187 research outputs found

    BlockPKI: An Automated, Resilient, and Transparent Public-Key Infrastructure

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    This paper describes BlockPKI, a blockchain-based public-key infrastructure that enables an automated, resilient, and transparent issuance of digital certificates. Our goal is to address several shortcomings of the current TLS infrastructure and its proposed extensions. In particular, we aim at reducing the power of individual certification authorities and make their actions publicly visible and accountable, without introducing yet another trusted third party. To demonstrate the benefits and practicality of our system, we present evaluation results and describe our prototype implementation.Comment: Workshop on Blockchain and Sharing Economy Application

    The Origins of ccTLD Policymaking

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    Extract: A long time ago in a galaxy not so far away, there was a decentralized global network of computers. These computers shared information with each other regardless of how far apart they were and whether there was any direct line of communication between them. In the very beginning, this network was used exclusively by government and military agencies, educational and research institutions, government contractors, scientists, and technology specialists. Instead of the domain names we use today, such as “www. amazon.com,” users typed in numeric addresses, such as “,” and, later, host names to send information to other computers. This network soon expanded, and domain names became a practical necessity. There are at least two reasons. First, alphanumeric texts are generally easier for humans to remember than numeric addresses. Second, as Internet traffic increases and computer systems are reconfigured, the computer server used for a particular Web site may change from time to time. In fact, some busy Web sites might use multiple servers, requiring them to take turns to address requests directed to a single domain name. While the Web site owner (or his or her technical staff) might know internally to which numeric address the Web site corresponds at a particular moment, the general public does not. Domain names are therefore needed for identification purposes

    An Accountability Architecture for the Internet

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    In the current Internet, senders are not accountable for the packets they send. As a result, malicious users send unwanted traffic that wastes shared resources and degrades network performance. Stopping such attacks requires identifying the responsible principal and filtering any unwanted traffic it sends. However, senders can obscure their identity: a packet identifies its sender only by the source address, but the Internet Protocol does not enforce that this address be correct. Additionally, affected destinations have no way to prevent the sender from continuing to cause harm. An accountable network binds sender identities to packets they send for the purpose of holding senders responsible for their traffic. In this dissertation, I present an accountable network-level architecture that strongly binds senders to packets and gives receivers control over who can send traffic to them. Holding senders accountable for their actions would prevent many of the attacks that disrupt the Internet today. Previous work in attack prevention proposes methods of binding packets to senders, giving receivers control over who sends what to them, or both. However, they all require trusted elements on the forwarding path, to either assist in identifying the sender or to filter unwanted packets. These elements are often not under the control of the receiver and may become corrupt. This dissertation shows that the Internet architecture can be extended to allow receivers to block traffic from unwanted senders, even in the presence of malicious devices in the forwarding path. This dissertation validates this thesis with three contributions. The first contribution is DNA, a network architecture that strongly binds packets to their sender, allowing routers to reject unaccountable traffic and recipients to block traffic from unwanted senders. Unlike prior work, which trusts on-path devices to behave correctly, the only trusted component in DNA is an identity certification authority. All other entities may misbehave and are either blocked or evicted from the network. The second contribution is NeighborhoodWatch, a secure, distributed, scalable object store that is capable of withstanding misbehavior by its constituent nodes. DNA uses NeighborhoodWatch to store receiver-specific requests block individual senders. The third contribution is VanGuard, an accountable capability architecture. Capabilities are small, receiver-generated tokens that grant the sender permission to send traffic to receiver. Existing capability architectures are not accountable, assume a protected channel for obtaining capabilities, and allow on-path devices to steal capabilities. VanGuard builds a capability architecture on top of DNA, preventing capability theft and protecting the capability request channel by allowing receivers to block senders that flood the channel. Once a sender obtains capabilities, it no longer needs to sign traffic, thus allowing greater efficiency than DNA alone. The DNA architecture demonstrates that it is possible to create an accountable network architecture in which none of the devices on the forwarding path must be trusted. DNA holds senders responsible for their traffic by allowing receivers to block senders; to store this blocking state, DNA relies on the NeighborhoodWatch DHT. VanGuard extends DNA and reduces its overhead by incorporating capabilities, which gives destinations further control over the traffic that sources send to them

    The Cooperative Defense Overlay Network: A Collaborative Automated Threat Information Sharing Framework for a Safer Internet

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    With the ever-growing proliferation of hardware and software-based computer security exploits and the increasing power and prominence of distributed attacks, network and system administrators are often forced to make a difficult decision: expend tremendous resources on defense from sophisticated and continually evolving attacks from an increasingly dangerous Internet with varying levels of success; or expend fewer resources on defending against common attacks on "low hanging fruit," hoping to avoid the less common but incredibly devastating zero-day worm or botnet attack. Home networks and small organizations are usually forced to choose the latter option and in so doing are left vulnerable to all but the simplest of attacks. While automated tools exist for sharing information about network-based attacks, this sharing is typically limited to administrators of large networks and dedicated security-conscious users, to the exclusion of smaller organizations and novice home users. In this thesis we propose a framework for a cooperative defense overlay network (CODON) in which participants with varying technical abilities and resources can contribute to the security and health of the internet via automated crowdsourcing, rapid information sharing, and the principle of collateral defense

    SoK: Delegation and Revocation, the Missing Links in the Web's Chain of Trust

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    The ability to quickly revoke a compromised key is critical to the security of any public-key infrastructure. Regrettably, most traditional certificate revocation schemes suffer from latency, availability, or privacy problems. These problems are exacerbated by the lack of a native delegation mechanism in TLS, which increasingly leads domain owners to engage in dangerous practices such as sharing their private keys with third parties. We analyze solutions that address the long-standing delegation and revocation shortcomings of the web PKI, with a focus on approaches that directly affect the chain of trust (i.e., the X.509 certification path). For this purpose, we propose a 19-criteria framework for characterizing revocation and delegation schemes. We also show that combining short-lived delegated credentials or proxy certificates with an appropriate revocation system would solve several pressing problems.Comment: IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P) 202

    A Survey on Spoofing and Selective Forwarding Attacks on Zigbee based WSN

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    The main focus of WSN is to gather data from the physical world. It is often deployed for sensing, processing as well as disseminating information of the targeted physical environments. The main objective of the WSN is to collect data from the target environment using sensors as well as transmit those data to the desired place of choice. In order to achieve an efficient performance, WSN should have efficient as well as reliable networking protocols. The most popular technology behind WSN is Zigbee. In this paper a pilot study is done on important security issues on spoofing and selective forwarding attack on Zigbee based WSN. This paper identifies the security vulnerabilities of Zigbee network and gaps in the existing methodologies to address the security issues and will help the future researchers to narrow down their research in WSN.Keywords: Zigbee, WSN, Protocol Stack, Spoofing and Selective Forwarding

    The dissipative structure of variational multiscale methods for incompressible flows

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    In this paper, we present a precise definition of the numerical dissipation for the orthogonal projection version of the variational multiscale method for incompressible flows. We show that, only if the space of subscales is taken orthogonal to the finite element space, this definition is physically reasonable as the coarse and fine scales are properly separated. Then we compare the diffusion introduced by the numerical discretization of the problem with the diffusion introduced by a large eddy simulation model. Results for the flow around a surface-mounted obstacle problem show that numerical dissipation is of the same order as the subgrid dissipation introduced by the Smagorinsky model. Finally, when transient subscales are considered, the model is able to predict backscatter, something that is only possible when dynamic LES closures are used. Numerical evidence supporting this point is also presented
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