7 research outputs found

    Object oriented image segmentation on the CNNUC3 chip

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    We show how a complex object oriented image analysis algorithm can be implemented on a CNNUM chip for video-coding. Besides the applied linear operations, several gray-scale nonlinear template operations are also emulated using algorithmic solutions.Office of Naval Research (USA) NICOP N68171-98-C-9004European Commission DICTAM IST-1999-19007, TIC 99082

    Segmentation Algorithm via Cellular Neural/Nonlinear Network: Implementation on Bio-Inspired Hardware Platform

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    Abstract The Bio-inspired (Bi-i) Cellular Vision System is a computing platform consisting of sensing, array sensing-processing, and digital signal processing. The platform is based on the Cellular Neural/Nonlinear Network (CNN) paradigm. This article presents the implementation of a novel CNN-based segmentation algorithm onto the Bi-i system. Each part of the algorithm, along with the corresponding implementation on the hardware platform, is carefully described through the article. The experimental results, carried out for Foreman and Car-phone video sequences, highlight the feasibility of the approach, which provides a frame rate of about 26 frames/s. Comparisons with existing CNN-based methods show that the conceived approach is more accurate, thus representing a good trade-off between real-time requirements and accuracy

    Dense implementations of binary cellular nonlinear networks : from CMOS to nanotechnology

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    This thesis deals with the design and hardware realization of the cellular neural/nonlinear network (CNN)-type processors operating on data in the form of black and white (B/W) images. The ultimate goal is to achieve a very compact yet versatile cell structure that would allow for building a network with a very large spatial resolution. It is very important to be able to implement an array with a great number of cells on a single die. Not only it improves the computational power of the processor, but it might be the enabling factor for new applications as well. Larger resolution can be achieved in two ways. First, the cell functionality and operating principles can be tailored to improve the layout compactness. The other option is to use more advanced fabrication technology – either a newer, further downscaled CMOS process or one of the emerging nanotechnologies. It can be beneficial to realize an array processor as two separate parts – one dedicated for gray-scale and the other for B/W image processing, as their designs can be optimized. For instance, an implementation of a CNN dedicated for B/W image processing can be significantly simplified. When working with binary images only, all coefficients in the template matrix can also be reduced to binary values. In this thesis, such a binary programming scheme is presented as a means to reduce the cell size as well as to provide the circuits composed of emerging nanodevices with an efficient programmability. Digital programming can be very fast and robust, and leads to very compact coefficient circuits. A test structure of a binary-programmable CNN has been designed and implemented with standard 0.18 µm CMOS technology. A single cell occupies only 155 µm2, which corresponds to a cell density of 6451 cells per square millimeter. A variety of templates have been tested and the measured chip performance is discussed. Since the minimum feature size of modern CMOS devices has already entered the nanometer scale, and the limitations of further scaling are projected to be reached within the next decade or so, more and more interest and research activity is attracted by nanotechnology. Investigation of the quantum physics phenomena and development of new devices and circuit concepts, which would allow to overcome the CMOS limitations, is becoming an increasingly important science. A single-electron tunneling (SET) transistor is one of the most attractive nanodevices. While relying on the Coulomb interactions, these devices can be connected directly with a wire or through a coupling capacitance. To develop suitable structures for implementing the binary programming scheme with capacitive couplings, the CNN cell based on the floating gate MOSFET (FG-MOSFET) has been designed. This approach can be considered as a step towards a programmable cell implementation with nanodevices. Capacitively coupled CNN has been simulated and the presented results confirm the proper operation. Therefore, the same circuit strategies have also been applied to the CNN cell designed for SET technology. The cell has been simulated to work well with the binary programming scheme applied. This versatile structure can be implemented either as a pure SET design or as a SET-FET hybrid. In addition to the designs mentioned above, a number of promising nanodevices and emerging circuit architectures are introduced.reviewe

    Analog parallel processor solutions for video encoding

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    This thesis deals with Cellular Nonlinear Network (CNN) analog parallel processor networks and their implementations in current video coding standards. The target applications are low-power video encoders within 3rd generation mobile terminals. The video codecs of such mobile terminals are defined by either the MPEG-4/H.263 or H.264 video standard. All of these standards are based on the block-based hybrid approach. As block-based motion estimation (ME) is responsible for most of the power consumption of such hybrid video encoders, this thesis deals mostly with low-power ME implementations. Low-power solutions are introduced at both the algorithmic and hardware levels. On the algorithmic level, the introduced implementations are derived from a segmentation algorithm, which has previously been partly realized. The first introduced algorithm reduces the computational complexity of ME within an object-based MPEG-4 encoder. The use of this algorithm enables a 60% drop in the power consumption of Full Search ME. The second algorithm calculates a near-optimal block-size partition for H.264 motion estimation. With this algorithm, the use of computationally complex Lagrange optimization in H.264 ME is not required. The third algorithm reduces the shape bit-rate of an object-based MPEG-4 encoder. On the hardware level a CNN-type ME architecture is introduced. The architecture includes connections and circuitry to fully realize block-based ME. The analog ME implemented with this architecture is capable of lower power than comparable digital realizations. A 9×9 test chip has also been realized. Additionally implemented is a digital predictive ME realization that takes advantage of the introduced partition algorithm. Although the IC layout of the ME algorithm was drawn, the design was verified as an FPGA.reviewe

    A VLSI array processor architecture for emulating resistive network filtering

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    This thesis deals with silicon implementations of an all-transistor analogue parallel processor that emulates the functionality of a resistive network. The problems related to VLSI -implementations of parallel processors are the main concern of this thesis. These problems are first discussed and then to overcome these problems, a new system design is introduced, namely Reduced Cell-row System (RCS). The work started from a resistive network -type spatial filter that was part of a video image compression algorithm. The functionality of this algorithm, as well as the filter, was described in Cellular Neural/Nonlinear Network (CNN) notations and they will be used throughout this thesis in describing the filters and processing operations. In addition to the resistive network array processor, a gradient calculation block was included on the chips to fulfil the original algorithm requirements. Two different array processors were manufactured and measured. The processors had different objectives for their implementation: in the first implementation, the objective was to test the developed Reduced Cell-row System, while in the second implementation the goal was to obtain information on the large-scale implementation of such an array. During the research, a method to include some level of programmability in this type of filters was also developed. For the possible future implementation of such a system, system-level simulations were performed to locate the critical parts that have the most effect on the accuracy of the network.Tämä työ käsittelee vastusverkkojen toiminnallisuuden toteuttamista analogisena rinnakkaisprosessoritoteutuksena VLSI-piirillä käyttäen ainoastaan MOS-transistoreja. Työssä on ensin käsitelty rinnakkaisprosessorien toteutukseen liittyviä ongelmia, minkä jälkeen esitellään uusi toteutusmenetelmä ongelmien ratkaisuksi. Menetelmää kutsutaan nimellä "Reduced Cell-row System" (RCS). Työn lähtökohta oli vastusverkko-tyyppinen spatiaalisuodatin, joka oli esitetty osana videopakkausalgoritmia. Algoritmin toiminnallisuus, kuten myös suodattimen, oli kuvattu alkuperäisessä algoritmissa epälineaaristen soluverkkojen "Cellular Neural/Nonlinear Network" (CNN) merkintöjä käyttäen ja näitä merkintöjä tullaan käyttämään koko kirjan ajan kuvattaessa suodattimien toiminnallisuutta. Vastusverkkototeutuksen lisäksi myös gradientinlaskentalohko on lisätty piireihin alkuperäisen algoritmin toteuttamiseksi. Kaksi tällaista rinnakkaisprosessoriverkkoa suunniteltiin, valmistutettiin ja mitattiin. Näiden kahden toteutuksen tavoitteet olivat erilaiset: ensimmäinen toteutettiin, jotta voitaisiin todentaa kehitetyn verkon rivien lukumäärää vähentävän menetelmän (RCS) toimivuus, kun taas toisen toteutuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia laajamittaisen toteutuksen ongelmia. Työn aikana kehitettiin myös menetelmä, miten prosessoriverkkoon voidaan lisätä säädettävyyttä ja tällaisen prosessoriverkon toteutukselle suoritettiin simuloinnit, jotta voitaisiin selvittää toteuksen kannalta kriittiset kohdat.reviewe

    Mixed-mode cellular array processor realization for analyzing brain electrical activity in epilepsy

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    This thesis deals with the realization of hardware that is capable of computing algorithms that can be described using the theory of polynomial cellular neural/nonlinear networks (CNNs). The goal is to meet the requirements of an algorithm for predicting the onset of an epileptic seizure. The analysis associated with this application requires extensive computation of data that consists of segments of brain electrical activity. Different types of computer architectures are overviewed. Since the algorithm requires operations in which data is manipulated locally, special emphasis is put on assessing different parallel architectures. An array computer is potentially able to perform local computational tasks effectively and rapidly. Based on the requirements of the algorithm, a mixed-mode CNN is proposed. A mixed-mode CNN combines analog and digital processing so that the couplings and the polynomial terms are implemented with analog blocks, whereas the integrator is digital. A/D and D/A converters are used to interface between the analog blocks and the integrator. Based on the mixed-mode CNN architecture a cellular array processor is realized. In the realized array processor the processing units are coupled with programmable polynomial (linear, quadratic and cubic) first neighborhood feedback terms. A 10 mm2, 1.027 million transistor cellular array processor, with 2×72 processing units and 36 layers of memory in each is manufactured using a 0.25 μm digital CMOS process. The array processor can perform gray-scale Heun's integration of spatial convolutions with linear, quadratic and cubic activation functions for 72×72 data while keeping all I/O operations during processing local. One complete Heun's iteration round takes 166.4 μs, while the power consumption during processing is 192 mW. Experimental results of statistical variations in the multipliers and polynomial circuits are shown. Descriptions regarding improvements in the design are also explained. The results of this thesis can be used to assess the suitability of the mixed-mode approach for implementing an implantable system for predicting epileptic seizures. The results can also be used to assess the suitability of the approach for implementing other applications.reviewe