37 research outputs found

    Transakcje kryptowalutą bitcoin - wybrane zagrożenia

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    W artykule zwrócono uwagę na wybrane zagrożenia związane z internetowym systemem płatności za pomocą kryptowaluty bitcoin. Poruszone zostały zagadnienia związane z anoniowością w sieci Bitcoin, pozyskiwaniem bitcoinów, prawdopodobieństwem podwójnego wydania środków (ang. double spending), ryzykiem inwestycji w kryptowalutę oraz ryzykiem AML.Kinga Kądziołk

    Mutual-Excitation of Cryptocurrency Market Returns and Social Media Topics

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    Cryptocurrencies have recently experienced a new wave of price volatility and interest; activity within social media communities relating to cryptocurrencies has increased significantly. There is currently limited documented knowledge of factors which could indicate future price movements. This paper aims to decipher relationships between cryptocurrency price changes and topic discussion on social media to provide, among other things, an understanding of which topics are indicative of future price movements. To achieve this a well-known dynamic topic modelling approach is applied to social media communication to retrieve information about the temporal occurrence of various topics. A Hawkes model is then applied to find interactions between topics and cryptocurrency prices. The results show particular topics tend to precede certain types of price movements, for example the discussion of 'risk and investment vs trading' being indicative of price falls, the discussion of 'substantial price movements' being indicative of volatility, and the discussion of 'fundamental cryptocurrency value' by technical communities being indicative of price rises. The knowledge of topic relationships gained here could be built into a real-time system, providing trading or alerting signals.Comment: 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications (ICKEA 2018) - Moscow, Russia (June 25-27 2018

    Wikipedia and Digital Currencies: Interplay Between Collective Attention and Market Performance

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    The production and consumption of information about Bitcoin and other digital-, or 'crypto'-, currencies have grown together with their market capitalisation. However, a systematic investigation of the relationship between online attention and market dynamics, across multiple digital currencies, is still lacking. Here, we quantify the interplay between the attention towards digital currencies in Wikipedia and their market performance. We consider the entire edit history of currency-related pages, and their view history from July 2015. First, we quantify the evolution of the cryptocurrency presence in Wikipedia by analysing the editorial activity and the network of co-edited pages. We find that a small community of tightly connected editors is responsible for most of the production of information about cryptocurrencies in Wikipedia. Then, we show that a simple trading strategy informed by Wikipedia views performs better, in terms of returns on investment, than classic baseline strategies for most of the covered period. Our results contribute to the recent literature on the interplay between online information and investment markets, and we anticipate it will be of interest for researchers as well as investors

    Cryptocurrency market structure: connecting emotions and economics

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    We study the dependency and causality structure of the cryptocurrency market investigating collective movements of both prices and social sentiment related to almost two thousand cryptocurrencies traded during the first six months of 2018. This is the first study of the whole cryptocurrency market structure. It introduces several rigorous innovative methodologies applicable to this and to several other complex systems where a large number of variables interact in a non-linear way, which is a distinctive feature of the digital economy. The analysis of the dependency structure reveals that prices are significantly correlated with sentiment. The major, most capitalised cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin, have a central role in the price correlation network but only a marginal role in the sentiment network and in the network describing the interactions between the two. The study of the causality structure reveals a causality network that is consistently related with the correlation structures and shows that both prices cause sentiment and sentiment cause prices across currencies with the latter being stronger in size but smaller in number of significative interactions. Overall our study uncovers a complex and rich structure of interrelations where prices and sentiment influence each other both instantaneously and with lead-lag causal relations. A major finding is that minor currencies, with small capitalisation, play a crucial role in shaping the overall dependency and causality structure. Despite the high level of noise and the short time-series we verified that these networks are significant with all links statistically validated and with a structural organisation consistently reproduced across all networks.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    Bitcoin-specific fear sentiment and bitcoin returns in the COVID-19 outbreak

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    This study aims to investigate the effect of fear sentiment with a novel data set on Bitcoin’s return, volatility and transaction volume. We divide the sample into two subperiods in order to capture the changing dynamics during the Covid-19 pandemic. We retrieve the novel fear sentiment data from Thomson Reuters MarketPsych Indices (TRMI). We denote the subperiods as pre- and post-COVID19 considering January 13th, 2020, when first Covid-19 confirmed case was reported outside China. We employ bivariate vector autoregressive (VAR) models given below with lag-length k, to investigate the dynamics between Bitcoin variables and fear sentiment.Bitcoin market measures have dissimilar dynamics before and after the Coronavirus outbreak. The results reveal that due to the excessive uncertainty led by the outbreak, an increase in fear sentiment negatively affects the Bitcoin returns more persistently and significantly. For the post-COVID-19 period, an increase in fear also results in more fluctuations in transaction volume while its initial and cumulative effects are both negative. Due to extreme uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, investors may trade more aggressively in the initial phases of the shock

    Twitter Attribute Classification with Q-Learning on Bitcoin Price Prediction

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    Aspiring to achieve an accurate Bitcoin price prediction based on people's opinions on Twitter usually requires millions of tweets, using different text mining techniques (preprocessing, tokenization, stemming, stop word removal), and developing a machine learning model to perform the prediction. These attempts lead to the employment of a significant amount of computer power, central processing unit (CPU) utilization, random-access memory (RAM) usage, and time. To address this issue, in this paper, we consider a classification of tweet attributes that effects on price changes and computer resource usage levels while obtaining an accurate price prediction. To classify tweet attributes having a high effect on price movement, we collect all Bitcoin-related tweets posted in a certain period and divide them into four categories based on the following tweet attributes: (i)(i) the number of followers of the tweet poster, (ii)(ii) the number of comments on the tweet, (iii)(iii) the number of likes, and (iv)(iv) the number of retweets. We separately train and test by using the Q-learning model with the above four categorized sets of tweets and find the best accurate prediction among them. Especially, we design several reward functions to improve the prediction accuracy of the Q-leaning. We compare our approach with a classic approach where all Bitcoin-related tweets are used as input data for the model, by analyzing the CPU workloads, RAM usage, memory, time, and prediction accuracy. The results show that tweets posted by users with the most followers have the most influence on a future price, and their utilization leads to spending 80\% less time, 88.8\% less CPU consumption, and 12.5\% more accurate predictions compared with the classic approach.Comment: Submitted to a journa

    Mutual-excitation of cryptocurrency market returns and social media topics

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    Cryptocurrencies have recently experienced a new wave of price volatility and interest; activity within social media communities relating to cryptocurrencies has increased significantly. There is currently limited documented knowledge of factors which could indicate future price movements. This paper aims to decipher relationships between cryptocurrency price changes and topic discussion on social media to provide, among other things, an understanding of which topics are indicative of future price movements. To achieve this a well-known dynamic topic modelling approach is applied to social media communication to retrieve information about the temporal occurrence of various topics. A Hawkes model is then applied to find interactions between topics and cryptocurrency prices. The results show particular topics tend to precede certain types of price movements, for example the discussion of ‘risk and investment vs trading’ being indicative of price falls, the discussion of ‘substantial price movements’ being indicative of volatility, and the discussion of ‘fundamental cryptocurrency value’ by technical communities being indicative of price rises. The knowledge of topic relationships gained here could be built into a real-time system, providing trading or alerting signals