113 research outputs found

    Intelligent Processing in Wireless Communications Using Particle Swarm Based Methods

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    There are a lot of optimization needs in the research and design of wireless communica- tion systems. Many of these optimization problems are Nondeterministic Polynomial (NP) hard problems and could not be solved well. Many of other non-NP-hard optimization problems are combinatorial and do not have satisfying solutions either. This dissertation presents a series of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) based search and optimization algorithms that solve open research and design problems in wireless communications. These problems are either avoided or solved approximately before. PSO is a bottom-up approach for optimization problems. It imposes no conditions on the underlying problem. Its simple formulation makes it easy to implement, apply, extend and hybridize. The algorithm uses simple operators like adders, and multipliers to travel through the search space and the process requires just five simple steps. PSO is also easy to control because it has limited number of parameters and is less sensitive to parameters than other swarm intelligence algorithms. It is not dependent on initial points and converges very fast. Four types of PSO based approaches are proposed targeting four different kinds of problems in wireless communications. First, we use binary PSO and continuous PSO together to find optimal compositions of Gaussian derivative pulses to form several UWB pulses that not only comply with the FCC spectrum mask, but also best exploit the avail- able spectrum and power. Second, three different PSO based algorithms are developed to solve the NLOS/LOS channel differentiation, NLOS range error mitigation and multilateration problems respectively. Third, a PSO based search method is proposed to find optimal orthogonal code sets to reduce the inter carrier interference effects in an frequency redundant OFDM system. Fourth, a PSO based phase optimization technique is proposed in reducing the PAPR of an frequency redundant OFDM system. The PSO based approaches are compared with other canonical solutions for these communication problems and showed superior performance in many aspects. which are confirmed by analysis and simulation results provided respectively. Open questions and future Open questions and future works for the dissertation are proposed to serve as a guide for the future research efforts

    Intelligent genetic algorithms for next-generation broadband multi-carrier CDMA wireless networks

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    This dissertation proposes a novel intelligent system architecture for next-generation broadband multi-carrier CDMA wireless networks. In our system, two novel and similar intelligent genetic algorithms, namely Minimum Distance guided GAs (MDGAs) are invented for both peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction at the transmitter side and multi-user detection (MUD) at the receiver side. Meanwhile, we derive a theoretical BER performance analysis for the proposed MC-CDMA system in A WGN channel. Our analytical results show that the theoretical BER performance of synchronized MC-CDMA system is the same as that of the synchronized DS-CDMA system which is also used as a theoretical guidance of our novel MUD receiver design. In contrast to traditional GAs, our MDGAs start with a balanced ratio of exploration and exploitation which is maintained throughout the process. In our algorithms, a new replacement strategy is designed which increases significantly the convergence rate and reduces dramatically computational complexity as compared to the conventional GAs. The simulation results demonstrate that, if compared to those schemes using exhaustive search and traditional GAs, (1) our MDGA-based P APR reduction scheme achieves 99.52% and 50+% reductions in computational complexity, respectively; (2) our MDGA-based MUD scheme achieves 99.54% and 50+% reductions in computational complexity, respectively. The use of one core MDGA solution for both issues can ease the hardware design and dramatically reduce the implementation cost in practice.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Peak to average power ratio reduction and error control in MIMO-OFDM HARQ System

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    Currently, multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMOOFDM) systems underlie crucial wireless communication systems such as commercial 4G and 5G networks, tactical communication, and interoperable Public Safety communications. However, one drawback arising from OFDM modulation is its resulting high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). This problem increases with an increase in the number of transmit antennas. In this work, a new hybrid PAPR reduction technique is proposed for space-time block coding (STBC) MIMO-OFDM systems that combine the coding capabilities to PAPR reduction methods, while leveraging the new degree of freedom provided by the presence of multiple transmit chairs (MIMO). In the first part, we presented an extensive literature review of PAPR reduction techniques for OFDM and MIMO-OFDM systems. The work developed a PAPR reduction technique taxonomy, and analyzed the motivations for reducing the PAPR in current communication systems, emphasizing two important motivations such as power savings and coverage gain. In the tax onomy presented here, we include a new category, namely, hybrid techniques. Additionally, we drew a conclusion regarding the importance of hybrid PAPR reduction techniques. In the second part, we studied the effect of forward error correction (FEC) codes on the PAPR for the coded OFDM (COFDM) system. We simulated and compared the CCDF of the PAPR and its relationship with the autocorrelation of the COFDM signal before the inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) block. This allows to conclude on the main characteristics of the codes that generate high peaks in the COFDM signal, and therefore, the optimal parameters in order to reduce PAPR. We emphasize our study in FEC codes as linear block codes, and convolutional codes. Finally, we proposed a new hybrid PAPR reduction technique for an STBC MIMO-OFDM system, in which the convolutional code is optimized to avoid PAPR degradation, which also combines successive suboptimal cross-antenna rotation and inversion (SS-CARI) and iterative modified companding and filtering schemes. The new method permits to obtain a significant net gain for the system, i.e., considerable PAPR reduction, bit error rate (BER) gain as compared to the basic MIMO-OFDM system, low complexity, and reduced spectral splatter. The new hybrid technique was extensively evaluated by simulation, and the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), the BER, and the power spectral density (PSD) were compared to the original STBC MIMO-OFDM signal

    Analog Radio-over-Fiber for 5G/6G Millimeter-Wave Communications

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    Técnicas de igualização adaptativas com estimativas imperfeitas do canal para os futuros sistemas 5G

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    Wireless communication networks have been continuously experiencing an exponential growth since their inception. The overwhelming demand for high data rates, support of a large number of users while mitigating disruptive interference are the constant research focus and it has led to the creation of new technologies and efficient techniques. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is the most common example of a technology that has come to the fore in this past decade as it provided a simple and generally ideal platform for wireless data transmission. It’s drawback of a rather high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and sensitivity to phase noise, which in turn led to the adoption of alternative techniques, such as the single carrier systems with frequency domain equalization (SC-FDE) or the multi carrier systems with code division multiple access (MC-CDMA), but the nonlinear Frequency Domain Equalizers (FDE) have been of special note due to their improved performance. From these, the Iterative Block Decision Feedback Equalizer (IB-DFE) has proven itself especially promising due to its compatibility with space diversity, MIMO systems and CDMA schemes. However, the IB-DFE requires the system to have constant knowledge of the communication channel properties, that is, to have constantly perfect Channel State Information (CSI), which is both unrealistic and impractical to implement. In this dissertation we shall design an altered IB-DFE receiver that is able to properly detect signals from SC-FDMA based transmitters, even with constantly erroneous channel states. The results shall demonstrate that the proposed equalization scheme is robust to imperfect CSI (I-CSI) situations, since its performance is constantly close to the perfect CSI case, within just a few iterations.Redes sem fios têm crescido de maneira contínua e exponencial desde a sua incepção. A tremenda exigência para altas taxas de dados e o suporte para um elevado número de utilizadores sem aumentar a interferência disruptiva originada por estes são alguns dos focos que levaram ao desenvolvimento de técnicas de compensação e novas tecnologias. “Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing” (OFDM) é um dos exemplos de tecnologias que se destacaram nesta última década, visto ter fornecido uma plataforma para transmissão de dados sem-fio eficaz e simples. O seu maior problema é a alta “peak-to-average power ratio” (PAPR) e a sua sensibilidade a ruído de fase que deram motivo à adoção de técnicas alternativas, tais como os sistemas “single carrier” com “frequency domain equalization” (SC-FDE) ou os sistemas “multi-carrier” com “code division multiple access” (MC-CDMA), mas equalizadores não lineares no domínio de frequência têm sido alvo de especial atenção devido ao seu melhor desempenho. Destes, o “iterative block decision feedback equalizer” (IB-DFE) tem-se provado especialmente promissor devido à sua compatibilidade com técnicas de diversidade no espaço, sistemas MIMO e esquemas CDMA. No entanto, IB-DFE requer que o sistema tenha constante conhecimento das propriedades dos canais usados, ou seja, necessita de ter perfeito “channel state information” (CSI) constantemente, o que é tanto irrealista como impossível de implementar. Nesta dissertação iremos projetar um recetor IB-DFE alterado de forma a conseguir detetar sinais dum transmissor baseado em tecnologia SC-FDMA, mesmo com a informação de estado de canal errada. Os resultados irão então demonstrar que o novo esquema de equalização proposto é robusto para situações de CSI imperfeito (I-CSI), visto que o seu desempenho se mantém próximo dos valores esperados para CSI perfeito, em apenas algumas iterações.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Resource Allocation-Based PAPR Analysis in Uplink SCMA-OFDM Systems

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    Sparse code multiple access (SCMA) is a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) uplink solution that overloads resource elements (RE's) with more than one user. Given the success of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, SCMA will likely be deployed as a multiple access scheme over OFDM, called an SCMA-OFDM system. One of the major challenges with OFDM systems is the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) problem, which is typically studied through the PAPR statistics for a system with a large number of independently modulated sub-carriers (SCs). In the context of SCMA systems, the PAPR problem has been studied before through the SCMA codebook design for certain narrowband scenarios, applicable more for low-rate users. However, we show that for high-rate users in wideband systems, it is more meaningful to study the PAPR statistics. In this paper, we highlight some novel aspects to the PAPR statistics for SCMA-OFDM systems that is different from the vast body of existing PAPR literature in the context of traditional OFDM systems. The main difference lies in the fact that the SCs are not independently modulated in SCMA-OFDM systems. Instead, the SCMA codebook uses multi-dimensional constellations, leading to a statistical dependency between the data carrying SCs. Further, the SCMA codebook dictates that an UL user can only transmit on a subset of the available SCs. We highlight the joint effect of the two major factors that influence the PAPR statistics-the phase bias in the multi-dimensional constellation design along with the resource allocation strategy. The choice of modulation scheme and SC allocation strategy are static configuration options, thus allowing for PAPR reduction opportunities in SCMA-OFDM systems through the setting of static configuration parameters. Compared to the class of PAPR reduction techniques in the OFDM literature that rely on multiple signalling and probabilistic techniques, these gains come with no computational overhead. In this paper, we also examine these PAPR reduction techniques and their applicability to SCMA-OFDM systems