wide range of manufacturers using different battery chemistries and configurations mean that integrating these batteries into a large-format system can be difficult. This work demonstrates methods for the autonomous integration and operation of a wide range of stationary energy storage battery chemistries. A fully autonomous battery characterization is paired with a novel system architecture and transactive optimization to create a system which can provide utility-scale energy services using a multitude of battery chemistries in the same system. These claims are verified using a combination of in-situ testing and a computer modelling testbed. Results are presented which demonstrate the ability of the system to combine a wide range of batteries into an effective single system