564,864 research outputs found

    Occurrence of testicular microlithiasis in androgen insensitive hypogonadal mice

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    <b>Background</b>: Testicular microliths are calcifications found within the seminiferous tubules. In humans, testicular microlithiasis (TM) has an unknown etiology but may be significantly associated with testicular germ cell tumors. Factors inducing microlith development may also, therefore, act as susceptibility factors for malignant testicular conditions. Studies to identify the mechanisms of microlith development have been hampered by the lack of suitable animal models for TM.<BR/> <b>Methods</b>: This was an observational study of the testicular phenotype of different mouse models. The mouse models were: cryptorchid mice, mice lacking androgen receptors (ARs) on the Sertoli cells (SCARKO), mice with a ubiquitous loss of androgen ARs (ARKO), hypogonadal (hpg) mice which lack circulating gonadotrophins, and hpg mice crossed with SCARKO (hpg.SCARKO) and ARKO (hpg.ARKO) mice.<BR/> <b>Results</b>: Microscopic TM was seen in 94% of hpg.ARKO mice (n=16) and the mean number of microliths per testis was 81 +/- 54. Occasional small microliths were seen in 36% (n=11) of hpg testes (mean 2 +/- 0.5 per testis) and 30% (n=10) of hpg.SCARKO testes (mean 8 +/- 6 per testis). No microliths were seen in cryptorchid, ARKO or SCARKO mice. There was no significant effect of FSH or androgen on TM in hpg.ARKO mice.<BR/> <b>Conclusions</b>: We have identified a mouse model of TM and show that lack of endocrine stimulation is a cause of TM. Importantly, this model will provide a means with which to identify the mechanisms of TM development and the underlying changes in protein and gene expression

    Murine models of renal disease: Possibilities and problems in studies using mutant mice

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    The elucidation of the pathogenesis of human renal disease at the molecular level has been facilitated by the growing field of gene targeting and the development of mouse strains with single-gene deletions - the `knock-out' mice. Experimental nephrology, therefore, requires well-characterized and reliable models of human renal disease that can be induced reproducibly in mice. Today surgical procedures for the induction of renal ischemia, chronic renal failure, and ureter obstruction are feasible in mice. Models of mesangioproliferative or crescentic glomerulonephritis, glomerulosclerosis, and tubulointerstitial disease are readily available; however, these depend heavily on the mouse genetic background. Attention to the genetic background and appropriate backcrossing are, therefore, of great importance in the design and interpretation of experimental studies, especially in transgenic mice. Simple murine models displaying the clinical features of other human renal diseases such as IgA nephropathy, membranous glomerulonephritis, and renal vasculitis are still lacking. Mouse strains that spontaneously develop distinct renal pathologies similar to lupus nephritis and focal-segmental glomerulosclerosis can be intercrossed with transgenic mice to study the impact of single-gene deletions on the renal phenotype. The present review provides a survey about currently available spontaneous and inducible murine models of renal disease with special attention to problems and future perspectives for their use in transgenic animals. Copyright (C) 2000 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Fludarabine as a cost-effective adjuvant to enhance engraftment of human normal and malignant hematopoiesis in immunodeficient mice

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    There is still an unmet need for xenotransplantation models that efficiently recapitulate normal and malignant human hematopoiesis. Indeed, there are a number of strategies to generate humanized mice and specific protocols, including techniques to optimize the cytokine environment of recipient mice and drug alternatives or complementary to the standard conditioning regimens, that can be significantly modulated. Unfortunately, the high costs related to the use of sophisticated mouse models may limit the application of these models to studies that require an extensive experimental design. Here, using an affordable and convenient method, we demonstrate that the administration of fludarabine (FludaraTM) promotes the extensive and rapid engraftment of human normal hematopoiesis in immunodeficient mice. Quantification of human CD45+ cells in bone marrow revealed approximately a 102-fold increase in mice conditioned with irradiation plus fludarabine. Engrafted cells in the bone marrow included hematopoietic stem cells, as well as myeloid and lymphoid cells. Moreover, this model proved to be sufficient for robust reconstitution of malignant myeloid hematopoiesis, permitting primary acute myeloid leukemia cells to engraft as early as 8 weeks after the transplant. Overall, these results present a novel and affordable model for engraftment of human normal and malignant hematopoiesis in immunodeficient mice

    Downward transference of mice and universality of local core models

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    If M is a proper class inner model of ZFC and omega_2^M=omega_2, then every sound mouse projecting to omega and not past 0-pistol belongs to M. In fact, under the assumption that 0-pistol does not belong to M, K^M \| omega_2 is universal for all countable mice in V. Similarly, if M is a proper class inner model of ZFC, delta>omega_1 is regular, (delta^+)^M = delta^+, and in V there is no proper class inner model with a Woodin cardinal, then K^M \| delta is universal for all mice in V of cardinality less than delta.Comment: Revised version, incorporating the referee's suggestion

    SERPINB3 delays glomerulonephritis and attenuates the lupus-like disease in lupus murine models by inducing a more tolerogenic immune phenotype

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    Objective: To explore the effects of SERPINB3 administration in murine lupus models with a focus on lupus-like nephritis. Methods: 40 NZB/W F1 mice were subdivided into 4 groups and intraperitoneally injected with recombinant SERPINB3 (7.5 \u3bcg/0.1 mL or 15 \u3bcg/0.1 mL) or PBS (0.1 mL) before (group 1 and 2) or after (group 3 and 4) the development of proteinuria ( 65100 mg/dl). Two additional mice groups were provided by including 20 MRL/lpr mice which were prophylactically injected with SERPINB3 (10 mice, group 5) or PBS (10 mice, group 6). Time of occurrence and levels of anti-dsDNA and anti-C1q antibodies, proteinuria and serum creatinine, overall- and proteinuria-free survival were assessed in mice followed up to natural death. Histological analysis was performed in kidneys of both lupus models. The Th17:Treg cell ratio was assessed by flow-cytometry in splenocytes of treated and untreated MRL/lpr mice. Statistical analysis was performed using non parametric tests and Kaplan-Meier curves, when indicated. Results: Autoantibody levels and proteinuria were significantly decreased and time of occurrence significantly delayed in SERPINB3-treated mice vs. controls. In agreement with these findings, proteinuria-free and overall survival were significantly improved in SERPINB3-treated groups vs. controls. Histological analysis demonstrated a lower prevalence of severe tubular lesions in kidneys of group 5 vs. group 6. SERPINB3-treated mice showed an overall trend toward a reduced prevalence of severe lesions in both strains. Th17:Treg ratio was significantly decreased in splenocytes of MRL/lpr mice treated with SERPINB3, compared to untreated control mice. Conclusions: SERPINB3 significantly improves disease course and delays the onset of severe glomerulonephritis in lupus-prone mice, possibly inducing a more tolerogenic immune phenotype

    Mouse models of preterm birth: Suggested assessment and reporting guidelines

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    Preterm birth affects approximately 1 out of every 10 births in the United States, leading to high rates of mortality and long-term negative health consequences. To investigate the mechanisms leading to preterm birth so as to develop prevention strategies, researchers have developed numerous mouse models of preterm birth. However, the lack of standard definitions for preterm birth in mice limits our field\u27s ability to compare models and make inferences about preterm birth in humans. In this review, we discuss numerous mouse preterm birth models, propose guidelines for experiments and reporting, and suggest markers that can be used to assess whether pups are premature or mature. We argue that adoption of these recommendations will enhance the utility of mice as models for preterm birth

    GAA repeat expansion mutation mouse models of Friedreich ataxia exhibit oxidative stress leading to progressive neuronal and cardiac pathology

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    Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is a neurodegenerative disorder caused by an unstable GAA repeat expansion mutation within intron 1 of the FXN gene. However, the origins of the GAA repeat expansion, its unstable dynamics within different cells and tissues, and its effects on frataxin expression are not yet completely understood. Therefore, we have chosen to generate representative FRDA mouse models by using the human FXN GAA repeat expansion itself as the genetically modified mutation. We have previously reported the establishment of two lines of human FXN YAC transgenic mice that contain unstable GAA repeat expansions within the appropriate genomic context. We now describe the generation of FRDA mouse models by crossbreeding of both lines of human FXN YAC transgenic mice with heterozygous Fxn knockout mice. The resultant FRDA mice that express only human-derived frataxin show comparatively reduced levels of frataxin mRNA and protein expression, decreased aconitase activity, and oxidative stress, leading to progressive neurodegenerative and cardiac pathological phenotypes. Coordination deficits are present, as measured by accelerating rotarod analysis, together with a progressive decrease in locomotor activity and increase in weight. Large vacuoles are detected within neurons of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG), predominantly within the lumbar regions in 6-month-old mice, but spreading to the cervical regions after 1 year of age. Secondary demyelination of large axons is also detected within the lumbar roots of older mice. Lipofuscin deposition is increased in both DRG neurons and cardiomyocytes, and iron deposition is detected in cardiomyocytes after 1 year of age. These mice represent the first GAA repeat expansion-based FRDA mouse models that exhibit progressive FRDA-like pathology and thus will be of use in testing potential therapeutic strategies, particularly GAA repeat-based strategies. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Sensory Contact Model: Protocol, Control, Applications

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    Among the models that become more and more popular in behavioral neuroscience are biosocial models, which allow studying the consequences of chronic social conflicts and social stress in animals. The sensory contact model appears to represent one of such models. Repeated experience of aggression or social defeats in daily agonistic interactions in male mice of different strains leads to the formation of opposing kinds of social behavior: one attributable to winners (aggressors) and another attributable to losers (defeated males, victims of aggression). A large variety of behavioral pathologies which develop in male mice in these conditions (anxious depression, catalepsy, social withdrawal, pronounced aggression, anxiety, hyperactivity, cognitive disturbances, anhedonia etc.), which are accompanied by somatic changes (reduced gonad function, psychogenic immune deficiency etc), suggest that this approach could be used for different aims of biomedical studies. Putative mechanisms of release and maintenance of aggressive and submissive behaviors in male mice under the sensory contact model, criteria of correct application, basic experimental setups and problem of the control, methodical capabilities and potentials of the sensory contact model applications are discussed in this paper

    The mouse and ferret models for studying the novel avian-origin human influenza A (H7N9) virus.

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    BackgroundThe current study was conducted to establish animal models (including mouse and ferret) for the novel avian-origin H7N9 influenza virus.FindingsA/Anhui/1/2013 (H7N9) virus was administered by intranasal instillation to groups of mice and ferrets, and animals developed typical clinical signs including body weight loss (mice and ferrets), ruffled fur (mice), sneezing (ferrets), and death (mice). Peak virus shedding from respiratory tract was observed on 2 days post inoculation (d.p.i.) for mice and 3-5 d.p.i. for ferrets. Virus could also be detected in brain, liver, spleen, kidney, and intestine from inoculated mice, and in heart, liver, and olfactory bulb from inoculated ferrets. The inoculation of H7N9 could elicit seroconversion titers up to 1280 in ferrets and 160 in mice. Leukopenia, significantly reduced lymphocytes but increased neutrophils were also observed in mouse and ferret models.ConclusionsThe mouse and ferret model enables detailed studies of the pathogenesis of this illness and lay the foundation for drug or vaccine evaluation

    Skeletal muscle myopenia in mice model of bile duct ligation and carbon tetrachloride-induced liver cirrhosis

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    Skeletal muscle myopathy is universal in cirrhotic patients, however, little is known about the main mechanisms involved. The study aims to investigate skeletal muscle morphological, histological, and functional modifications in experimental models of cirrhosis and the principal molecular pathways responsible for skeletal muscle myopathy. Cirrhosis was induced by bile duct ligation (BDL) and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) administration in mice. Control animals (CTR) underwent bile duct exposure or vehicle administration only. At sacrifice, peripheral muscles were dissected and weighed. Contractile properties of extensor digitorum longus (EDL) were studied in vitro. Muscle samples were used for histological and molecular analysis. Quadriceps muscle histology revealed a significant reduction in cross-sectional area of muscle and muscle fibers in cirrhotic mice with respect to CTR. Kinetic properties of EDL in both BDL and CCl4 were reduced with respect to CTR; BDL mice also showed a reduction in muscle force and a decrease in the resistance to fatigue. Increase in myostatin expression associated with a decrease in AKT-mTOR expressions was observed in BDL mice, together with an increase in LC3 protein levels. Upregulation of the proinflammatory citochines TNF-a and IL6 and an increased expression of NF-kB and MuRF-1 were observed in CCl4 mice. In conclusion, skeletal muscle myopenia was present in experimental models of BDL and CCl4-induced cirrhosis. Moreover, reduction in protein synthesis and activation of protein degradation were the main mechanisms responsible for myopenia in BDL mice, while activation of ubiquitin-pathway through inflammatory cytokines seems to be the main potential mechanism involved in CCl4 mice