158 research outputs found

    On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2015 Workshops: Confederated International Workshops: OTM Academy, OTM Industry Case Studies Program, EI2N, FBM, INBAST, ISDE, META4eS, and MSC 2015, Rhodes, Greece, October 26-30, 2015. Proceedings

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    International audienceThis volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the following 8 International Workshops: OTM Academy; OTM Industry Case Studies Program; Enterprise Integration, Interoperability, and Networking, EI2N; International Workshop on Fact Based Modeling 2015, FBM; Industrial and Business Applications of Semantic Web Technologies, INBAST; Information Systems, om Distributed Environment, ISDE; Methods, Evaluation, Tools and Applications for the Creation and Consumption of Structured Data for the e-Society, META4eS; and Mobile and Social Computing for collaborative interactions, MSC 2015. These workshops were held as associated events at OTM 2015, the federated conferences "On The Move Towards Meaningful Internet Systems and Ubiquitous Computing", in Rhodes, Greece, in October 2015.The 55 full papers presented together with 3 short papers and 2 popsters were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 100 submissions. The workshops share the distributed aspects of modern computing systems, they experience the application pull created by the Internet and by the so-called Semantic Web, in particular developments of Big Data, increased importance of security issues, and the globalization of mobile-based technologies

    On understanding the value of domain modeling

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    In the context of enterprise and information systems engineering (including enterprise architecture, business process management, etc), a wide range of domain models are produced and used. Examples of such domain models include business process models, enterprise architecture models, information models, all sorts of reference models, and indeed value models and business ontologies. The creation, administration, and use, of such domain models requires an investment in terms of resources (time, money, cognitive effort, etc). We contend that such investments should be met by a (potential) return. In other words, the resulting models and / or the processes involved in their creation, administration, and use, should add value that make these investments worth while. In the work reported on in this paper, we aim to gain a better understanding of the factors that can be used to define the value of modeling. We also look forward to raising a broader discussion on this important topic at VMBO 2021.</p

    Security readiness evaluation framework for Tonga e-government initiatives

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    The rapid expansion of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the Pacific have reached the Kingdom of Tonga. The submarine fibre-optic cable which connects Tonga to Fiji and onward to a hub in Sydney went live 2013. Now the people of Tonga experience the high-speed impact of digital communication, fast international access, and social changes such as the government is implementing a digital society through e-government services. This study focuses on identifying the factors that will later become a vulnerability and a risk to the security of Tonga government e-government initiatives. Data was collected through interviews with three government officials, document analysis, and critical reflection on the theory context. Consequently, a security-readiness evaluation framework has been designed from the data analysis to inform the e-government initiatives. This study contributes a security-readiness evaluation framework for use in developing countries to guide the implementation of e-government initiatives

    Flexible Support of Healthcare Processes

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    Traditionally, healthcare information systems have focused on the support of predictable and repetitive clinical processes. Even though the latter can be often prespecified in formal process models, process flexibility in terms of dynamic adaptability is indispensable to cope with exceptions and unforeseen situations. Flexibility is further required to accommodate the need for evolving healthcare processes and to properly support healthcare process variability. In addition, process-aware information systems are increasingly used to support less structured healthcare processes (i.e., patient treatment processes), which can be characterized as knowledge-intensive. Healthcare processes of this category are neither fully predictable nor repetitive and, therefore, they cannot be fully prespecified at design time. The partial unpredictability of these processes, in turn, demands a certain amount of looseness. This chapter deals with the characteristic flexibility needs of both prespecified and loosely specified healthcare processes. In addition, it presents fundamental flexibility features required to address these flexibility needs as well as to accommodate them in healthcare practice

    Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition under Control of a Non-Regression Test System

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    14 pagesInternational audienceThis paper introduces BeGoood, a generic system for man- aging non-regression tests on knowledge-bases. BeGoood is a system al- lowing to define test plans in order to monitor the evolution of knowledge- bases. Any system answering queries by providing results in the form of set of strings can be tested with BeGoood. BeGoood has been devel- oped following a REST architecture and is independent of any applica- tion domain. This paper describes the architecture of the system and gives a use case to illustrate how BeGoood is able to manage a collab- orative knowledge evolution in the framework of a case-based reasoning system

    How ontology based information retrieval systems may benefit from lexical text analysis

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    International audienceThe exponential growth of available electronic data is almost useless without efficient tools to retrieve the right information at the right time. It is now widely acknowledged that information retrieval systems need to take semantics into account to enhance the use of available information. However, there is still a gap between the amounts of relevant information that can be accessed through optimized IRSs on the one hand, and users' ability to grasp and process a handful of relevant data at once on the other. This chapter shows how conceptual and lexical approaches may be jointly used to enrich document description. After a survey on semantic based methodologies designed to efficiently retrieve and exploit information, hybrid approaches are discussed. The original approach presented here benefits from both lexical and ontological document description, and combines them in a software architecture dedicated to information retrieval and rendering in specific domains

    Pathchecker: An RFID application for tracing products in Supply-chains

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    In this paper, we present an application of RFIDs for supply-chain management. In our application, we consider two types of readers. On one part, we have readers that will mark tags at given points. After that, these tags can be checked by another type of readers to tell whether a tag has followed the correct path in the chain. We formalize this notion and define adequate adversaries. Morever, we derive requirements in order to meet security against counterfeiting, cloning, impersonation and denial of service attacks

    25 Desafíos de la Modelación de Procesos Semánticos

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    Process modeling has become an essential part of many organizations for documenting, analyzing and redesigning their business operations and to support them with suitable information systems. In order to serve this purpose, it is important for process models to be well grounded in for- mal and precise semantics. While behavioural semantics of process models are well understood, there is a considerable gap of research into the semantic aspects of their text labels and natural lan- guage descriptions. The aim of this paper is to make this research gap more transparent. To this end, we clarify the role of textual content in process models and the challenges that are associated with the interpretation, analysis, and improvement of their natural language parts. More specifically, we discuss particular use cases of semantic process modeling to identify 25 challenges. For each cha- llenge, we identify prior research and discuss directions for addressing themEl modelado de procesos se ha convertido en una parte esencial de muchas organizaciones para documentar, analizar, y rediseñar sus operaciones de negocios y apoyarlos con información apropiada. Para cumplir este fin, es importante para estos que estén completos dentro de una semántica formal y precisa. Mientras la semántica del comportamiento del modelado de procesos se entiende bien, hay una considerable laguna en la investigación entre los aspectos semánticos de sus rótulos textuales, y las descripciones en lenguaje natural. El objetivo de este artículo es hacer esta laguna en la investigación más transparente. Con este fin, clarificamos el papel del contenido textual en los modelos de proceso, y los retos relacionados con la interpretación, el análisis, y desarrollo de sus partes en lenguaje natural. De forma más específica, debatimos los casos particulares del uso del modelado de procesos semánticos para identificar 25 retos. Para cada reto, identificamos antes de la investigación y debatimos las direcciones para dirigirnos a ellos
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