72 research outputs found

    Differential data-aided beam training for RIS-empowered multi-antenna communications

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    The Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) constitutes one of the prominent technologies for the next generation of wireless communications. It is envisioned to enhance the signal coverage in cases when the direct link of the communication is weak. Recently, beam training based on codebook selection is proposed to obtain the optimized phase configuration of the RIS. After that, the data is transmitted and received by using the classical coherent demodulation scheme (CDS). This training approach is able to avoid the large overhead required by the channel sounding process, and it also circumvents complex optimization problems. However, the beam training still requires the transmission of some reference signals to test the different phase configurations of the codebook, and the best codeword is chosen according to the measurement of the received energy of the reference signals. Then, the overhead due to the transmission of reference signals reduces the spectral efficiency. In this paper, a zero overhead beam training for RIS is proposed, relying on data transmission and reception based on non-CDS (NCDS). At the BS, the received differential data can also be used for the determination of the best beam for the RIS. Therefore, the efficiency of the system is significantly enhanced since reference signals are fully avoided. After choosing the best codebook, NCDS is still more suitable to transmit information for high mobility scenarios as compared to the classical CDS. Analytical expressions for the Signal-to-Interference and Noise Ratio (SINR) for the non-coherent RIS-empowered system are presented. Moreover, a detailed comparison between the NCDS and CDS in terms of efficiency and complexity is also given. The extensive computer simulation results verify the accuracy of the presented analysis and showcase that the proposed system outperforms the existing solutions.This work was supported by the Spanish National Project IRENE-EARTH under Grant PID2020-115323RB-C33/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and in part by the European Union (EU) H2020 Reconfigurable Intelligent Sustainable Environments for 6G Wireless Networks (RISE-6G) Project under Grant 101017011

    Design And Analysis Of Modified-Proportional Fair Scheduler For LTELTE-Advanced

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    Nowadays, Long Term Evolution-Advanced (LTE-Advanced) is well known as a cellular network that can support very high data rates in diverse traffic conditions. One of the key components of Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), Radio Resource Management (RRM), is critical in achieving the desired performance by managing key components of both PHY and MAC layers. The technique that can be done to achieve this is through packet scheduling which is the key scheme of RRM for LTE traffic processing whose function is to allocate resources for both frequency and time dimensions. Packet scheduling for LTE-Advanced has been a dynamic research area in recent years, because in evidence, the increasing demands of data services and number of users which is likely to explode the progress of the LTE system traffic. However, the existing scheduling system is increasingly congested with the increasing number of users and requires the new scheduling system to ensure a more efficient data transmission. In LTE system, Round Robin (RR) scheduler has a problem in providing a high data rate to User Equipment’s (UEs). This is because some resources will be wasted because it schedules the resources from/ to UEs while the UEs are suffering from severe deep fading and less than the required threshold. Meanwhile, for Proportional Fair (PF) scheduler, the process of maximizing scheme of data rate could be very unfair and UE that experienced a bad channel quality conditions can be starved. So, the mechanism applied in PF scheduler is to weight the current data rate achievable by a UE by the average rate received by a UE. The main contribution of this study is the design of a new scheduling scheme and its performance is compared with the PF and RR downlink schedulers for LTE by utilizing the LTE Downlink System Level Simulator. The proposed new scheduling algorithm, namely the Modified-PF scheduler, divides a single sub-frame into multiple time slots and allocates the resource block (RB) to the targeted UE in all time slots for each sub-frame based on the instantaneous Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) feedback received from UEs. Besides, the proposed scheduler is also capable to reallocate RB cyclically in turn to target UE within a time slot in order to ensure the process of distributing packet data consistently. The simulation results showed that the Modified-PF scheduler provided the best performance in terms of throughput in the range of up to 90% improvement and almost 40% increment for spectral efficiency with comparable fairness as compared to PF and RR schedulers. Although PF scheduler had the best fairness index, the Modified-PF scheduler provided a better compromise between the throughput in /spectral efficiency and fairness. This showed that the newly proposed scheme improved the LTE output performances while at the same time maintained a minimal required fairness among the UEs

    System design and validation of multi-band OFDM wireless communications with multiple antennas

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    Design of a simulation platform to test next generation of terrestrial DVB

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    Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) is a member of our daily life routine, and nonetheless, according to new users’ necessities in the fields of communications and leisure, new challenges are coming up. Moreover, the current Standard is not able to satisfy all the potential requirements. For that reason, first of all, a review of the current Standard has been performed within this work. Then, it has been identified the needing of developing a new version of the standard, ready to support enhanced services, as for example broadcasting transmissions to moving terminals or High Definition Television (HDTV) transmissions, among others. The main objective of this project is the design and development of a physical layer simulator of the whole DVB-T standard, including both the complete transmission and reception procedures. The simulator has been developed in Matlab. A detailed description of the simulator both from a functional and an architectural point of view is included. The simulator is the base for testing any possible modifications that may be included into the DVB-T2 future standard. In fact, several proposed enhancements have already been carried out and their performance has been evaluated. Specifically, the use of higher order modulation schemes, and the corresponding modifications in all the system blocks, have been included and evaluated. Furthermore, the simulator will allow testing other enhancements as the use of more efficient encoders and interleavers, MIMO technologies, and so on. A complete set of numerical results showing the performance of the different parts of the system, are presented in order to validate the correctness of the implementation and to evaluate both the current standard performance and the proposed enhancements. This work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. A brief description of this project and its consortium has been also included herein, together with an introduction to the current situation of the DTTB in Spain (called TDT in Spanish)

    Design of a simulation platform to test next generation of terrestrial DVB

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    Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) is a member of our daily life routine, and nonetheless, according to new users’ necessities in the fields of communications and leisure, new challenges are coming up. Moreover, the current Standard is not able to satisfy all the potential requirements. For that reason, first of all, a review of the current Standard has been performed within this work. Then, it has been identified the needing of developing a new version of the standard, ready to support enhanced services, as for example broadcasting transmissions to moving terminals or High Definition Television (HDTV) transmissions, among others. The main objective of this project is the design and development of a physical layer simulator of the whole DVB-T standard, including both the complete transmission and reception procedures. The simulator has been developed in Matlab. A detailed description of the simulator both from a functional and an architectural point of view is included. The simulator is the base for testing any possible modifications that may be included into the DVB-T2 future standard. In fact, several proposed enhancements have already been carried out and their performance has been evaluated. Specifically, the use of higher order modulation schemes, and the corresponding modifications in all the system blocks, have been included and evaluated. Furthermore, the simulator will allow testing other enhancements as the use of more efficient encoders and interleavers, MIMO technologies, and so on. A complete set of numerical results showing the performance of the different parts of the system, are presented in order to validate the correctness of the implementation and to evaluate both the current standard performance and the proposed enhancements. This work has been performed within the context of a project called FURIA, which is a strategic research project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce. A brief description of this project and its consortium has been also included herein, together with an introduction to the current situation of the DTTB in Spain (called TDT in Spanish)

    Orthogonal Time Frequency Space (OTFS) Modulation for Wireless Communications

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    The orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation is a recently proposed multi-carrier transmission scheme, which innovatively multiplexes the information symbols in the delay-Doppler (DD) domain instead of the conventional time-frequency (TF) domain. The DD domain symbol multiplexing gives rise to a direct interaction between the DD domain information symbols and DD domain channel responses, which are usually quasi-static, compact, separable, and potentially sparse. Therefore, OTFS modulation enjoys appealing advantages over the conventional orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation for wireless communications. In this thesis, we investigate the related subjects of OTFS modulation for wireless communications, specifically focusing on its signal detection, performance analysis, and applications. In specific, we first offer a literature review on the OTFS modulation in Chapter~1. Furthermore, a summary of wireless channels is given in Chapter 2. In particular, we discuss the characteristics of wireless channels in different domains and compare their properties. In Chapter 3, we present a detailed derivation of the OTFS concept based on the theory of Zak transform (ZT) and discrete Zak transform (DZT). We unveil the connections between OTFS modulation and DZT, where the DD domain interpretations of key components for modulation, such as pulse shaping, and matched-filtering, are highlighted. The main research contributions of this thesis appear in Chapter 4 to Chapter 7. In Chapter 4, we introduce the hybrid maximum a posteriori (MAP) and parallel interference cancellation (PIC) detection. This detection approach exploits the power discrepancy among different resolvable paths and can obtain near-optimal error performance with a reduced complexity. In Chapter 5, we propose the cross domain iterative detection for OTFS modulation by leveraging the unitary transformations among different domains. After presenting the key concepts of the cross domain iterative detection, we study its performance via state evolution. We show that the cross domain iterative detection can approach the optimal error performance theoretically. Our numerical results agree with our theoretical analysis and demonstrate a significant performance improvement compared to conventional OTFS detection methods. In Chapter 6, we investigate the error performance for coded OTFS systems based on the pairwise-error probability (PEP) analysis. We show that there exists a fundamental trade-off between the coding gain and the diversity gain for coded OTFS systems. According to this trade-off, we further provide some rule-of-thumb guidelines for code design in OTFS systems. In Chapter 7, we study the potential of OTFS modulation in integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) transmissions. We propose the concept of spatial-spreading to facilitate the ISAC design, which is able to discretize the angular domain, resulting in simple and insightful input-output relationships for both radar sensing and communication. Based on spatial-spreading, we verify the effectiveness of OTFS modulation in ISAC transmissions and demonstrate the performance improvements in comparison to the OFDM counterpart. A summary of this thesis is presented in Chapter 8, where we also discuss some potential research directions on OTFS modulation. The concept of OTFS modulation and the elegant theory of DD domain communication may have opened a new gate for the development of wireless communications, which is worthy to be further explored

    Resource Allocation in Uplink Long Term Evolution

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    One of the most crucial goals of future cellular systems is to minimize transmission power while increasing system performance. This master thesis work presents two channel-queue-aware scheduling schemes to allocate channels among active users in uplink LTE. Transmission power, packet delays and data rates are three of the most important criteria critically affecting the resource allocation designs. Therefore, each of these two scheduling algorithms proposes a practical method that assigns resources in such a way so as to optimally maximize data rate and minimize transmission power and packet delays while ensuring the QoS requirements. After converting the resource allocation problem into an optimization problem, the objective function and associated constraints are derived. Due to the contiguity constraint, which is imposed by SC-FDMA in uplink LTE, binary integer programming is employed to solve the optimization problem. Also the heuristic algorithms that approximate optimal schemes are presented to decrease the algorithm complexity

    Physical-Layer Security Enhancement in Wireless Communication Systems

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    Without any doubt, wireless infrastructures and services have fundamental impacts on every aspect of our lives. Despite of their popularities, wireless communications are vulnerable to various attacks due to the open nature of radio propagation. In fact, communication security in wireless networks is becoming more critical than ever. As a solution, conventional cryptographic techniques are deployed on upper layers of network protocols. Along with direct attacks from lower layer, wireless security challenges come with the rapid evolution of sophisticated decipher techniques. Conventional security mechanisms are not necessarily effective against potential attacks from the open wireless environment anymore. As an alternative, physical-layer(PHY) security, utilizing unique features from lower layer, becomes a new research focus for many wireless communication systems. In this thesis, three mechanisms for PHY security enhancement are investigated. Beginning with a discussion on the security vulnerability in highly standardized infrastructures, the thesis proposed a time domain scrambling scheme of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system to improve the PHY security. The method relies on secretly scrambling each OFDM symbol in time domain, resulting in constellation transformation in frequency domain, to hide transmission features. As a complement to existing secrecy capacity maximization based optimal cooperative jamming systems, a security strategy based on the compromised secrecy region (CSR) minimization in cooperative jamming is then proposed when instantaneous channel state information(CSI) is not available. The optimal parameters of the jammer are derived to minimize the CSR which exhibits high secrecy outage probability. At last, security enhancement of OFDM system in cooperative networks is also investigated. The function selection strategies of cooperative nodes are studied. Our approach is capable of enhancing the security of broadband communications by selecting the proper function of each cooperative node. Numerical results demonstrate the feasibility of three proposed physical layer security mechanisms by examining the communication reliability, achievable CSR and secrecy capacity respectively

    Ultra Wideband

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    Ultra wideband (UWB) has advanced and merged as a technology, and many more people are aware of the potential for this exciting technology. The current UWB field is changing rapidly with new techniques and ideas where several issues are involved in developing the systems. Among UWB system design, the UWB RF transceiver and UWB antenna are the key components. Recently, a considerable amount of researches has been devoted to the development of the UWB RF transceiver and antenna for its enabling high data transmission rates and low power consumption. Our book attempts to present current and emerging trends in-research and development of UWB systems as well as future expectations

    Advanced constellation and demapper schemes for next generation digital terrestrial television broadcasting systems

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    206 p.Esta tesis presenta un nuevo tipo de constelaciones llamadas no uniformes. Estos esquemas presentan una eficacia de hasta 1,8 dB superior a las utilizadas en los últimos sistemas de comunicaciones de televisión digital terrestre y son extrapolables a cualquier otro sistema de comunicaciones (satélite, móvil, cable¿). Además, este trabajo contribuye al diseño de constelaciones con una nueva metodología que reduce el tiempo de optimización de días/horas (metodologías actuales) a horas/minutos con la misma eficiencia. Todas las constelaciones diseñadas se testean bajo una plataforma creada en esta tesis que simula el estándar de radiodifusión terrestre más avanzado hasta la fecha (ATSC 3.0) bajo condiciones reales de funcionamiento.Por otro lado, para disminuir la latencia de decodificación de estas constelaciones esta tesis propone dos técnicas de detección/demapeo. Una es para constelaciones no uniformes de dos dimensiones la cual disminuye hasta en un 99,7% la complejidad del demapeo sin empeorar el funcionamiento del sistema. La segunda técnica de detección se centra en las constelaciones no uniformes de una dimensión y presenta hasta un 87,5% de reducción de la complejidad del receptor sin pérdidas en el rendimiento.Por último, este trabajo expone un completo estado del arte sobre tipos de constelaciones, modelos de sistema, y diseño/demapeo de constelaciones. Este estudio es el primero realizado en este campo
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