7 research outputs found

    Database Version Management for Application Development

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    CĂ­lem tĂ©to prĂĄce je usnadněnĂ­ verzovĂĄnĂ­ databĂĄzovĂœch systĂ©mĆŻ pracujĂ­cĂ­ch na systĂ©mu ƙízenĂ­ bĂĄze dat MySQL. ZĂĄměr aplikace je zefektivněnĂ­ a zjednoduĆĄenĂ­ verzovĂĄnĂ­ databĂĄzovĂ© vrstvy pƙi vĂœvoji aplikacĂ­ v menĆĄĂ­ch tĂœmech.  The purpose of this work is to facilitate database version working on the database management system MySQL. The intention of application is to get efficiency and make simpler versioning of database layer for application development in smaller teams.  

    Hacking intellectual property law

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    Inside Story: An Arts-Based Exploration of the Creative Process of the Storyteller as Leader

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    Storytelling is one of humanity\u27s oldest art forms and an enduring educational method. Stories can spark social change. Although storytelling is tacitly recognized in diverse social science domains as a communication medium used to powerfully transmit leadership vision and ideas, little empirical research has been reported about how a teller constructs and tells a story. Through qualitative, arts-based methods, this heuristic study examines and describes the lived experience of a storyteller composing and performing a tale on issues of peace, justice, and social change. It reflects on the teller as leader and identifies a palette of arts-based skills for change leaders. As a professional storyteller, I phenomenologically explored the essence, or nature, of a storyteller’s creative process by creating a storytelling work. The storytelling work I composed as a research vehicle is based on a travel diary written during a time of war in Israel in July, 2006. Utilizing art making as an inquiry method, I mindfully became an embodied research environment during this study. I gathered emic, or insider, information about the imaginal world of a storyteller. Through a literary, autoethnographic writing process, I observed, described, interpreted, and named the steps in my creative process as I designed, rehearsed, and performed an original storytelling work. The work interweaves personal memoir, history, folklore, and current events. Commonalities between the storyteller (composing and performing a complex tale) and a change leader (designing and communicating a change vision) emerged. Storytelling communication skills and creative thinking ability are core competencies in artfully leading change. Arts-based training in storytelling could provide change leaders with experiential knowledge about innovative thinking and an appreciation for the power of story and metaphor to convey ideas. Storytelling can be an illuminating art medium through which to inspire peace, justice, and positive social change. This document contains embedded graphic files (JPG) and is accompanied by audio files (MP3)

    Inside Story: An Arts-Based Exploration of the Creative Process of the Storyteller as Leader

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    Storytelling is one of humanity\u27s oldest art forms and an enduring educational method. Stories can spark social change. Although storytelling is tacitly recognized in diverse social science domains as a communication medium used to powerfully transmit leadership vision and ideas, little empirical research has been reported about how a teller constructs and tells a story. Through qualitative, arts-based methods, this heuristic study examines and describes the lived experience of a storyteller composing and performing a tale on issues of peace, justice, and social change. It reflects on the teller as leader and identifies a palette of arts-based skills for change leaders. As a professional storyteller, I phenomenologically explored the essence, or nature, of a storyteller’s creative process by creating a storytelling work. The storytelling work I composed as a research vehicle is based on a travel diary written during a time of war in Israel in July, 2006. Utilizing art making as an inquiry method, I mindfully became an embodied research environment during this study. I gathered emic, or insider, information about the imaginal world of a storyteller. Through a literary, autoethnographic writing process, I observed, described, interpreted, and named the steps in my creative process as I designed, rehearsed, and performed an original storytelling work. The work interweaves personal memoir, history, folklore, and current events. Commonalities between the storyteller (composing and performing a complex tale) and a change leader (designing and communicating a change vision) emerged. Storytelling communication skills and creative thinking ability are core competencies in artfully leading change. Arts-based training in storytelling could provide change leaders with experiential knowledge about innovative thinking and an appreciation for the power of story and metaphor to convey ideas. Storytelling can be an illuminating art medium through which to inspire peace, justice, and positive social change. This document contains embedded graphic files (JPG) and is accompanied by audio files (MP3)

    An evaluation of the ‘open source internet research tool’: a user-centred and participatory design approach with UK law enforcement

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    As part of their routine investigations, law enforcement conducts open source research; that is, investigating and researching using publicly available information online. Historically, the notion of collecting open sources of information is as ingrained as the concept of intelligence itself. However, utilising open source research in UK law enforcement is a relatively new concept not generally, or practically, considered until after the civil unrest seen in the UK’s major cities in the summer of 2011. While open source research focuses on the understanding of bein‘publicly available’, there are legal, ethical and procedural issues that law enforcement must consider. This asks the following mainresearch question: What constraints do law enforcement face when conducting open source research? From a legal perspective, law enforcement officials must ensure their actions are necessary and proportionate, more so where an individual’s privacy is concerned under human rights legislation and data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation. Privacy issues appear, though, when considering the boom and usage of social media, where lines can be easily blurred as to what is public and private. Guidance from Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and, now, the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC) tends to be non-committal in tone, but nods towards obtaining legal authorisation under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) 2000 when conducting what may be ‘directed surveillance’. RIPA, however, pre-dates the modern era of social media by several years, so its applicability as the de-facto piece of legislation for conducting higher levels of open source research is called into question. 22 semi-structured interviews with law enforcement officials were conducted and discovered a grey area surrounding legal authorities when conducting open source research. From a technical and procedural aspect of conducting open source research, officers used a variety of software tools that would vary both in price and quality, with no standard toolset. This was evidenced from 20 questionnaire responses from 12 police forces within the UK. In an attempt to bring about standardisation, the College of Policing’s Research, Identifying and Tracing the Electronic Suspect (RITES) course recommended several capturing and productivity tools. Trainers on the RITES course, however, soon discovered the cognitive overload this had on the cohort, who would often spend more time learning to use the tools than learn about open source research techniques. The problem highlighted above prompted the creation of Open Source Internet Research Tool (OSIRT); an all-in-one browser for conducting open source research. OSIRT’s creation followed the user-centred design (UCD) method, with two phases of development using the software engineering methodologies ‘throwaway prototyping’, for the prototype version, and ‘incremental and iterative development’ for the release version. OSIRT has since been integrated into the RITES course, which trains over 100 officers a year, and provides a feedback outlet for OSIRT. System Usability Scale questionnaires administered on RITES courses have shown OSIRT to be usable, with feedback being positive. Beyond the RITES course, surveys, interviews and observations also show OSIRT makes an impact on everyday policing and has reduced the burden officers faced when conducting opens source research. OSIRT’s impact now reaches beyond the UK and sees usage across the globe. OSIRT contributes to law enforcement output in countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia and even Israel, demonstrating OSIRT’s usefulness and necessity are not only applicable to UK law enforcement. This thesis makes several contributions both academically and from a practical perspective to law enforcement. The main contributions are: ‱ Discussion and analysis of the constraints law enforcement within the UK face when conducting open source research from a legal, ethical and procedural perspective. ‱ Discussion, analysis and reflective discourse surrounding the development of a software tool for law enforcement and the challenges faced in what is a unique development. ‱ An approach to collaborating with those who are in ‘closed’ environments, such as law enforcement, to create bespoke software. Additionally, this approach offers a method of measuring the value and usefulness of OSIRT with UK law enforcement. ‱ The creation and integration of OSIRT in to law enforcement and law enforcement training packages

    Developing a network virtualization framework for testing network resilience techniques

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    El objetivo del Trabajo de Fin de Grado propuesto es el desarrollo de un sistema software que automatice el despliegue y gesti on de redes puramente virtuales para su uso como entorno de pruebas. El trabajo pertenece al ambito del proyecto CloudWall 2 del Depar- tamento de Autom atica de la Universidad de Alcal a, cuya meta primordial es el desarrollo de una infraestructura de resiliencia de red adapatada a las necesidades de los sistemas inform aticos del sistema sanitario para as incrementar su capacidad de prevenci on y reacci on ante ataques cibern eticos. Nuestro trabajo busca servir como mecanismo de val- idaci on para las t enicas obtenidas del proyecto CloudWall. El uso de contenedores de docker como nodos de red virtuales junto a las posibilidades brindadas por el kernel de linux ofrecen una gran cantidad de exibilidad que hemos re- spetado y proporcionado al usuario. La l ogica que implementa las funciones de control de red se ha escrito ntegramente en python3. Asimismo, se ha desarrollado una prueba de concepto para demostrar la adecuaci on del resultado obtenido para el uso que se le pretend a dar en un principio. Adem as, dadas las tecnolog as empleadas, las aplicaciones que se le pueden dar a este trabajo son m as amplios de lo inicialmente requerido. Con- sideramos que una de las aplicaciones futuras m as prometedoras es su posible uso como una herramienta de apoyo a labores docentes.The object of the proposed Undergraduate Thesis is the development of a software system automating the deployment and management of fully virtual networks for their use as a testbed. The project sits within the scope of the CloudWall 1 project from the Automatics Department at the University of Alcal a, whose main focus is to develop a Cloud-enabled Resilience Framework tailored for the needs of the healthcare IT infrastructures to in- crease their capability to prevent and react to cyber attacks. Its intended purpose is serving as a validation mechanism for the techniques developed within said project. The use of docker containers as virtual network nodes together with the possibilities o ered by the linux kernel provide a huge amount of exibility that we have respected and made available to the user. The logic implementing the network control functionalities has been written entirely with python3. A proof of concept proving the project's suitability for its intended use is also provided. What is more, given the technologies the project has been built upon its use cases are much broader than what was initially required. We consider its possible use as a teaching resource to be one of the most promising future applications.Grado en IngenierĂ­a TelemĂĄtic

    Ode to code

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