550 research outputs found

    Classical sampling theorems in the context of multirate and polyphase digital filter bank structures

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    The recovery of a signal from so-called generalized samples is a problem of designing appropriate linear filters called reconstruction (or synthesis) filters. This relationship is reviewed and explored. Novel theorems for the subsampling of sequences are derived by direct use of the digital-filter-bank framework. These results are related to the theory of perfect reconstruction in maximally decimated digital-filter-bank systems. One of the theorems pertains to the subsampling of a sequence and its first few differences and its subsequent stable reconstruction at finite cost with no error. The reconstruction filters turn out to be multiplierless and of the FIR (finite impulse response) type. These ideas are extended to the case of two-dimensional signals by use of a Kronecker formalism. The subsampling of bandlimited sequences is also considered. A sequence x(n ) with a Fourier transform vanishes for |ω|&ges;Lπ/M, where L and M are integers with L<M, can in principle be represented by reducing the data rate by the amount M/L. The digital polyphase framework is used as a convenient tool for the derivation as well as mechanization of the sampling theorem

    A new class of two-channel biorthogonal filter banks and wavelet bases

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    We propose a novel framework for a new class of two-channel biorthogonal filter banks. The framework covers two useful subclasses: i) causal stable IIR filter banks. ii) linear phase FIR filter banks. There exists a very efficient structurally perfect reconstruction implementation for such a class. Filter banks of high frequency selectivity can be achieved by using the proposed framework with low complexity. The properties of such a class are discussed in detail. The design of the analysis/synthesis systems reduces to the design of a single transfer function. Very simple design methods are given both for FIR and IIR cases. Zeros of arbitrary multiplicity at aliasing frequency can be easily imposed, for the purpose of generating wavelets with regularity property. In the IIR case, two new classes of IIR maximally flat filters different from Butterworth filters are introduced. The filter coefficients are given in closed form. The wavelet bases corresponding to the biorthogonal systems are generated. the authors also provide a novel mapping of the proposed 1-D framework into 2-D. The mapping preserves the following: i) perfect reconstruction; ii) stability in the IIR case; iii) linear phase in the FIR case; iv) zeros at aliasing frequency; v) frequency characteristic of the filters

    On the eigenfilter design method and its applications: a tutorial

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    The eigenfilter method for digital filter design involves the computation of filter coefficients as the eigenvector of an appropriate Hermitian matrix. Because of its low complexity as compared to other methods as well as its ability to incorporate various time and frequency-domain constraints easily, the eigenfilter method has been found to be very useful. In this paper, we present a review of the eigenfilter design method for a wide variety of filters, including linear-phase finite impulse response (FIR) filters, nonlinear-phase FIR filters, all-pass infinite impulse response (IIR) filters, arbitrary response IIR filters, and multidimensional filters. Also, we focus on applications of the eigenfilter method in multistage filter design, spectral/spacial beamforming, and in the design of channel-shortening equalizers for communications applications

    Multirate digital filters, filter banks, polyphase networks, and applications: a tutorial

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    Multirate digital filters and filter banks find application in communications, speech processing, image compression, antenna systems, analog voice privacy systems, and in the digital audio industry. During the last several years there has been substantial progress in multirate system research. This includes design of decimation and interpolation filters, analysis/synthesis filter banks (also called quadrature mirror filters, or QMFJ, and the development of new sampling theorems. First, the basic concepts and building blocks in multirate digital signal processing (DSPJ, including the digital polyphase representation, are reviewed. Next, recent progress as reported by several authors in this area is discussed. Several applications are described, including the following: subband coding of waveforms, voice privacy systems, integral and fractional sampling rate conversion (such as in digital audio), digital crossover networks, and multirate coding of narrow-band filter coefficients. The M-band QMF bank is discussed in considerable detail, including an analysis of various errors and imperfections. Recent techniques for perfect signal reconstruction in such systems are reviewed. The connection between QMF banks and other related topics, such as block digital filtering and periodically time-varying systems, based on a pseudo-circulant matrix framework, is covered. Unconventional applications of the polyphase concept are discussed

    Classical sampling theorems in the context of multirate and polyphase digital filter bank structures

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    Analysis of multirate behavior in electronic systems

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaEsta tese insere-se na área da simulação de circuitos de RF e microondas, e visa o estudo de ferramentas computacionais inovadoras que consigam simular, de forma eficiente, circuitos não lineares e muito heterogéneos, contendo uma estrutura combinada de blocos analógicos de RF e de banda base e blocos digitais, a operar em múltiplas escalas de tempo. Os métodos numéricos propostos nesta tese baseiam-se em estratégias multi-dimensionais, as quais usam múltiplas variáveis temporais definidas em domínios de tempo deformados e não deformados, para lidar, de forma eficaz, com as disparidades existentes entre as diversas escalas de tempo. De modo a poder tirar proveito dos diferentes ritmos de evolução temporal existentes entre correntes e tensões com variação muito rápida (variáveis de estado activas) e correntes e tensões com variação lenta (variáveis de estado latentes), são utilizadas algumas técnicas numéricas avançadas para operar dentro dos espaços multi-dimensionais, como, por exemplo, os algoritmos multi-ritmo de Runge-Kutta, ou o método das linhas. São também apresentadas algumas estratégias de partição dos circuitos, as quais permitem dividir um circuito em sub-circuitos de uma forma completamente automática, em função dos ritmos de evolução das suas variáveis de estado. Para problemas acentuadamente não lineares, são propostos vários métodos inovadores de simulação a operar estritamente no domínio do tempo. Para problemas com não linearidades moderadas é proposto um novo método híbrido frequência-tempo, baseado numa combinação entre a integração passo a passo unidimensional e o método seguidor de envolvente com balanço harmónico. O desempenho dos métodos é testado na simulação de alguns exemplos ilustrativos, com resultados bastante promissores. Uma análise comparativa entre os métodos agora propostos e os métodos actualmente existentes para simulação RF, revela ganhos consideráveis em termos de rapidez de computação.This thesis belongs to the field of RF and microwave circuit simulation, and is intended to discuss some innovative computer-aided design tools especially conceived for the efficient numerical simulation of highly heterogeneous nonlinear wireless communication circuits, combining RF and baseband analog and digital circuitry, operating in multiple time scales. The numerical methods proposed in this thesis are based on multivariate strategies, which use multiple time variables defined in warped and unwarped time domains, for efficiently dealing with the time-scale disparities. In order to benefit from the different rates of variation of slowly varying (latent) and fast-varying (active) currents and voltages (circuits’ state variables), several advanced numerical techniques, such as modern multirate Runge-Kutta algorithms, or the mathematical method of lines, are proposed to operate within the multivariate frameworks. Diverse partitioning strategies are also introduced, which allow the simulator to automatically split the circuits into sub-circuits according to the different time rates of change of their state variables. Novel purely time-domain techniques are addressed for the numerical simulation of circuits presenting strong nonlinearities, while a mixed frequency-time engine, based on a combination of univariate time-step integration with multitime envelope transient harmonic balance, is discussed for circuits operating under moderately nonlinear regimes. Tests performed in illustrative circuit examples with the newly proposed methods revealed very promising results. Indeed, compared to previously available RF tools, significant gains in simulation speed are reported

    Efficient Multiband Algorithms for Blind Source Separation

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    The problem of blind separation refers to recovering original signals, called source signals, from the mixed signals, called observation signals, in a reverberant environment. The mixture is a function of a sequence of original speech signals mixed in a reverberant room. The objective is to separate mixed signals to obtain the original signals without degradation and without prior information of the features of the sources. The strategy used to achieve this objective is to use multiple bands that work at a lower rate, have less computational cost and a quicker convergence than the conventional scheme. Our motivation is the competitive results of unequal-passbands scheme applications, in terms of the convergence speed. The objective of this research is to improve unequal-passbands schemes by improving the speed of convergence and reducing the computational cost. The first proposed work is a novel maximally decimated unequal-passbands scheme.This scheme uses multiple bands that make it work at a reduced sampling rate, and low computational cost. An adaptation approach is derived with an adaptation step that improved the convergence speed. The performance of the proposed scheme was measured in different ways. First, the mean square errors of various bands are measured and the results are compared to a maximally decimated equal-passbands scheme, which is currently the best performing method. The results show that the proposed scheme has a faster convergence rate than the maximally decimated equal-passbands scheme. Second, when the scheme is tested for white and coloured inputs using a low number of bands, it does not yield good results; but when the number of bands is increased, the speed of convergence is enhanced. Third, the scheme is tested for quick changes. It is shown that the performance of the proposed scheme is similar to that of the equal-passbands scheme. Fourth, the scheme is also tested in a stationary state. The experimental results confirm the theoretical work. For more challenging scenarios, an unequal-passbands scheme with over-sampled decimation is proposed; the greater number of bands, the more efficient the separation. The results are compared to the currently best performing method. Second, an experimental comparison is made between the proposed multiband scheme and the conventional scheme. The results show that the convergence speed and the signal-to-interference ratio of the proposed scheme are higher than that of the conventional scheme, and the computation cost is lower than that of the conventional scheme

    Optimisation techniques for low bit rate speech coding

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    This thesis extends the background theory of speech and major speech coding schemes used in existing networks to an implementation of GSM full-rate speech compression on a RISC DSP and a multirate application for speech coding. Speech coding is the field concerned with obtaining compact digital representations of speech signals for the purpose of efficient transmission. In this thesis, the background of speech compression, characteristics of speech signals and the DSP algorithms used have been examined. The current speech coding schemes and requirements have been studied. The Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) is a digital mobile radio system which is extensively used throughout Europe, and also in many other parts of the world. The algorithm is standardised by the European Telecommunications Standardisation histitute (ETSI). The full-rate and half-rate speech compression of GSM have been analysed. A real time implementation of the full-rate algorithm has been carried out on a RISC processor GEPARD by Austria Mikro Systeme International (AMS). The GEPARD code has been tested with all of the test sequences provided by ETSI and the results are bit-exact. The transcoding delay is lower than the ETSI requirement. A comparison of the half-rate and full-rate compression algorithms is discussed. Both algorithms offer near toll speech quality comparable or better than analogue cellular networks. The half-rate compression requires more computationally intensive operations and therefore a more powerful processor will be needed due to the complexity of the code. Hence the cost of the implementation of half-rate codec will be considerably higher than full-rate. A description of multirate signal processing and its application on speech (SBC) and speech/audio (MPEG) has been given. An investigation into the possibility of combining multirate filtering and GSM fill-rate speech algorithm. The results showed that multirate signal processing cannot be directly applied GSM full-rate speech compression since this method requires more processing power, causing longer coding delay but did not appreciably improve the bit rate. In order to achieve a lower bit rate, the GSM full-rate mathematical algorithm can be used instead of the standardised ETSI recommendation. Some changes including the number of quantisation bits has to be made before the application of multirate signal processing and a new standard will be required