89 research outputs found

    Object Oriented Visualization of Urban Energy Consumption

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    Publishing Time Dependent Oceanographic Visualizations using VRML

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    Oceanographic simulations generate time dependent data; thus, visualizations of this data should include and realize the variable `time'. Moreover, the oceanographers are located across the world and they wish to conveniently communicate and exchange these temporal realizations. This publication of material may be achieved using different methods and languages. VRML provides one convenient publication medium that allows the visualizations to be easily viewed and exchanged between users. Using VRML as the implementation language, we describe five categories of operation. The strategies are determined by the level of calculation that is achieved at the generation stage compared to the playing of the animation. We name the methods: 2D movie, 3D spatial, 3D flipbook, key frame deformation and visualization program

    Waltz - An exploratory visualization tool for volume data, using multiform abstract displays

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    Although, visualization is now widely used, misinterpretations still occur. There are three primary solutions intended to aid a user interpret data correctly. These are: displaying the data in different forms (Multiform visualization); simplifying (or abstracting) the structure of the viewed information; and linking objects and views together (allowing corresponding objects to be jointly manipulated and interrogated). These well-known visualization techniques, provide an emphasis towards the visualization display. We believe however that current visualization systems do not effectively utilise the display, for example, often placing it at the end of a long visualization process. Our visualization system, based on an adapted visualization model, allows a display method to be used throughout the visualization process, in which the user operates a 'Display (correlate) and Refine' visualization cycle. This display integration provides a useful exploration environment, where objects and Views may be directly manipulated; a set of 'portions of interest' can be selected to generate a specialized dataset. This may subsequently be further displayed, manipulated and filtered

    On encouraging multiple views for visualization

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    Visualization enables 'seeing the unseen', and provides new insight into the underlying data. However users far too easily believe or rely on a single representation of the data; this view may be a favourite method, the simplest to perform, or a method that has always been used! But, a single representation may generate a misinterpretation of the information or provide a situation where the user is missing the 'richness' of the data content! By displaying the data in multiple ways a user may understand the information through different perspectives, overcome possible misinterpretations and perform interactive investigative visualization through correlating the information between views. Thus, the use of multiple views of the same information should be encouraged. We believe the visualization system itself should actively encourage the generation of multiple views by providing appropriate tools to aid in this operation. We present and categorise issues for encouraging multiple views and provide a framework for the generation, management and manipulation of such views

    A 3D City Model Used as User-interface for an Energy-System

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    Research of Visualization Based on VTK

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    摘要:工具包 (Visualization Toolkit) 是一个面向对象的可视化类库, 它为从事可视化工具开发的广大科研工作者提供强大的技术支持。为此,必须了解和掌握VTK 的框架结构、构成VTK 对象模型和组成成分,以及VTK 在医学可视化应用中的实现。 Abstract Visualization Toolkit is an object-oriented visualization class library. It provides technological support for those who work at visualization. In the paper the structure and the elements of object models of VTK are introduced. Finally a visualization example applied in iatrology for given.国家自然基金:项目批准号:3077056

    Flexible isosurfaces: Simplifying and displaying scalar topology using the contour tree

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    The contour tree is an abstraction of a scalar field that encodes the nesting relationships of isosurfaces. We show how to use the contour tree to represent individual contours of a scalar field, how to simplify both the contour tree and the topology of the scalar field, how to compute and store geometric properties for all possible contours in the contour tree, and how to use the simplified contour tree as an interface for exploratory visualization

    What May Visualization Processes Optimize?

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    In this paper, we present an abstract model of visualization and inference processes and describe an information-theoretic measure for optimizing such processes. In order to obtain such an abstraction, we first examined six classes of workflows in data analysis and visualization, and identified four levels of typical visualization components, namely disseminative, observational, analytical and model-developmental visualization. We noticed a common phenomenon at different levels of visualization, that is, the transformation of data spaces (referred to as alphabets) usually corresponds to the reduction of maximal entropy along a workflow. Based on this observation, we establish an information-theoretic measure of cost-benefit ratio that may be used as a cost function for optimizing a data visualization process. To demonstrate the validity of this measure, we examined a number of successful visualization processes in the literature, and showed that the information-theoretic measure can mathematically explain the advantages of such processes over possible alternatives.Comment: 10 page

    Recursion Aware Modeling and Discovery For Hierarchical Software Event Log Analysis (Extended)

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    This extended paper presents 1) a novel hierarchy and recursion extension to the process tree model; and 2) the first, recursion aware process model discovery technique that leverages hierarchical information in event logs, typically available for software systems. This technique allows us to analyze the operational processes of software systems under real-life conditions at multiple levels of granularity. The work can be positioned in-between reverse engineering and process mining. An implementation of the proposed approach is available as a ProM plugin. Experimental results based on real-life (software) event logs demonstrate the feasibility and usefulness of the approach and show the huge potential to speed up discovery by exploiting the available hierarchy.Comment: Extended version (14 pages total) of the paper Recursion Aware Modeling and Discovery For Hierarchical Software Event Log Analysis. This Technical Report version includes the guarantee proofs for the proposed discovery algorithm