77,562 research outputs found

    SIFT based algorithm for point feature tracking

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    In this paper a tracking algorithm for SIFT features in image sequences is developed. For each point feature extracted using SIFT algorithm a descriptor is computed using information from its neighborhood. Using an algorithm based on minimizing the distance between two descriptors tracking point features throughout image sequences is engaged. Experimental results, obtained from image sequences that capture scaling of different geometrical type object, reveal the performances of the tracking algorithm

    Motion Segmentation from Clustering of Sparse Point Features Using Spatially Constrained Mixture Models

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    Motion is one of the strongest cues available for segmentation. While motion segmentation finds wide ranging applications in object detection, tracking, surveillance, robotics, image and video compression, scene reconstruction, video editing, and so on, it faces various challenges such as accurate motion recovery from noisy data, varying complexity of the models required to describe the computed image motion, the dynamic nature of the scene that may include a large number of independently moving objects undergoing occlusions, and the need to make high-level decisions while dealing with long image sequences. Keeping the sparse point features as the pivotal point, this thesis presents three distinct approaches that address some of the above mentioned motion segmentation challenges. The first part deals with the detection and tracking of sparse point features in image sequences. A framework is proposed where point features can be tracked jointly. Traditionally, sparse features have been tracked independently of one another. Combining the ideas from Lucas-Kanade and Horn-Schunck, this thesis presents a technique in which the estimated motion of a feature is influenced by the motion of the neighboring features. The joint feature tracking algorithm leads to an improved tracking performance over the standard Lucas-Kanade based tracking approach, especially while tracking features in untextured regions. The second part is related to motion segmentation using sparse point feature trajectories. The approach utilizes a spatially constrained mixture model framework and a greedy EM algorithm to group point features. In contrast to previous work, the algorithm is incremental in nature and allows for an arbitrary number of objects traveling at different relative speeds to be segmented, thus eliminating the need for an explicit initialization of the number of groups. The primary parameter used by the algorithm is the amount of evidence that must be accumulated before the features are grouped. A statistical goodness-of-fit test monitors the change in the motion parameters of a group over time in order to automatically update the reference frame. The approach works in real time and is able to segment various challenging sequences captured from still and moving cameras that contain multiple independently moving objects and motion blur. The third part of this thesis deals with the use of specialized models for motion segmentation. The articulated human motion is chosen as a representative example that requires a complex model to be accurately described. A motion-based approach for segmentation, tracking, and pose estimation of articulated bodies is presented. The human body is represented using the trajectories of a number of sparse points. A novel motion descriptor encodes the spatial relationships of the motion vectors representing various parts of the person and can discriminate between articulated and non-articulated motions, as well as between various pose and view angles. Furthermore, a nearest neighbor search for the closest motion descriptor from the labeled training data consisting of the human gait cycle in multiple views is performed, and this distance is fed to a Hidden Markov Model defined over multiple poses and viewpoints to obtain temporally consistent pose estimates. Experimental results on various sequences of walking subjects with multiple viewpoints and scale demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. In particular, the purely motion based approach is able to track people in night-time sequences, even when the appearance based cues are not available. Finally, an application of image segmentation is presented in the context of iris segmentation. Iris is a widely used biometric for recognition and is known to be highly accurate if the segmentation of the iris region is near perfect. Non-ideal situations arise when the iris undergoes occlusion by eyelashes or eyelids, or the overall quality of the segmented iris is affected by illumination changes, or due to out-of-plane rotation of the eye. The proposed iris segmentation approach combines the appearance and the geometry of the eye to segment iris regions from non-ideal images. The image is modeled as a Markov random field, and a graph cuts based energy minimization algorithm is applied to label the pixels either as eyelashes, pupil, iris, or background using texture and image intensity information. The iris shape is modeled as an ellipse and is used to refine the pixel based segmentation. The results indicate the effectiveness of the segmentation algorithm in handling non-ideal iris images

    CoMaL Tracking: Tracking Points at the Object Boundaries

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    Traditional point tracking algorithms such as the KLT use local 2D information aggregation for feature detection and tracking, due to which their performance degrades at the object boundaries that separate multiple objects. Recently, CoMaL Features have been proposed that handle such a case. However, they proposed a simple tracking framework where the points are re-detected in each frame and matched. This is inefficient and may also lose many points that are not re-detected in the next frame. We propose a novel tracking algorithm to accurately and efficiently track CoMaL points. For this, the level line segment associated with the CoMaL points is matched to MSER segments in the next frame using shape-based matching and the matches are further filtered using texture-based matching. Experiments show improvements over a simple re-detect-and-match framework as well as KLT in terms of speed/accuracy on different real-world applications, especially at the object boundaries.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, to appear in 1st Joint BMTT-PETS Workshop on Tracking and Surveillance, CVPR 201

    Planar Object Tracking in the Wild: A Benchmark

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    Planar object tracking is an actively studied problem in vision-based robotic applications. While several benchmarks have been constructed for evaluating state-of-the-art algorithms, there is a lack of video sequences captured in the wild rather than in constrained laboratory environment. In this paper, we present a carefully designed planar object tracking benchmark containing 210 videos of 30 planar objects sampled in the natural environment. In particular, for each object, we shoot seven videos involving various challenging factors, namely scale change, rotation, perspective distortion, motion blur, occlusion, out-of-view, and unconstrained. The ground truth is carefully annotated semi-manually to ensure the quality. Moreover, eleven state-of-the-art algorithms are evaluated on the benchmark using two evaluation metrics, with detailed analysis provided for the evaluation results. We expect the proposed benchmark to benefit future studies on planar object tracking.Comment: Accepted by ICRA 201

    Robust automatic target tracking based on a Bayesian ego-motion compensation framework for airborne FLIR imagery

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    Automatic target tracking in airborne FLIR imagery is currently a challenge due to the camera ego-motion. This phenomenon distorts the spatio-temporal correlation of the video sequence, which dramatically reduces the tracking performance. Several works address this problem using ego-motion compensation strategies. They use a deterministic approach to compensate the camera motion assuming a specific model of geometric transformation. However, in real sequences a specific geometric transformation can not accurately describe the camera ego-motion for the whole sequence, and as consequence of this, the performance of the tracking stage can significantly decrease, even completely fail. The optimum transformation for each pair of consecutive frames depends on the relative depth of the elements that compose the scene, and their degree of texturization. In this work, a novel Particle Filter framework is proposed to efficiently manage several hypothesis of geometric transformations: Euclidean, affine, and projective. Each type of transformation is used to compute candidate locations of the object in the current frame. Then, each candidate is evaluated by the measurement model of the Particle Filter using the appearance information. This approach is able to adapt to different camera ego-motion conditions, and thus to satisfactorily perform the tracking. The proposed strategy has been tested on the AMCOM FLIR dataset, showing a high efficiency in the tracking of different types of targets in real working conditions