17 research outputs found

    Sequential algorithms as bistable maps

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    We exhibit Cartwright-Curien-Felleisen's model of observably sequential algorithms as a full subcategory of Laird's bistable biorders, thereby reconciling two views of functions: functions-as-algorithms (or programs), and functions-as-relations. We then characterize affine sequential algorithms as affine bistable functions in the full subcategory of locally boolean orders

    Sequential algorithms as bistable maps

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    We exhibit Cartwright-Curien-Felleisen's model of observably sequential algorithms as a full subcategory of Laird's bistable biorders, thereby reconciling two views of functions: functions-as-algorithms (or programs), and functions-as-relations. We then characterize affine sequential algorithms as affine bistable functions in the full subcategory of locally boolean orders

    The Sigma-Semantics: A Comprehensive Semantics for Functional Programs

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    A comprehensive semantics for functional programs is presented, which generalizes the well-known call-by-value and call-by-name semantics. By permitting a separate choice between call-by value and call-by-name for every argument position of every function and parameterizing the semantics by this choice we abstract from the parameter-passing mechanism. Thus common and distinguishing features of all instances of the sigma-semantics, especially call-by-value and call-by-name semantics, are highlighted. Furthermore, a property can be validated for all instances of the sigma-semantics by a single proof. This is employed for proving the equivalence of the given denotational (fixed-point based) and two operational (reduction based) definitions of the sigma-semantics. We present and apply means for very simple proofs of equivalence with the denotational sigma-semantics for a large class of reduction-based sigma-semantics. Our basis are simple first-order constructor-based functional programs with patterns

    Intensional and Extensional Semantics of Bounded and Unbounded Nondeterminism

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    We give extensional and intensional characterizations of nondeterministic functional programs: as structure preserving functions between biorders, and as nondeterministic sequential algorithms on ordered concrete data structures which compute them. A fundamental result establishes that the extensional and intensional representations of non-deterministic programs are equivalent, by showing how to construct a unique sequential algorithm which computes a given monotone and stable function, and describing the conditions on sequential algorithms which correspond to continuity with respect to each order. We illustrate by defining may and must-testing denotational semantics for a sequential functional language with bounded and unbounded choice operators. We prove that these are computationally adequate, despite the non-continuity of the must-testing semantics of unbounded nondeterminism. In the bounded case, we prove that our continuous models are fully abstract with respect to may and must-testing by identifying a simple universal type, which may also form the basis for models of the untyped lambda-calculus. In the unbounded case we observe that our model contains computable functions which are not denoted by terms, by identifying a further "weak continuity" property of the definable elements, and use this to establish that it is not fully abstract

    Inductive Definition and Domain Theoretic Properties of Fully Abstract

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    A construction of fully abstract typed models for PCF and PCF^+ (i.e., PCF + "parallel conditional function"), respectively, is presented. It is based on general notions of sequential computational strategies and wittingly consistent non-deterministic strategies introduced by the author in the seventies. Although these notions of strategies are old, the definition of the fully abstract models is new, in that it is given level-by-level in the finite type hierarchy. To prove full abstraction and non-dcpo domain theoretic properties of these models, a theory of computational strategies is developed. This is also an alternative and, in a sense, an analogue to the later game strategy semantics approaches of Abramsky, Jagadeesan, and Malacaria; Hyland and Ong; and Nickau. In both cases of PCF and PCF^+ there are definable universal (surjective) functionals from numerical functions to any given type, respectively, which also makes each of these models unique up to isomorphism. Although such models are non-omega-complete and therefore not continuous in the traditional terminology, they are also proved to be sequentially complete (a weakened form of omega-completeness), "naturally" continuous (with respect to existing directed "pointwise", or "natural" lubs) and also "naturally" omega-algebraic and "naturally" bounded complete -- appropriate generalisation of the ordinary notions of domain theory to the case of non-dcpos.Comment: 50 page

    Some Programming Languages Suggested by Game Models (Extended Abstract)

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    AbstractWe consider a simple and well-known category of alternating games (also known as sequential data structures) and several categories derived from it. In each case, we present an extension of Plotkin's language FPC (or a suitable linearization thereof) which defines all computable strategies of appropriate types. The quest for such languages results in a novel selection of language primitives for state encapsulation, coroutining and backtracking

    Decidability and syntactic control of interference

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    AbstractWe investigate the decidability of observational equivalence and approximation in Reynolds’ “Syntactic Control of Interference” (SCI), a prototypical functional-imperative language in which covert interference between functions and their arguments is prevented by the use of an affine typing discipline.By associating denotations of terms in a fully abstract “relational” model of finitary basic SCI (due to Reddy) with multitape finite state automata, we show that observational approximation is not decidable (even at first order), but that observational equivalence is decidable for all terms.We then consider the same problems for basic SCI extended with non-local control in the form of backwards jumps. We show that both observational approximation and observational equivalence are decidable in this “observably sequential” version of the language by describing a fully abstract games model in which strategies are regular languages