649 research outputs found

    Issures in Discontinuous High-Order Methods: Broadband Wave Computation and Viscous Boundary Layer Resolution

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    A new discontinuous formulation named Correction Procedure via Reconstruction (CPR) was developed for conservation laws. CPR is an efficient nodal differential formulation unifying the discontinuous Galerkin (DG), spectral volume (SV) and spectral difference (SD) methods, is easy to implement. In this thesis, we deal with two issues: the efficient computation of broadband waves, and the proper resolution of a viscous boundary layer with the high-order CPR method. A hybrid discontinuous space including polynomial and Fourier bases is employed in the CPR formulation in order to compute broad-band waves. The polynomial bases are used to achieve a certain order of accuracy, while the Fourier bases are able to exactly resolve waves at a certain frequency. Free-parameters introduced in the Fourier bases are optimized in order to minimize both dispersion and dissipation errors by mimicking the dispersion-relation-preserving (DRP) method for a one-dimensional wave problem. For the one-dimensional wave problem, the dispersion and dissipation properties and the optimization procedure are investigated through a wave propagation analysis. The optimization procedure is verified with a wave propagation analysis and several numerical tests. The two-dimensional wave behavior is investigated through a wave propagation analysis and the wave propagation properties are verified with a numerical test of the two-dimensional acoustic wave equation. In order to understand the mesh size requirement to resolve a viscous boundary layer using CPR method, grid resolution studies are performed. . It is well known that the mesh size, which is defined from non-dimensional wall distance y^+=1, gives accepted results to simulate viscous boundary layer problem for 2nd order finite volume method. For high-order CPR formulation, what grid size y^+ is required to match the results from the 2nd order finite volume method with y^+=1. 1D and 2D burger\u27s equation are used as the viscous boundary layer model problem. Skin friction is used as the indicator of accuracy for the resolution of a boundary layer. Keywords: (Correction Procedure via Reconstruction), A Hybrid Discontinuous Space, Wave Propagation Analysis, Grid Resolution Study, Method of Manufactured Solution

    On adomian based numerical schemes for euler and navier-stokes equations, and application to aeroacoustic propagation

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    140 p.En esta tesis se ha desarrollado un nuevo método de integración en tiempo de tipo derivadas sucesivas (multiderivative), llamado ABS y basado en el algoritmo de Adomian. Su motivación radica en la reducción del coste de simulación para problemas en aeroacústica, muy costosos por su naturaleza transitoria y requisitos de alta precisión. El método ha sido satisfactoriamente empleado en ambas partes de un sistema híbrido, donde se distinguen la parte aerodinámica y la acústica.En la parte aerodinámica las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes incompresibles son resueltas con unmétodo de proyección clásico. Sin embargo, la fase de predicción de velocidad ha sido modificadapara incluir el método ABS en combinación con dos métodos: una discretización espacial MAC devolúmenes finitos, y también con un método de alto orden basado en ADER. El método se ha validado respecto a los problemas (en 2D) de vórtices de Taylor-Green, y el desarrollo de vórticesde Karman en un cilindro cuadrado. La parte acústica resuelve la propagación de ondas descritaspor las ecuaciones linearizadas de Euler, empleando una discretización de Galerkin discontinua. El método se ha validado respecto a la ecuación de Burgers.El método ABS es sencillo de programar con una formulación recursiva. Los resultados demuestran que su sencillez junto con sus altas capacidades de adaptación lo convierten en un método fácilmente extensible a órdenes altos, a la vez que reduce el coste comparado con otros métodos clásicos

    On Adomian Based Numerical Schemes for Euler and Navier-Stokes Equations, and Application to Aeroacoustic Propagation

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    In this thesis, an Adomian Based Scheme (ABS) for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations is constructed, resulting in a new multiderivative type scheme not found in the context of fluid dynamics. Moreover, this scheme is developed as a means to reduce the computational cost associated with aeroacoustic simulations, which are unsteady in nature with high-order requirements for the acoustic wave propagation. We start by constructing a set of governing equations for the hybrid computational aeroacoustics method, splitting the problem into two steps: acoustic source computation and wave propagation. The first step solves the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation using Chorin's projection method, which can be understood as a prediction-correction method. First, the velocity prediction is obtained solving the viscous Burgers' equation. Then, its divergence-free correction is performed using a pressure Poisson type projection. In the velocity prediction substep, Burgers' equation is solved using two ABS variants: a MAC type implementation, and a ``modern'' ADER method. The second step in the hybrid method, related to wave propagation, is solved combining ABS with the discontinuous Galerkin high-order approach. Described solvers are validated against several test cases: vortex shedding and Taylor-Green vortex problems for the first step, and a Gaussian wave propagation in the second case. Although ABS is a multiderivative type scheme, it is easily programmed with an elegant recursive formulation, even for the general Navier-Stokes equations. Results show that its simplicity combined with excellent adaptivity capabilities allows for a successful extension to very high-order accuracy at relatively low cost, obtaining considerable time savings in all test cases considered.Predoc Gobierno Vasc

    Multi-resolution partial differential equations preserved learning framework for spatiotemporal dynamics

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    Traditional data-driven deep learning models often struggle with high training costs, error accumulation, and poor generalizability in complex physical processes. Physics-informed deep learning (PiDL) addresses these challenges by incorporating physical principles into the model. Most PiDL approaches regularize training by embedding governing equations into the loss function, yet this depends heavily on extensive hyperparameter tuning to weigh each loss term. To this end, we propose to leverage physics prior knowledge by ``baking'' the discretized governing equations into the neural network architecture via the connection between the partial differential equations (PDE) operators and network structures, resulting in a PDE-preserved neural network (PPNN). This method, embedding discretized PDEs through convolutional residual networks in a multi-resolution setting, largely improves the generalizability and long-term prediction accuracy, outperforming conventional black-box models. The effectiveness and merit of the proposed methods have been demonstrated across various spatiotemporal dynamical systems governed by spatiotemporal PDEs, including reaction-diffusion, Burgers', and Navier-Stokes equations.Comment: 51 pages, 27 figure

    Shock Capturing with PDE-Based Artificial Viscosity for an Adaptive, Higher-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method

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    The accurate simulation of supersonic and hypersonic flows is well suited to higher-order (p > 1), adaptive computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Since these cases involve flow velocities greater than the speed of sound, an appropriate shock capturing for higher-order, adaptive methods is necessary. Artificial viscosity can be combined with a higher-order discontinuous Galerkin finite element discretization to resolve a shock layer within a single cell. However, when a non-smooth artificial viscosity model is employed with an otherwise higher-order approximation, element-to-element variations induce oscillations in state gradients and pollute the downstream flow. To alleviate these difficulties, this work proposes a new, higher-order, state-based artificial viscosity with an associated governing partial differential equation (PDE).In the governing PDE, the shock sensor acts as a forcing term, driving the artificial viscosity to a non-zero value where it is necessary. The decay rate of the higher-order solution modes and edge-based jumps are both shown to be reliable shock indicators. This new approach leads to a smooth, higher-order representation of the artificial viscosity that evolves in time with the solution. For applications involving the Navier-Stokes equations, an artificial dissipation operator that preserves total enthalpy is introduced. The combination of higher-order, PDE-based artificial viscosity and enthalpy-preserving dissipation operator is shown to overcome the disadvantages of the non-smooth artificial viscosity. The PDE-based artificial viscosity can be used in conjunction with an automated grid adaptation framework that minimizes the error of an output functional. Higher-order solutions are shown to reach strict engineering tolerances with fewer degrees of freedom. The benefit in computational efficiency for higher-order solutions is less dramatic in the vicinity of the shock where errors scale with O(h/p). This includes the near-field pressure signals necessary for sonic boom prediction. When applied to heat transfer prediction on unstructured meshes in hypersonic flows, the PDE-based artificial viscosity is less susceptible to errors introduced by poor shock-grid alignment. Surface heating can also drive the output-based grid adaptation framework to arrive at the same heat transfer distribution as a well-designed structured mesh.This work was made possible by the following sources, • National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship • U. S. Air Force Research Laboratory (USAF-3306-03-SC-0001) • The Boeing Company • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Co-op Agreement NNX07AC70A

    Asymptotic-induced numerical methods for conservation laws

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    Asymptotic-induced methods are presented for the numerical solution of hyperbolic conservation laws with or without viscosity. The methods consist of multiple stages. The first stage is to obtain a first approximation by using a first-order method, such as the Godunov scheme. Subsequent stages of the method involve solving internal-layer problems identified by using techniques derived via asymptotics. Finally, a residual correction increases the accuracy of the scheme. The method is derived and justified with singular perturbation techniques