28,973 research outputs found

    Heat flux evaluation in high temperature ring-on-ring contacts

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    A comprehensive methodology to investigate heat flux in a ring-on-ring tribometer is presented. Thermal fluxes under high contact pressures and temperature differences were evaluated through an experimental campaign and by a numerical procedure of inverse analysis applied to surface temperature measurements. An approximation of a two-dimensional time-dependent analytical solution for the temperature distribution was first developed and subsequently adapted to mimic the specific testing configuration characteristics; the problem was finally simplified to enable further inverse analysis. Experiments were performed using an innovative high temperature ring-on-ring tribometer. The evaluated contact heat transfer rates were reported as a function of normal load and temperature difference between the discs under steady-state conditions; the results reported here show that, in the present test configuration, the temperature difference has stronger influence than the applied load in terms of heat transfer induced by contact

    Inverse Design Based on Nonlinear Thermoelastic Material Models Applied to Injection Molding

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    This paper describes an inverse shape design method for thermoelastic bodies. With a known equilibrium shape as input, the focus of this paper is the determination of the corresponding initial shape of a body undergoing thermal expansion or contraction, as well as nonlinear elastic deformations. A distinguishing feature of the described method lies in its capability to approximately prescribe an initial heterogeneous temperature distribution as well as an initial stress field even though the initial shape is unknown. At the core of the method, there is a system of nonlinear partial differential equations. They are discretized and solved with the finite element method or isogeometric analysis. In order to better integrate the method with application-oriented simulations, an iterative procedure is described that allows fine-tuning of the results. The method was motivated by an inverse cavity design problem in injection molding applications. Its use in this field is specifically highlighted, but the general description is kept independent of the application to simplify its adaptation to a wider range of use cases.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figure

    Heat transport and phonon localization in mass-disordered harmonic crystals

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    We investigate the steady state heat current in two and three dimensional disordered harmonic crystals in a slab geometry, connected at the boundaries to stochastic white noise heat baths at different temperatures.The disorder causes short wavelength phonon modes to be localized so the heat current in this system is carried by the extended phonon modes which can be either diffusive or ballistic. Using ideas both from localization theory and from kinetic theory we estimate the contribution of various modes to the heat current and from this we obtain the asymptotic system size dependence of the current. These estimates are compared with results obtained from a numerical evaluation of an exact formula for the current, given in terms of a frequency transmission function, as well as from direct nonequilibrium simulations. These yield a strong dependence of the heat flux on boundary conditions. Our analytical arguments show that for realistic boundary conditions the conductivity is finite in three dimensions but we are not able to verify this numerically, except in the case where the system is subjected to an external pinning potential. This case is closely related to the problem of localization of electrons in a random potential and here we numerically verify that the pinned three dimensional system satisfies Fourier's law while the two dimensional system is a heat insulator. We also investigate the inverse participation ratio of different normal modes.Comment: 30 pages, 28 figures (Revised and improved version

    Study of laser heated propulsion devices. Part 1: Evaluation of laser devices, fuels and energy coupling mechanisms

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    Closed cycle, CW waveform and short wavelength laser devices are desirable characteristics for laser propulsion. The choice of specific wavelengths for hydrogen fuel affects the operational conditions under which a laser supported absorption (LSA) wave is initiated and maintained. The mechanisms of initiating and maintaining LSA waves depend on the wavelength of the laser. Consequently, the shape and size of the hot core plasma is also dependent on wavelength and pressure. Detailed modeling of these mechanisms must be performed before their actual significance can be ascertained. Inverse bremsstrahlung absorption mechanism is the dominant mechanism for coupling energy into the plasma, but other mechanisms which are wavelength dependent can dictate the LSA wave plasma initiation and maintenance conditions. Multiphoton mechanisms become important at visible or shorter wavelengths. These are important mechanisms in creating the initial H2 gas breakdown and supplying the precursor electrons required to sustain the plasma