47 research outputs found

    How to integrate geochemistry at affordable costs into reactive transport for large-scale systems: Abstract Book

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    This international workshop entitled “How to integrate geochemistry at affordable costs into reac-tive transport for large-scale systems” was organized by the Institute of Resource Ecology of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf in Feb-ruary 2020. A mechanistic understanding and building on that an appropriate modelling of geochemical processes is essential for reliably predicting contaminant transport in groundwater systems, but also in many other cases where migration of hazardous substances is expected and consequently has to be assessed and limited. In case of already present contaminations, such modelling may help to quantify the threads and to support the development and application of suitable remediation measures. Typical application areas are nuclear waste disposal, environmental remediation, mining and milling, carbon capture & storage, or geothermal energy production. Experts from these fields were brought together to discuss large-scale reactive transport modelling (RTM) because the scales covered by such pre-dictions may reach up to one million year and dozens of kilometers. Full-fledged incorporation of geochemical processes, e.g. sorption, precipitation, or redox reactions (to name just a few important basic processes) will thus create inacceptable long computing times. As an effective way to integrate geochemistry at affordable costs into RTM different geochemical concepts (e.g. multidimensional look-up tables, surrogate functions, machine learning, utilization of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis etc.) exist and were extensively discussed throughout the workshop. During the 3-day program of the workshop keynote and regular lectures from experts in the field, a poster session, and a radio lab tour had been offered. In total, 40 scientists from 28 re-search institutes and 8 countries participated

    Final Report for the ZERT Project: Basic Science of Retention Issues, Risk Assessment & Measurement, Monitoring and Verification for Geologic Sequestration

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    ZERT has made major contributions to five main areas of sequestration science: improvement of computational tools; measurement and monitoring techniques to verify storage and track migration of CO{sub 2}; development of a comprehensive performance and risk assessment framework; fundamental geophysical, geochemical and hydrological investigations of CO{sub 2} storage; and investigate innovative, bio-based mitigation strategies

    Summaries of FY 1996 geosciences research

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