3,162 research outputs found

    Nonlinear normal modes and spectral submanifolds: Existence, uniqueness and use in model reduction

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    We propose a unified approach to nonlinear modal analysis in dissipative oscillatory systems. This approach eliminates conflicting definitions, covers both autonomous and time-dependent systems, and provides exact mathematical existence, uniqueness and robustness results. In this setting, a nonlinear normal mode (NNM) is a set filled with small-amplitude recurrent motions: a fixed point, a periodic orbit or the closure of a quasiperiodic orbit. In contrast, a spectral submanifold (SSM) is an invariant manifold asymptotic to a NNM, serving as the smoothest nonlinear continuation of a spectral subspace of the linearized system along the NNM. The existence and uniqueness of SSMs turns out to depend on a spectral quotient computed from the real part of the spectrum of the linearized system. This quotient may well be large even for small dissipation, thus the inclusion of damping is essential for firm conclusions about NNMs, SSMs and the reduced-order models they yield.Comment: To appear in Nonlinear Dynamic

    Initial Conditions for Models of Dynamical Systems

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    The long-time behaviour of many dynamical systems may be effectively predicted by a low-dimensional model that describes the evolution of a reduced set of variables. We consider the question of how to equip such a low-dimensional model with appropriate initial conditions, so that it faithfully reproduces the long-term behaviour of the original high-dimensional dynamical system. Our method involves putting the dynamical system into normal form, which not only generates the low-dimensional model, but also provides the correct initial conditions for the model. We illustrate the method with several examples. Keywords: normal form, isochrons, initialisation, centre manifoldComment: 24 pages in standard LaTeX, 66K, no figure

    Computation of maximal local (un)stable manifold patches by the parameterization method

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    In this work we develop some automatic procedures for computing high order polynomial expansions of local (un)stable manifolds for equilibria of differential equations. Our method incorporates validated truncation error bounds, and maximizes the size of the image of the polynomial approximation relative to some specified constraints. More precisely we use that the manifold computations depend heavily on the scalings of the eigenvectors: indeed we study the precise effects of these scalings on the estimates which determine the validated error bounds. This relationship between the eigenvector scalings and the error estimates plays a central role in our automatic procedures. In order to illustrate the utility of these methods we present several applications, including visualization of invariant manifolds in the Lorenz and FitzHugh-Nagumo systems and an automatic continuation scheme for (un)stable manifolds in a suspension bridge problem. In the present work we treat explicitly the case where the eigenvalues satisfy a certain non-resonance condition.Comment: Revised version, typos corrected, references adde

    Delay Equations and Radiation Damping

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    Starting from delay equations that model field retardation effects, we study the origin of runaway modes that appear in the solutions of the classical equations of motion involving the radiation reaction force. When retardation effects are small, we argue that the physically significant solutions belong to the so-called slow manifold of the system and we identify this invariant manifold with the attractor in the state space of the delay equation. We demonstrate via an example that when retardation effects are no longer small, the motion could exhibit bifurcation phenomena that are not contained in the local equations of motion.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure, a paragraph added on page 5; 3 references adde

    Visualizing the geometry of state space in plane Couette flow

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    Motivated by recent experimental and numerical studies of coherent structures in wall-bounded shear flows, we initiate a systematic exploration of the hierarchy of unstable invariant solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. We construct a dynamical, 10^5-dimensional state-space representation of plane Couette flow at Re = 400 in a small, periodic cell and offer a new method of visualizing invariant manifolds embedded in such high dimensions. We compute a new equilibrium solution of plane Couette flow and the leading eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of known equilibria at this Reynolds number and cell size. What emerges from global continuations of their unstable manifolds is a surprisingly elegant dynamical-systems visualization of moderate-Reynolds turbulence. The invariant manifolds tessellate the region of state space explored by transiently turbulent dynamics with a rigid web of continuous and discrete symmetry-induced heteroclinic connections.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figures submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanic
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