9,653 research outputs found

    On the first k moments of the random count of a pattern in a multi-states sequence generated by a Markov source

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    In this paper, we develop an explicit formula allowing to compute the first k moments of the random count of a pattern in a multi-states sequence generated by a Markov source. We derive efficient algorithms allowing to deal both with low or high complexity patterns and either homogeneous or heterogenous Markov models. We then apply these results to the distribution of DNA patterns in genomic sequences where we show that moment-based developments (namely: Edgeworth's expansion and Gram-Charlier type B series) allow to improve the reliability of common asymptotic approximations like Gaussian or Poisson approximations

    The distribution of word matches between Markovian sequences with periodic boundary conditions

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    Word match counts have traditionally been proposed as an alignment-free measure of similarity for biological sequences. The D2 statistic, which simply counts the number of exact word matches between two sequences, is a useful test bed for developing rigorous mathematical results, which can then be extended to more biologically useful measures. The distributional properties of the D2 statistic under the null hypothesis of identically and independently distributed letters have been studied extensively, but no comprehensive study of the D2 distribution for biologically more realistic higher-order Markovian sequences exists. Here we derive exact formulas for the mean and variance of the D2 statistic for Markovian sequences of any order, and demonstrate through Monte Carlo simulations that the entire distribution is accurately characterized by a Pólya-Aeppli distribution for sequence lengths of biological interest. The approach is novel in that Markovian dependency is defined for sequences with periodic boundary conditions, and this enables exact analytic formulas for the mean and variance to be derived. We also carry out a preliminary comparison between the approximate D2 distribution computed with the theoretical mean and variance under a Markovian hypothesis and an empirical D2 distribution from the human genome

    Waiting for regulatory sequences to appear

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    One possible explanation for the substantial organismal differences between humans and chimpanzees is that there have been changes in gene regulation. Given what is known about transcription factor binding sites, this motivates the following probability question: given a 1000 nucleotide region in our genome, how long does it take for a specified six to nine letter word to appear in that region in some individual? Stone and Wray [Mol. Biol. Evol. 18 (2001) 1764--1770] computed 5,950 years as the answer for six letter words. Here, we will show that for words of length 6, the average waiting time is 100,000 years, while for words of length 8, the waiting time has mean 375,000 years when there is a 7 out of 8 letter match in the population consensus sequence (an event of probability roughly 5/16) and has mean 650 million years when there is not. Fortunately, in biological reality, the match to the target word does not have to be perfect for binding to occur. If we model this by saying that a 7 out of 8 letter match is good enough, the mean reduces to about 60,000 years.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/105051606000000619 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    An R Implementation of the Polya-Aeppli Distribution

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    An efficient implementation of the Polya-Aeppli, or geometirc compound Poisson, distribution in the statistical programming language R is presented. The implementation is available as the package polyaAeppli and consists of functions for the mass function, cumulative distribution function, quantile function and random variate generation with those parameters conventionally provided for standard univatiate probability distributions in the stats package in RComment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Entropy-based parametric estimation of spike train statistics

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    We consider the evolution of a network of neurons, focusing on the asymptotic behavior of spikes dynamics instead of membrane potential dynamics. The spike response is not sought as a deterministic response in this context, but as a conditional probability : "Reading out the code" consists of inferring such a probability. This probability is computed from empirical raster plots, by using the framework of thermodynamic formalism in ergodic theory. This gives us a parametric statistical model where the probability has the form of a Gibbs distribution. In this respect, this approach generalizes the seminal and profound work of Schneidman and collaborators. A minimal presentation of the formalism is reviewed here, while a general algorithmic estimation method is proposed yielding fast convergent implementations. It is also made explicit how several spike observables (entropy, rate, synchronizations, correlations) are given in closed-form from the parametric estimation. This paradigm does not only allow us to estimate the spike statistics, given a design choice, but also to compare different models, thus answering comparative questions about the neural code such as : "are correlations (or time synchrony or a given set of spike patterns, ..) significant with respect to rate coding only ?" A numerical validation of the method is proposed and the perspectives regarding spike-train code analysis are also discussed.Comment: 37 pages, 8 figures, submitte

    Sparse approaches for the exact distribution of patterns in long state sequences generated by a Markov source

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    We present two novel approaches for the computation of the exact distribution of a pattern in a long sequence. Both approaches take into account the sparse structure of the problem and are two-part algorithms. The first approach relies on a partial recursion after a fast computation of the second largest eigenvalue of the transition matrix of a Markov chain embedding. The second approach uses fast Taylor expansions of an exact bivariate rational reconstruction of the distribution. We illustrate the interest of both approaches on a simple toy-example and two biological applications: the transcription factors of the Human Chromosome 5 and the PROSITE signatures of functional motifs in proteins. On these example our methods demonstrate their complementarity and their hability to extend the domain of feasibility for exact computations in pattern problems to a new level

    Time series motifs statistical significance

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    Time series motif discovery is the task of extracting previously unknown recurrent patterns from time series data. It is an important problem within applications that range from finance to health. Many algorithms have been proposed for the task of eficiently finding motifs. Surprisingly, most of these proposals do not focus on how to evaluate the discovered motifs. They are typically evaluated by human experts. This is unfeasible even for moderately sized datasets, since the number of discovered motifs tends to be prohibitively large. Statistical significance tests are widely used in bioinformatics and association rules mining communities to evaluate the extracted patterns. In this work we present an approach to calculate time series motifs statistical significance. Our proposal leverages work from the bioinformatics community by using a symbolic definition of time series motifs to derive each motif's p-value. We estimate the expected frequency of a motif by using Markov Chain models. The p-value is then assessed by comparing the actual frequency to the estimated one using statistical hypothesis tests. Our contribution gives means to the application of a powerful technique - statistical tests - to a time series setting.This provides researchers and practitioners with an important tool to evaluate automatically the degree of relevance of each extracted motif.(undefined

    Exact distribution of a pattern in a set of random sequences generated by a Markov source: applications to biological data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In bioinformatics it is common to search for a pattern of interest in a potentially large set of rather short sequences (upstream gene regions, proteins, exons, etc.). Although many methodological approaches allow practitioners to compute the distribution of a pattern count in a random sequence generated by a Markov source, no specific developments have taken into account the counting of occurrences in a set of independent sequences. We aim to address this problem by deriving efficient approaches and algorithms to perform these computations both for low and high complexity patterns in the framework of homogeneous or heterogeneous Markov models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The latest advances in the field allowed us to use a technique of optimal Markov chain embedding based on deterministic finite automata to introduce three innovative algorithms. Algorithm 1 is the only one able to deal with heterogeneous models. It also permits to avoid any product of convolution of the pattern distribution in individual sequences. When working with homogeneous models, Algorithm 2 yields a dramatic reduction in the complexity by taking advantage of previous computations to obtain moment generating functions efficiently. In the particular case of low or moderate complexity patterns, Algorithm 3 exploits power computation and binary decomposition to further reduce the time complexity to a logarithmic scale. All these algorithms and their relative interest in comparison with existing ones were then tested and discussed on a toy-example and three biological data sets: structural patterns in protein loop structures, PROSITE signatures in a bacterial proteome, and transcription factors in upstream gene regions. On these data sets, we also compared our exact approaches to the tempting approximation that consists in concatenating the sequences in the data set into a single sequence.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our algorithms prove to be effective and able to handle real data sets with multiple sequences, as well as biological patterns of interest, even when the latter display a high complexity (PROSITE signatures for example). In addition, these exact algorithms allow us to avoid the edge effect observed under the single sequence approximation, which leads to erroneous results, especially when the marginal distribution of the model displays a slow convergence toward the stationary distribution. We end up with a discussion on our method and on its potential improvements.</p
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