4,265 research outputs found

    Patterns, causes, and consequences of marine larval dispersal

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    Quantifying the probability of larval exchange among marine populations is key to predicting local population dynamics and optimizing networks of marine protected areas. The pattern of connectivity among populations can be described by the measurement of a dispersal kernel. However, a statistically robust, empirical dispersal kernel has been lacking for any marine species. Here, we use genetic parentage analysis to quantify a dispersal kernel for the reef fish Elacatinus lori, demonstrating that dispersal declines exponentially with distance. The spatial scale of dispersal is an order of magnitude less than previous estimates—the median dispersal distance is just 1.7 km and no dispersal events exceed 16.4 km despite intensive sampling out to 30 km from source. Overlaid on this strong pattern is subtle spatial variation, but neither pelagic larval duration nor direction is associated with the probability of successful dispersal. Given the strong relationship between distance and dispersal, we show that distance-driven logistic models have strong power to predict dispersal probabilities. Moreover, connectivity matrices generated from these models are congruent with empirical estimates of spatial genetic structure, suggesting that the pattern of dispersal we uncovered reflects long-term patterns of gene flow. These results challenge assumptions regarding the spatial scale and presumed predictors of marine population connectivity. We conclude that if marine reserve networks aim to connect whole communities of fishes and conserve biodiversity broadly, then reserves that are close in space (<10 km) will accommodate those members of the community that are short-distance dispersers.We thank Diana Acosta, Alben David, Kevin David, Alissa Rickborn, and Derek Scolaro for assistance with field work; Eliana Bondra for assistance with molecular work; and Peter Carlson for assistance with otolith work. We are grateful to Noel Anderson, David Lindo, Claire Paris, Robert Warner, Colleen Webb, and two anonymous reviewers for comments on this manuscript. This work was supported by National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant OCE-1260424, and C.C.D. was supported by NSF Graduate Research Fellowship DGE-1247312. All work was approved by Belize Fisheries and Boston University Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. (OCE-1260424 - National Science Foundation (NSF); DGE-1247312 - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship)Published versio

    Extent of Suitable Habitats for Juvenile Striped Bass: Dynamics and Implications for Recruitment in Chesapeake Bay

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    The production of striped bass Morone saxatilis in Chesapeake Bay supports recreational and commercial fisheries along the Atlantic coast of the United States, but factors that contribute to high abundances of juvenile life stages are not fully understood. In this study, we characterized and quantified suitable and optimal habitat conditions in the Chesapeake Bay for two age groups of juvenile striped bass in discrete portions of the Bay: young-of-the-year (age-0) fish in shoreline and nearshore habitats, and resident sub-adults (age-1 to -4) in the mainstem and Bay-wide. We coupled information from 24 years of monthly fisheries surveys with hindcasts from a 3-D hydrodynamic model of the Bay and a numerical model of dissolved oxygen (DO) conditions. These models provided estimates of habitat conditions for 1996 to 2019 for 33 metrics of temperature, salinity, current speed, depth, DO, and physical features of habitats. Boosted regression trees were used to identify influential habitat covariates for each group, and those covariates were used to develop nonparametric habitat suitability models based on environmental conditions at the time and location of sampling. Habitat suitability indices (HSI), ranging from 0 (poor habitat) to 1 (high-quality habitat), were assigned to each grid in the 3-D model for each season in 1996 to 2019. We quantified suitable (HSI \u3e 0.5) and optimal (HSI \u3e 0.7) on a seasonal and annual basis, and across a range of environmental conditions (wet vs. dry years; warm vs. cool years). We also estimated the persistence of suitable habitats through time as the percent of years during which conditions were suitable at a given site; persistence allowed us to identify areas of the Bay and tidal tributaries that consistently supported suitable conditions for juvenile striped bass. Specific habitat conditions that defined suitable and optimal habitats for age-0 and age 1-4 striped bass varied across seasons and among years, reflecting changes in water quality conditions in Chesapeake Bay and changes in habitat use by striped bass during their first few years of life. Metrics of water quality, especially dissolved oxygen, were consistently identified as important covariates for juvenile striped bass; these conditions are of greater importance in determining habitat suitability than specific physical features especially for a highly mobile species and may be used to inform existing decision-support tools. In our study, we found no evidence that habitat use by striped bass in Chesapeake Bay was moderated by a strict threshold for any given covariate, and average to above-average abundances of striped bass were encountered in sub-suitable conditions; thus, habitat use resulted from a combination of abiotic, and likely biotic, conditions. Neither age group exhibited a statistically significant relationship between relative abundance and the extent of suitable habitats, however, for nearly all ages and seasons, relative abundance increased with greater extent of suitable habitats suggesting that detection of this relationship requires additional annual observations. A significant decrease in the extent of suitable habitat through time (1996 to present) was observed in spring and early summer, reflecting a change in suitable environmental conditions; with additional study years, declines in the relative abundance of age-0 and age 1-4 fish may be observed as suitability of habitats continues to decline. Given the high degree of interannual variability in abundance that is characteristic of estuarine-dependent species like striped bass, the availability and quantity of suitable and high-quality habitats at the scale of individual tributaries and Bay-wide may play an important role in production of this species

    Oceanography promotes self-recruitment in a planktonic larval disperser

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    The application of high-resolution genetic data has revealed that oceanographic connectivity in marine species with planktonic larvae can be surprisingly limited, even in the absence of major barriers to dispersal. Australia's southern coast represents a particularly interesting system for studying planktonic larval dispersal, as the hydrodynamic regime of the wide continental shelf has potential to facilitate onshore retention of larvae. We used a seascape genetics approach (the joint analysis of genetic data and oceanographic connectivity simulations) to assess population genetic structure and self-recruitment in a broadcast-spawning marine gastropod that exists as a single meta-population throughout its temperate Australian range. Levels of self-recruitment were surprisingly high, and oceanographic connectivity simulations indicated that this was a result of low-velocity nearshore currents promoting the retention of planktonic larvae in the vicinity of natal sites. Even though the model applied here is comparatively simple and assumes that the dispersal of planktonic larvae is passive, we find that oceanography alone is sufficient to explain the high levels of genetic structure and self-recruitment. Our study contributes to growing evidence that sophisticated larval behaviour is not a prerequisite for larval retention in the nearshore region in planktonic-developing species

    Connectivity and resilience of coral reef metapopulations in marine protected areas : matching empirical efforts to predictive needs

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    © 2009 The Authors. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License. The definitive version was published in Coral Reefs 28 (2009): 327-337, doi:10.1007/s00338-009-0466-z.Design and decision-making for marine protected areas (MPAs) on coral reefs require prediction of MPA effects with population models. Modeling of MPAs has shown how the persistence of metapopulations in systems of MPAs depends on the size and spacing of MPAs, and levels of fishing outside the MPAs. However, the pattern of demographic connectivity produced by larval dispersal is a key uncertainty in those modeling studies. The information required to assess population persistence is a dispersal matrix containing the fraction of larvae traveling to each location from each location, not just the current number of larvae exchanged among locations. Recent metapopulation modeling research with hypothetical dispersal matrices has shown how the spatial scale of dispersal, degree of advection versus diffusion, total larval output, and temporal and spatial variability in dispersal influence population persistence. Recent empirical studies using population genetics, parentage analysis, and geochemical and artificial marks in calcified structures have improved the understanding of dispersal. However, many such studies report current self-recruitment (locally produced settlement/settlement from elsewhere), which is not as directly useful as local retention (locally produced settlement/total locally released), which is a component of the dispersal matrix. Modeling of biophysical circulation with larval particle tracking can provide the required elements of dispersal matrices and assess their sensitivity to flows and larval behavior, but it requires more assumptions than direct empirical methods. To make rapid progress in understanding the scales and patterns of connectivity, greater communication between empiricists and population modelers will be needed. Empiricists need to focus more on identifying the characteristics of the dispersal matrix, while population modelers need to track and assimilate evolving empirical results.Work by CB Paris was supported by the National Science Foundation grant NSF-OCE 0550732. Work by M-A Coffroth and SR Thorrold was supported by the National Science Foundation grant NSF-OCE 0424688. Work by TL Shearer was supported by an International Cooperative Biodiversity Group grant R21 TW006662-01 from the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health

    The impact of marine reserves on exploited species with complex life histories: a modeling study using the Caribbean spiny lobster in Exuma Sound, Bahamas

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    Most benthic invertebrates and reef-associated fish undergo a dispersive, planktonic larval stage prior to settlement and metamorphosis into the juvenile and adult stages. In some species, settlement may be decoupled from adult abundance at local spatial scales if hydrodynamic conditions or larval behavior do not promote local retention. Similarly, spatial variability in postsettlement mortality or secondary dispersal by juveniles and adults may decouple spatial patterns of adult abundance from those of settlement. as a consequence, spatial patterns of settlement and adult abundance may be functionally related in a complex fashion. Whether biotic/environmental factors control spatial patterns of abundance may have profound implications for conservation of exploited benthic marine species, particularly when patterns of exploitation are themselves spatially structured as they are under management by marine reserves. As part of this dissertation, a spatially-explicit population dynamics model for the Caribbean spiny lobster in Exuma Sound, Bahamas was developed. The model is stage- and age-structured, and features dispersal of larvae from hatching sites via advection by hydrodynamic currents and diffusion, active migration of postlarvae into shallow nursery habitats, density-dependent survival and dispersal of benthic life-history stages (juveniles and adults), size-specific fecundity, and spatially-explicit exploitation rates. The population dynamics model was used heuristically to investigate the joint effects of reserve design (i.e., size, location, number), exploitation, population regulation and larval dispersal via hydrodynamic currents on population abundance and fishery yield. Principal findings were that fishery yield and larval production were idiosyncratic functions of reserve size, substantially influenced by interactions between current patterns and reserve location. Also, management strategies which implemented a single large reserve outperformed those using a network of small reserves, a reduction in total effort, or no action whatsoever. Results support the efficacy of marine reserves as a tool for rebuilding overexploited marine populations and creating sustainable fisheries. However, haphazard reserve creation may lead to a false sense of security, and poorly-designed reserves can perform worse than taking no action at all. Thus, designing successful marine reserves requires knowledge of local and regional patterns of hydrodynamic transport and larval dispersal, as well as other species\u27 life-history characteristics

    Effect of wind and tidal advection on distribution patterns of rock crab \u3cem\u3eCancer irroratus\u3c/em\u3e megalopae in Block Island Sound, Rhode Island

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    The planktonic period of benthic marine invertebrates can significantly affect distribution patterns of benthic juveniles. In this paper we address the relationship between advection and the subsequent abundance of planktonic megalopae of the rock crab Cancer irroratus in Block Island Sound, Rhode Island (USA), over an 8 yr period. At small scales (several meters distance with samples taken simultaneously), megalopae were found to be similarly distributed; at larger temporal (tens of minutes) and spatial scales (hundreds of meters) megalopae were very patchy, which indicates a complex, highly variable pattern of abundance typical of planktonic systems. Using the receptor-mode trajectory capability of OILMAP, a numerical hydrodynamic model, we detected a significant relationship between the direction of transport prior to collection (as predicted by the model) and the subsequent catch of megalopae. We argue that rock crab megalopae are often advected tens of kilometers over short time spans and are concentrated on south-facing shores in Block Island Sound. Further, enhanced planktonic delivery to our study area results in large pulses of individuals to the benthos. Directional transport would be an effective larval delivery strategy even if rock crab megalopae were subject to lower advection, perhaps owing to a deep vertical distribution; a significant relationship between transport direction and collection date was detected even under a lower advective regime

    Ecology, life history, and fisheries potential of the flathead lobster (Thenus orientalis) in the Arabian Gulf

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    This study, which included examination of the distribution and life history and a stock assessment of the flathead lobster (Thenus orientalis), is the first of its kind in the waters of Saudi Arabia in the Arabian Gulf, also known as the Persian Gulf. The flathead lobster is widely distributed in this region, although it is more abundant in the central and northern Arabian Gulf. Carapace lengths at 50% and 95% maturity are 59 and 65 mm for females and 58 and 71 mm for males. The fecundity of 4 berried females ranged from 26,000 to 76,000 eggs per spawning, and the fertilization rate exceeded 97%. Length-frequency data were consistent with just 2 cohorts, indicating that this species has a short life span and high growth coefficient (K=0.846 year(-1)). Large fishing boats (called dhows) accounted for more than 98% of the total landings. Estimates of natural mortality rates from use of generalized depletion models have high statistical precision and a magnitude compatible with short life history. In addition, abundance levels estimated with the depletion model are sufficient to support a sustainable small-scale fishery either as bycatch of shrimp trawlers or as a resource targeted with specialized gear. A targeted fishery for flathead lobster could be set during the off months of the shrimp trawl fishery (February-July), reducing interference with the reproduction cycle.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relative Impacts of Adult Movement, Larval Dispersal and Harvester Movement on the Effectiveness of Reserve Networks

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    Movement of individuals is a critical factor determining the effectiveness of reserve networks. Marine reserves have historically been used for the management of species that are sedentary as adults, and, therefore, larval dispersal has been a major focus of marine-reserve research. The push to use marine reserves for managing pelagic and demersal species poses significant questions regarding their utility for highly-mobile species. Here, a simple conceptual metapopulation model is developed to provide a rigorous comparison of the functioning of reserve networks for populations with different admixtures of larval dispersal and adult movement in a home range. We find that adult movement produces significantly lower persistence than larval dispersal, all other factors being equal. Furthermore, redistribution of harvest effort previously in reserves to remaining fished areas (‘fishery squeeze’) and fishing along reserve borders (‘fishing-the-line’) considerably reduce persistence and harvests for populations mobile as adults, while they only marginally changes results for populations with dispersing larvae. Our results also indicate that adult home-range movement and larval dispersal are not simply additive processes, but rather that populations possessing both modes of movement have lower persistence than equivalent populations having the same amount of ‘total movement’ (sum of larval and adult movement spatial scales) in either larval dispersal or adult movement alone
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