525 research outputs found

    Object-level fusion for surround environment perception in automated driving applications

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    Driver assistance systems have increasingly relied on more sensors for new functions. As advanced driver assistance system continue to improve towards automated driving, new methods are required for processing the data in an efficient and economical manner from the sensors for such complex systems. The detection of dynamic objects is one of the most important aspects required by advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving. In this thesis, an environment model approach for the detection of dynamic objects is presented in order to realize an effective method for sensor data fusion. A scalable high-level fusion architecture is developed for fusing object data from several sensors in a single system, where processing occurs in three levels: sensor, fusion and application. A complete and consistent object model which includes the object’s dynamic state, existence probability and classification is defined as a sensor-independent and generic interface for sensor data fusion across all three processing levels. Novel algorithms are developed for object data association and fusion at the fusion-level of the architecture. An asynchronous sensor-to-global fusion strategy is applied in order to process sensor data immediately within the high-level fusion architecture, giving driver assistance systems the most up-to-date information about the vehicle’s environment. Track-to-track fusion algorithms are uniquely applied for dynamic state fusion, where the information matrix fusion algorithm produces results comparable to a low-level central Kalman filter approach. The existence probability of an object is fused using a novel approach based on the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, where the individual sensor’s existence estimation performance is considered during the fusion process. A similar novel approach with the Dempster-Shafer evidence theory is also applied to the fusion of an object’s classification. The developed high-level sensor data fusion architecture and its algorithms are evaluated using a prototype vehicle equipped with 12 sensors for surround environment perception. A thorough evaluation of the complete object model is performed on a closed test track using vehicles equipped with hardware for generating an accurate ground truth. Existence and classification performance is evaluated using labeled data sets from real traffic scenarios. The evaluation demonstrates the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed sensor data fusion approach. The work presented in this thesis has additionally been extensively used in several research projects as the dynamic object detection platform for automated driving applications on highways in real traffic

    Context Exploitation in Data Fusion

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    Complex and dynamic environments constitute a challenge for existing tracking algorithms. For this reason, modern solutions are trying to utilize any available information which could help to constrain, improve or explain the measurements. So called Context Information (CI) is understood as information that surrounds an element of interest, whose knowledge may help understanding the (estimated) situation and also in reacting to that situation. However, context discovery and exploitation are still largely unexplored research topics. Until now, the context has been extensively exploited as a parameter in system and measurement models which led to the development of numerous approaches for the linear or non-linear constrained estimation and target tracking. More specifically, the spatial or static context is the most common source of the ambient information, i.e. features, utilized for recursive enhancement of the state variables either in the prediction or the measurement update of the filters. In the case of multiple model estimators, context can not only be related to the state but also to a certain mode of the filter. Common practice for multiple model scenarios is to represent states and context as a joint distribution of Gaussian mixtures. These approaches are commonly referred as the join tracking and classification. Alternatively, the usefulness of context was also demonstrated in aiding the measurement data association. Process of formulating a hypothesis, which assigns a particular measurement to the track, is traditionally governed by the empirical knowledge of the noise characteristics of sensors and operating environment, i.e. probability of detection, false alarm, clutter noise, which can be further enhanced by conditioning on context. We believe that interactions between the environment and the object could be classified into actions, activities and intents, and formed into structured graphs with contextual links translated into arcs. By learning the environment model we will be able to make prediction on the target\u2019s future actions based on its past observation. Probability of target future action could be utilized in the fusion process to adjust tracker confidence on measurements. By incorporating contextual knowledge of the environment, in the form of a likelihood function, in the filter measurement update step, we have been able to reduce uncertainties of the tracking solution and improve the consistency of the track. The promising results demonstrate that the fusion of CI brings a significant performance improvement in comparison to the regular tracking approaches

    Minimization of DDoS false alarm rate in Network Security; Refining fusion through correlation

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    Intrusion Detection Systems are designed to monitor a network environment and generate alerts whenever abnormal activities are detected. However, the number of these alerts can be very large making their evaluation a difficult task for a security analyst. Alert management techniques reduce alert volume significantly and potentially improve detection performance of an Intrusion Detection System. This thesis work presents a framework to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of an Intrusion Detection System by significantly reducing the false positive alerts and increasing the ability to spot an actual intrusion for Distributed Denial of Service attacks. Proposed sensor fusion technique addresses the issues relating the optimality of decision-making through correlation in multiple sensors framework. The fusion process is based on combining belief through Dempster Shafer rule of combination along with associating belief with each type of alert and combining them by using Subjective Logic based on Jøsang theory. Moreover, the reliability factor for any Intrusion Detection System is also addressed accordingly in order to minimize the chance of false diagnose of the final network state. A considerable number of simulations are conducted in order to determine the optimal performance of the proposed prototype

    Dynamic Occupancy Grid Prediction for Urban Autonomous Driving: A Deep Learning Approach with Fully Automatic Labeling

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    Long-term situation prediction plays a crucial role in the development of intelligent vehicles. A major challenge still to overcome is the prediction of complex downtown scenarios with multiple road users, e.g., pedestrians, bikes, and motor vehicles, interacting with each other. This contribution tackles this challenge by combining a Bayesian filtering technique for environment representation, and machine learning as long-term predictor. More specifically, a dynamic occupancy grid map is utilized as input to a deep convolutional neural network. This yields the advantage of using spatially distributed velocity estimates from a single time step for prediction, rather than a raw data sequence, alleviating common problems dealing with input time series of multiple sensors. Furthermore, convolutional neural networks have the inherent characteristic of using context information, enabling the implicit modeling of road user interaction. Pixel-wise balancing is applied in the loss function counteracting the extreme imbalance between static and dynamic cells. One of the major advantages is the unsupervised learning character due to fully automatic label generation. The presented algorithm is trained and evaluated on multiple hours of recorded sensor data and compared to Monte-Carlo simulation

    Automatic goal allocation for a planetary rover with DSmT

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    In this chapter, we propose an approach for assigning aninterest level to the goals of a planetary rover. Assigning an interest level to goals, allows the rover to autonomously transform and reallocate the goals. The interest level is defined by data-fusing payload and navigation information. The fusion yields an 'interest map',that quantifies the level of interest of each area around the rover. In this way the planner can choose the most interesting scientific objectives to be analysed, with limited human intervention, and reallocates its goals autonomously. The Dezert-Smarandache Theory of Plausible and Paradoxical Reasoning was used for information fusion: this theory allows dealing with vague and conflicting data. In particular, it allows us to directly model the behaviour of the scientists that have to evaluate the relevance of a particular set of goals. This chaptershows an application of the proposed approach to the generation of a reliable interest map

    IR Barrier Data Integration for Obstacle Detection

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    Indoor Geo-location And Tracking Of Mobile Autonomous Robot

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    The field of robotics has always been one of fascination right from the day of Terminator. Even though we still do not have robots that can actually replicate human action and intelligence, progress is being made in the right direction. Robotic applications range from defense to civilian, in public safety and fire fighting. With the increase in urban-warfare robot tracking inside buildings and in cities form a very important application. The numerous applications range from munitions tracking to replacing soldiers for reconnaissance information. Fire fighters use robots for survey of the affected area. Tracking robots has been limited to the local area under consideration. Decision making is inhibited due to limited local knowledge and approximations have to be made. An effective decision making would involve tracking the robot in earth co-ordinates such as latitude and longitude. GPS signal provides us sufficient and reliable data for such decision making. The main drawback of using GPS is that it is unavailable indoors and also there is signal attenuation outdoors. Indoor geolocation forms the basis of tracking robots inside buildings and other places where GPS signals are unavailable. Indoor geolocation has traditionally been the field of wireless networks using techniques such as low frequency RF signals and ultra-wideband antennas. In this thesis we propose a novel method for achieving geolocation and enable tracking. Geolocation and tracking are achieved by a combination of Gyroscope and encoders together referred to as the Inertial Navigation System (INS). Gyroscopes have been widely used in aerospace applications for stabilizing aircrafts. In our case we use gyroscope as means of determining the heading of the robot. Further, commands can be sent to the robot when it is off balance or off-track. Sensors are inherently error prone; hence the process of geolocation is complicated and limited by the imperfect mathematical modeling of input noise. We make use of Kalman Filter for processing erroneous sensor data, as it provides us a robust and stable algorithm. The error characteristics of the sensors are input to the Kalman Filter and filtered data is obtained. We have performed a large set of experiments, both indoors and outdoors to test the reliability of the system. In outdoors we have used the GPS signal to aid the INS measurements. When indoors we utilize the last known position and extrapolate to obtain the GPS co-ordinates

    Sensor fusion methodology for vehicle detection

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    A novel sensor fusion methodology is presented, which provides intelligent vehicles with augmented environment information and knowledge, enabled by vision-based system, laser sensor and global positioning system. The presented approach achieves safer roads by data fusion techniques, especially in single-lane carriage-ways where casualties are higher than in other road classes, and focuses on the interplay between vehicle drivers and intelligent vehicles. The system is based on the reliability of laser scanner for obstacle detection, the use of camera based identification techniques and advanced tracking and data association algorithms i.e. Unscented Kalman Filter and Joint Probabilistic Data Association. The achieved results foster the implementation of the sensor fusion methodology in forthcoming Intelligent Transportation Systems