2,692 research outputs found

    Numerical stability of coupled differential equation with piecewise constant arguments

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    This paper deals with the stability of numerical solutions for a coupled differential equation with piecewise constant arguments. A sufficient condition such that the system is asymptotically stable is derived. Furthermore, when the linear  Î¸-method is applied to this system, it is shown that the linear θ-method is asymptotically stable if and only if 1/2<θ≤1. Finally, some numerical experiments are given

    Convergence and Optimality of Adaptive Mixed Finite Element Methods

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    The convergence and optimality of adaptive mixed finite element methods for the Poisson equation are established in this paper. The main difficulty for mixed finite element methods is the lack of minimization principle and thus the failure of orthogonality. A quasi-orthogonality property is proved using the fact that the error is orthogonal to the divergence free subspace, while the part of the error that is not divergence free can be bounded by the data oscillation using a discrete stability result. This discrete stability result is also used to get a localized discrete upper bound which is crucial for the proof of the optimality of the adaptive approximation

    An optimal adaptive Fictitious Domain Method

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    We consider a Fictitious Domain formulation of an elliptic partial differential equation and approximate the resulting saddle-point system using an inexact preconditioned Uzawa iterative algorithm. Each iteration entails the approximation of an elliptic problems performed using adaptive finite element methods. We prove that the overall method converges with the best possible rate and illustrate numerically our theoretical findings

    Primal dual mixed finite element methods for indefinite advection--diffusion equations

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    We consider primal-dual mixed finite element methods for the advection--diffusion equation. For the primal variable we use standard continuous finite element space and for the flux we use the Raviart-Thomas space. We prove optimal a priori error estimates in the energy- and the L2L^2-norms for the primal variable in the low Peclet regime. In the high Peclet regime we also prove optimal error estimates for the primal variable in the H(div)H(div) norm for smooth solutions. Numerically we observe that the method eliminates the spurious oscillations close to interior layers that pollute the solution of the standard Galerkin method when the local Peclet number is high. This method, however, does produce spurious solutions when outflow boundary layer presents. In the last section we propose two simple strategies to remove such numerical artefacts caused by the outflow boundary layer and validate them numerically.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    (R1888) On the Mackey-Glass Model with a Piecewise Constant Argument

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    In this paper, we deal with the Mackey-Glass model with piecewise constant argument. Because the corresponding difference equation is the difference solution of the equation, the difference equation can clearly predict the dynamic behavior of the equation. So, we look at how the difference equation behaves.We study the asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point of the difference equation and it is obtained that this point is a repeller under some conditions. Also, it is shown that every oscillatory solution of the difference equation has semi-cycles of length at least two, and every oscillatory solution of the difference equation is attracted to the equilibrium point. Finally, some examples are presented to support the results

    Double-slit and electromagnetic models to complete quantum mechanics

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    We analyze a realistic microscopic model for electronic scattering with the neutral differential delay equations of motion of point charges of the Wheeler-Feynman electrodynamics. We propose a microscopic model according to the electrodynamics of point charges, complex enough to describe the essential physics. Our microscopic model reaches a simple qualitative agreement with the experimental results as regards interference in double-slit scattering and in electronic scattering by crystals. We discuss our model in the light of existing experimental results, including a qualitative disagreement found for the double-slit experiment. We discuss an approximation for the complex neutral differential delay equations of our model using piecewise-defined (discontinuous) velocities for all charges and piecewise-constant-velocities for the scattered charge. Our approximation predicts the De Broglie wavelength as an inverse function of the incoming velocity and in the correct order of magnitude. We explain the scattering by crystals in the light of the same simplified modeling with Einstein-local interactions. We include a discussion of the qualitative properties of the neutral-delay-equations of electrodynamics to stimulate future experimental tests on the possibility to complete quantum mechanics with electromagnetic models.Comment: 4 figures, the same post-publication typos over the published version of Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, only that these correction are not marked in red as in V7, this one is for a recollectio

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    Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim. Vol.1(1) 2015; 95-114Los cambios medioambientales globales hacen pensar en un aumento futuro de la aridez, por ello es necesario buscar alternativas que permitan un uso más eficiente del agua y reducir su consumo, teniendo en cuenta que es un recurso limitado. En la actualidad, aproximadamente el 59,7% del total de agua planificada para todos los usos en Cuba se utiliza en la agricultura, pero no más del 50% de esa agua se convierte directamente en productos agrícolas. El estudio de las funciones agua-rendimiento y su uso dentro de la planificación del agua para riego es una vía importante para trazar estrategias de manejo que contribuyan al incremento en la producción agrícola. Utilizando los datos de agua aplicada por riego y los rendimientos obtenidos en más de 100 experimentos de campo realizados fundamentalmente en suelo Ferralítico Rojo de la zona sur de La Habana y con ayuda de herramientas de análisis de regresión en este trabajo se estiman las funciones agua aplicada-rendimientos para algunos cultivos agrícolas y se analizan las posibles estrategias de optimización del riego a seguir en función de la disponibilidad de agua. Seleccionar una estrategia de máxima eficiencia del riego puede conducir a reducciones de agua a aplicar entre un 21,6 y 46,8%, incrementos de la productividad del agua entre 17 y 32% y de la relación beneficios/costo estimada de hasta un 3,4%. Lo anterior indica la importancia desde el punto de vista económico que puede llegar a alcanzar el uso de esta estrategia en condiciones de déficit hídrico. El conocimiento de las funciones agua aplicada por riego-rendimiento y el uso de la productividad del agua, resultan parámetros factibles de introducir como indicadores de eficiencia en el planeamiento del uso del agua en la agricultura, con lo cual es posible reducir los volúmenes de agua a aplicar y elevar la relación beneficio-costo actual.Rev. iberoam. bioecon. cambio clim. Vol.1(1) 2015; 95-11
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