5 research outputs found

    Curvelet-Based Texture Classification in Computerized Critical Gleason Grading of Prostate Cancer Histological Images

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    Classical multi-resolution image processing using wavelets provides an efficient analysis of image characteristics represented in terms of pixel-based singularities such as connected edge pixels of objects and texture elements given by the pixel intensity statistics. Curvelet transform is a recently developed approach based on curved singularities that provides a more sparse representation for a variety of directional multi-resolution image processing tasks such as denoising and texture analysis. The objective of this research is to develop a multi-class classifier for the automated classification of Gleason patterns of prostate cancer histological images with the utilization of curvelet-based texture analysis. This problem of computer-aided recognition of four pattern classes between Gleason Score 6 (primary Gleason grade 3 plus secondary Gleason grade 3) and Gleason Score 8 (both primary and secondary grades 4) is of critical importance affecting treatment decision and patients’ quality of life. Multiple spatial sampling within each histological image is examined through the curvelet transform, the significant curvelet coefficient at each location of an image patch is obtained by maximization with respect to all curvelet orientations at a given location which represents the apparent curved-based singularity such as a short edge segment in the image structure. This sparser representation reduces greatly the redundancy in the original set of curvelet coefficients. The statistical textural features are extracted from these curvelet coefficients at multiple scales. We have designed a 2-level 4-class classification scheme, attempting to mimic the human expert’s decision process. It consists of two Gaussian kernel support vector machines, one support vector machine in each level and each is incorporated with a voting mechanism from classifications of multiple windowed patches in an image to reach the final decision for the image. At level 1, the support vector machine with voting is trained to ascertain the classification of Gleason grade 3 and grade 4, thus Gleason score 6 and score 8, by unanimous votes to one of the two classes, while the mixture voting inside the margin between decision boundaries will be assigned to the third class for consideration at level 2. The support vector machine in level 2 with supplemental features is trained to classify an image patch to Gleason grade 3+4 or 4+3 and the majority decision from multiple patches to consolidate the two-class discrimination of the image within Gleason score 7, or else, assign to an Indecision category. The developed tree classifier with voting from sampled image patches is distinct from the traditional voting by multiple machines. With a database of TMA prostate histological images from Urology/Pathology Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins Medical Center, the classifier using curvelet-based statistical texture features for recognition of 4-class critical Gleason scores was successfully trained and tested achieving a remarkable performance with 97.91% overall 4-class validation accuracy and 95.83% testing accuracy. This lends to an expectation of more testing and further improvement toward a plausible practical implementation


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    With increased expectations for food products of high quality and safety standards, the need for accurate, fast and objective determination of these characteristics in food products continues to grow. Machine vision as a non-destructive technology, provides an automated and economic way to accomplish these requirements. This research thus explored two applications of using machine vision techniques for food quality and safety inspections. The first application is using a combined X-ray and laser range imaging system to detect bone and other physical contaminants inside poultry meat. For this project, our research focuses on how to calibrate the imaging system. A unique three-step calibration method was developed and results showed that high accuracy has been achieved for the whole system calibration - a root mean square error of 0.20 mm, a standard deviation of 0.20 mm, and a maximum error of 0.48 mm. The second application is separating walnuts' shells and meat. A backlight imaging system was developed based on our finding that the backlit images of walnut shells and meat showed quite different texture patterns due to their different light transmittance properties. The texture patterns were characterized by several rotation invariant texture analysis methods. The uncorrelated and redundant features were further removed by a support vector machine (SVM) based recursive feature elimination method, with the SVM classifier trained concurrently for separations of walnuts' shells and meat. The experimental results showed that the proposed approach was very effective and could achieve an overall 99.2% separation accuracy. This high separation accuracy and low instrument cost make the proposed imaging system a great benefit to the walnut processing industry


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    Hyperspectral band selection and band combination has become a powerful tool and have gained enormous interest among researchers. An important task in hyperspectral data processing is to reduce the redundancy of the spectral and spatial information without losing any valuable details that are needed for the subsequent detection, discrimination and classification processes. An integrated principal component analysis (PCA) and Fisher linear discriminant (FLD) method has been developed for feature band selection, and other pattern recognition technologies have been applied and compared with the developed method. The results on different types of defects from cucumber and apple samples show that the integrated PCA-FLD method outperforms PCA, FLD and canonical discriminant methods when they are used separately for classification. The integrated method adds a new tool for the multivariate analysis of hyperspectral images and can be extended to other hyperspectral imaging applications. Dimensionality reduction not only serves as the first step of data processing that leads to a significant decrease in computational complexity in the successive procedures, but also a research tool for determining optimal spectra requirement for online automatic inspection of fruit. In this study, the hyperspectral research shows that the near infrared spectrum at 753nm is best for detecting apple defect. When applied for online apple defect inspection, over 98% of good apple detection rate is achieved. However, commercially available apple sorting and inspection machines cannot effectively solve the stem-calyx problems involved in automatic apple defects detection. In this study, a dual-spectrum NIR/MIR sensing method is applied. This technique can effectively distinguish true defects from stems and calyxes, which leads to a potential solution of the problem. The results of this study will advance the technology in fruit safety and quality inspection and improve the cost-effectiveness of fruit packing processes

    Técnicas basadas en kernel para el análisis de texturas en imagen biomédica

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    [Resumen] En problemas del mundo real es relevante el estudio de la importancia de todas las variables obtenidas de manera que sea posible la eliminación de ruido, es en este punto donde surgen las técnicas de selección de variables. El objetivo de estas técnicas es pues encontrar el subconjunto de variables que describan de la mejor manera posible la información útil contenida en los datos permitiendo mejorar el rendimiento. En espacios de alta dimensionalidad son especialmente interesantes las técnicas basadas en kernel, donde han demostrado una alta eficiencia debido a su capacidad para generalizar en dichos espacios. En este trabajo se realiza una nueva propuesta para el análisis de texturas en imagen biomédica mediante la integración, utilizando técnicas basadas en kernel, de diferentes tipos de datos de textura para la selección de las variables más representativas con el objetivo de mejorar los resultados obtenidos en clasificación y en interpretabilidad de las variables obtenidas. Para validar esta propuesta se ha formalizado un diseño experimental con cuatro fases diferenciadas: extracción y preprocesado de los datos, aprendizaje y selección del mejor modelo asegurando la reproducibilidad de los resultados a la vez que una comparación en condiciones de igualdad.[Resumo] En problemas do mundo real é relevante o estudo da importancia de todas as variables obtidas de maneira que sexa posible a eliminación de ruído, é neste punto onde xorden as técnicas de selección de variables. O obxectivo destas técnicas é pois encontrar o subconxunto de variables que describan do mellor xeito posible a información útil contida nos datos permitindo mellorar o rendemento. En espazos de alta dimensionalidade son especialmente interesantes as técnicas baseadas en kernel, onde demostraron unha alta eficiencia debido á súa capacidade para xeneralizar nos devanditos espazos. Neste traballo realízase unha nova proposta para a análise de texturas en imaxe biomédica mediante a integración, utilizando técnicas baseadas en kernel, de diferentes tipos de datos de textura para a selección das variables máis representativas co obxectivo de mellorar os resultados obtidos en clasificación e en interpretabilidade das variables obtidas. Para validar esta proposta formalizouse un deseño experimental con catro fases diferenciadas: extracción e preprocesar dos datos, aprendizaxe e selección do mellor modelo asegurando a reproducibilidade dos resultados á vez que unha comparación en condicións de igualdade. Utilizáronse imaxes de xeles de electroforese bidimensional.[Abstract] In real-world problems it is of relevance to study the importance of all the variables obtained, so that denoising could be possible, because it is at this point when the variable selection techniques arise. Therefore, these techniques are aimed at finding the subset of variables that describe' in the best possible way the useful information contained in the data, allowing improved performance. In high-dimensional spaces, the kernel-based techniques are of special relevance, as they have demonstrated a high efficiency due to their ability to generalize in these spaces. In this work, a new approach for texture analysis in biomedical imaging is performed by means of integration. For this procedure, kernel-based techniques were used with different types of texture data for the selection of the most representative variables in order to improve the results obtained in classification and interpretability of the obtained variables. To validate this proposal, an experimental design has been concluded, consisting of four different phases: 1) Data extraction; 2) Data pre-processing; 3) Learning and 4) Selection of the best model to ensure the reproducibility of results while making a comparison under conditions of equality. In this regard, two-dimensional electrophoresis gel images have been used