8,442 research outputs found

    Novel active function blocks and their applications in frequency filters and quadrature oscillators

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    KmitočtovĂ© filtry a sinusoidnĂ­ oscilĂĄtory jsou lineĂĄrnĂ­ elektronickĂ© obvody, kterĂ© jsou pouĆŸĂ­vĂĄny v ĆĄirokĂ© oblasti elektroniky a jsou zĂĄkladnĂ­mi stavebnĂ­mi bloky v analogovĂ©m zpracovĂĄnĂ­ signĂĄlu. V poslednĂ­ dekĂĄdě pro tento Ășčel bylo prezentovĂĄno velkĂ© mnoĆŸstvĂ­ stavebnĂ­ch funkčnĂ­ch blokĆŻ. V letech 2000 a 2006 na Ústavu telekomunikacĂ­, VUT v Brně byly definovĂĄny univerzĂĄlnĂ­ proudovĂœ konvejor (UCC) a univerzĂĄlnĂ­ napět'ovĂœ konvejor (UVC) a vyrobeny ve spoluprĂĄci s firmou AMI Semiconductor Czech, Ltd. OvĆĄem, stĂĄle existuje poĆŸadavek na vĂœvoj novĂœch aktivnĂ­ch prvkĆŻ, kterĂ© nabĂ­zejĂ­ novĂ© vĂœhody. HlavnĂ­ pƙínos prĂĄce proto spočívĂĄ v definici dalĆĄĂ­ch pĆŻvodnĂ­ch aktivnĂ­ch stavebnĂ­ch blokĆŻ jako jsou differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA), current follower transconductance amplifier (CFTA), z-copy current-controlled current inverting transconductance amplifier (ZC-CCCITA), generalized current follower differential input transconductance amplifier (GCFDITA), voltage gain-controlled modified current-feedback operational amplifier (VGC-MCFOA), a minus-type current-controlled third-generation voltage conveyor (CC-VCIII-). PomocĂ­ navrĆŸenĂœch aktivnĂ­ch stavebnĂ­ch blokĆŻ byly prezentovĂĄny pĆŻvodnĂ­ zapojenĂ­ fĂĄzovacĂ­ch člĂĄnkĆŻ prvnĂ­ho ƙádu, univerzĂĄlnĂ­ filtry druhĂ©ho ƙádu, ekvivalenty obvodu typu KHN, inverznĂ­ filtry, aktivnĂ­ simulĂĄtory uzemněnĂ©ho induktoru a kvadraturnĂ­ sinusoidnĂ­ oscilĂĄtory pracujĂ­cĂ­ v proudovĂ©m, napět'ovĂ©m a smĂ­ĆĄenĂ©m mĂłdu. ChovĂĄnĂ­ navrĆŸenĂœch obvodĆŻ byla ověƙena simulacĂ­ v prostƙedĂ­ SPICE a ve vybranĂœch pƙípadech experimentĂĄlnĂ­m měƙenĂ­m.Frequency filters and sinusoidal oscillators are linear electric circuits that are used in wide area of electronics and also are the basic building blocks in analogue signal processing. In the last decade, huge number of active building blocks (ABBs) were presented for this purpose. In 2000 and 2006, the universal current conveyor (UCC) and the universal voltage conveyor (UVC), respectively, were designed at the Department of Telecommunication, BUT, Brno, and produced in cooperation with AMI Semiconductor Czech, Ltd. There is still the need to develop new active elements that offer new advantages. The main contribution of this thesis is, therefore, the definition of other novel ABBs such as the differential-input buffered and transconductance amplifier (DBTA), the current follower transconductance amplifier (CFTA), the z-copy current-controlled current inverting transconductance amplifier (ZC-CCCITA), the generalized current follower differential input transconductance amplifier (GCFDITA), the voltage gain-controlled modified current-feedback operational amplifier (VGC-MCFOA), and the minus-type current-controlled third-generation voltage conveyor (CC-VCIII-). Using the proposed ABBs, novel structures of first-order all-pass filters, second-order universal filters, KHN-equivalent circuits, inverse filters, active grounded inductance simulators, and quadrature sinusoidal oscillators working in the current-, voltage-, or mixed-mode are presented. The behavior of the proposed circuits has been verified by SPICE simulations and in selected cases also by experimental measurements.

    Low-Voltage High-Linearity Wideband Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier and Its Application on Current-Mode Active Filter

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    A low-voltage high-linearity wideband current differencing transconductance ampliïŹer (CDTA) is presented in this paper. The CDTA consists of a current differencing circuit and a cross-coupling transconductance circuit. The PSPICE simulations of the proposed CDTA show a good performance: -3dB frequency bandwith is about 900 MHz, low power consumption is 2.48 mW, input current linear range is ±100 ”A and low current-input resistance is less than 20 ℩, high current-output resistance is more than 3 M℩. PSpice simulations for a current-mode universal filter and a proposed high-order filter are also conducted, and the results verify the validity of the proposed CDTA

    Study of Adjustable Gains for Control of Oscillation Frequency and Oscillation Condition in 3R-2C Oscillator

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    An idea of adjustable gain in order to obtain controllable features is very useful for design of tuneable oscillators. Several active elements with adjustable properties (current and voltage gain) are discussed in this paper. Three modified oscillator conceptions that are quite simple, directly electronically adjustable, providing independent control of oscillation condition and frequency were designed. Positive and negative aspects of presented method of control are discussed. Expected assumptions of adjustability are verified experimentally on one of the presented solution

    New CMOS Realization of Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier and Its Biquad Filter Applications

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    In this paper, new biquad filter configuration using a recently introduced active element, namely Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier (VDBA), is proposed. This block has high impedance input terminals and low impedance output terminal, providing advantages at voltage mode circuits. Besides, VDBA has a transconductance gain, thus the proposed circuits can be employed without using any external resistors. Two new voltage-mode biquad filter configurations are presented for VDBA application. Each proposed filter employs two active elements and two or three passive components. Filters, having three inputs and single output, can realize voltage-mode low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, band-stop, and all-pass filters. The biquad filters have low output impedances that is necessity for cascadability for voltage mode circuits, and no critical component matching conditions are required. For the second biquad, quality factor can be adjusted via resistor independently of the natural frequency. Simulation results are given to, confirming the theoretical analysis. The proposed biquad filters are simulated using TSMC CMOS 0.35 ”m technology. LTSPICE simulations of the proposed circuits give results that agree well with the theoretical analysis

    Biquadratic Filter Applications Using a Fully-Differential Active-Only Integrator

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    A new class of active filters, real active-only filters is described and possible implementation issues of these filters are discussed. To remedy these issues, a fully-differential active-only integrator block built around current controlled current conveyors is presented. The integration frequency of the proposed circuit is adjustable over a wide frequency range. As an application, a real active-only filter based on the classical two-integrator loop topology is presented and designed. The feasibility of this filter in a 0.35”m CMOS process is verified through SPECTRE simulation program in the CADENCE design tool

    DCCII-Based Novel Lossless Grounded Inductance Simulators With No Element Matching Constrains

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    In 1996, the differential current conveyor (DCCII) was introduced as a versatile active element with current differencing capability. Therefore, in this study, the usefulness of the DCCII is shown on six novel lossless grounded inductance simulator circuits. Proposed circuits simultaneously employ minimum number of elements, i.e. single DCCII, one capacitor, and two resistors. No passive element matching restriction is needed and all solutions are electronically tunable in case that one of resistors is replaced by MOSFET-based voltage-controlled resistor. The internal structure of the active element has been implemented using the TSMC 0.25 um SCN025 CMOS process BSIM3v3.1 parameters. Firstly, the performance of the selected inductor simulator is evaluated and subsequently verified in the design of 5th-order high-pass ladder and 2nd-order frequency filters. In addition, experimental results using commercially available AD844/ADs are given to verify the theoretical analysis and SPICE simulations

    Electronically Tunable Resistorless Mixed Mode Biquad Filters

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    This paper presents a new realization of elecÂŹtronically tunable mixed mode (including transadmittance- and voltage-modes) biquad filter with single input, three outputs or three inputs, single output using voltage differ-encing transconductance amplifier (VDTA), a recently introduced active element. It can simultaneously realize standard filtering signals: low-pass, band-pass and high-pass or by selecting input terminals, it can realize all five different filtering signals: low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, band-stop and all-pass. The proposed filter circuit offers the following attractive feature: no requirement of invert-ing type input signal which is require no addition circuit, critical component matching conditions are not required in the design, the circuit parameters ω0 and Q can be set orthogonally or independently through adjusting the bias currents of the VDTAs, the proposed circuit employs two active and minimum numbers of passive components. Fur-thermore, this filter was investigated from the point of view of limited frequency range, stability conditions, effects of parasitic elements and effects of non-ideal and sensitivity. Thus, taking these effects and conditions into consideraÂŹtion, working conditions and boundaries of this filter are determined. We also performed Monte Carlo, THD and noise analyses. Simulation results are given to confirm theoretical analyses

    Circuits for Analog Signal Processing Employing Unconventional Active Elements

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    DisertačnĂ­ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ zavĂĄděnĂ­m novĂœch struktur modernĂ­ch aktivnĂ­ch prvkĆŻ pracujĂ­cĂ­ch v napěƄovĂ©m, proudovĂ©m a smĂ­ĆĄenĂ©m reĆŸimu. Funkčnost a chovĂĄnĂ­ těchto prvkĆŻ byly ověƙeny prostƙednictvĂ­m SPICE simulacĂ­. V tĂ©to prĂĄci je zahrnuta ƙada simulacĂ­, kterĂ© dokazujĂ­ pƙesnost a dobrĂ© vlastnosti těchto prvkĆŻ, pƙičemĆŸ velkĂœ dĆŻraz byl kladen na to, aby tyto prvky byly schopny pracovat pƙi nĂ­zkĂ©m napĂĄjecĂ­m napětĂ­, jelikoĆŸ poptĂĄvka po pƙenosnĂœch elektronickĂœch zaƙízenĂ­ch a implantabilnĂ­ch zdravotnickĂœch pƙístrojĂ­ch stĂĄle roste. Tyto pƙístroje jsou napĂĄjeny bateriemi a k tomu, aby byla prodlouĆŸena jejich ĆŸivotnost, trend navrhovĂĄnĂ­ analogovĂœch obvodĆŻ směƙuje k stĂĄle větĆĄĂ­mu sniĆŸovĂĄnĂ­ spotƙeby a napĂĄjecĂ­ho napětĂ­. HlavnĂ­m pƙínosem tĂ©to prĂĄce je nĂĄvrh novĂœch CMOS struktur: CCII (Current Conveyor Second Generation) na zĂĄkladě BD (Bulk Driven), FG (Floating Gate) a QFG (Quasi Floating Gate); DVCC (Differential Voltage Current Conveyor) na zĂĄkladě FG, transkonduktor na zĂĄkladě novĂ© techniky BD_QFG (Bulk Driven_Quasi Floating Gate), CCCDBA (Current Controlled Current Differencing Buffered Amplifier) na zĂĄkladě GD (Gate Driven), VDBA (Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier) na zĂĄkladě GD a DBeTA (Differential_Input Buffered and External Transconductance Amplifier) na zĂĄkladě BD. DĂĄle je uvedeno několik zajĂ­mavĂœch aplikacĂ­ uĆŸĂ­vajĂ­cĂ­ch vĂœĆĄe jmenovanĂ© prvky. ZĂ­skanĂ© vĂœsledky simulacĂ­ odpovĂ­dajĂ­ teoretickĂœm pƙedpokladĆŻm.The dissertation thesis deals with implementing new structures of modern active elements working in voltage_, current_, and mixed mode. The functionality and behavior of these elements have been verified by SPICE simulation. Sufficient numbers of simulated plots are included in this thesis to illustrate the precise and strong behavior of those elements. However, a big attention to implement active elements by utilizing LV LP (Low Voltage Low Power) techniques is given in this thesis. This attention came from the fact that growing demand of portable electronic equipments and implantable medical devices are pushing the development towards LV LP integrated circuits because of their influence on batteries lifetime. More specifically, the main contribution of this thesis is to implement new CMOS structures of: CCII (Current Conveyor Second Generation) based on BD (Bulk Driven), FG (Floating Gate) and QFG (Quasi Floating Gate); DVCC (Differential Voltage Current Conveyor) based on FG; Transconductor based on new technique of BD_QFG (Bulk Driven_Quasi Floating Gate); CCCDBA (Current Controlled Current Differencing Buffered Amplifier) based on conventional GD (Gate Driven); VDBA (Voltage Differencing Buffered Amplifier) based on GD. Moreover, defining new active element i.e. DBeTA (Differential_Input Buffered and External Transconductance Amplifier) based on BD is also one of the main contributions of this thesis. To confirm the workability and attractive properties of the proposed circuits many applications were exhibited. The given results agree well with the theoretical anticipation.

    A Novel (DDCC-SFG)-Based Systematic Design Technique of Active Filters

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    This paper proposes a novel idea for the synthesis of active filters that is based on the use of signal-flow graph (SFG) stamps of differential difference current conveyors (DDCCs). On the basis of an RLC passive network or a filter symbolic transfer function, an equivalent SFG is constructed. DDCCs’ SFGs are identified inside the constructed ‘active’ graph, and thus the equivalent circuit can be easily synthesized. We show that the DDCC and its ‘derivatives’, i.e. differential voltage current conveyors and the conventional current conveyors, are the main basic building blocks in such design. The practicability of the proposed technique is showcased via three application examples. Spice simulations are given to show the viability of the proposed technique

    Utilizing Unconventional CMOS Techniques for Low Voltage Low Power Analog Circuits Design for Biomedical Applications

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    Tato disertačnĂ­ prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ navrĆŸenĂ­m nĂ­zkonapěƄovĂœch, nĂ­zkopƙíkonovĂœch analogovĂœch obvodĆŻ, kterĂ© pouĆŸĂ­vajĂ­ nekonvenčnĂ­ techniky CMOS. LĂ©kaƙskĂĄ zaƙízenĂ­ na bateriovĂ© napĂĄjenĂ­, jako systĂ©my pro dlouhodobĂœ fyziologickĂœ monitoring, pƙenosnĂ© systĂ©my, implantovatelnĂ© systĂ©my a systĂ©my vhodnĂ© na noĆĄenĂ­, musĂ­ bĂœt male a lehkĂ©. Kromě toho je nutnĂ©, aby byly tyto systĂ©my vybaveny bateriĂ­ s dlouhou ĆŸivotnostĂ­. Z tohoto dĆŻvodu pƙevlĂĄdajĂ­ v biomedicĂ­nskĂœch aplikacĂ­ch tohoto typu nĂ­zkopƙíkonovĂ© integrovanĂ© obvody. NekonvenčnĂ­ techniky jako napƙ. vyuĆŸitĂ­ transistorĆŻ s ƙízenĂœm substrĂĄtem (Bulk-Driven “BD”), s plovoucĂ­m hradlem (Floating-Gate “FG”), s kvazi plovoucĂ­m hradlem (Quasi-Floating-Gate “QFG”), s ƙízenĂœm substrĂĄtem s plovoucĂ­m hradlem (Bulk-Driven Floating-Gate “BD-FG”) a s ƙízenĂœm substrĂĄtem s kvazi plovoucĂ­m hradlem (Bulk-Driven Quasi-Floating-Gate “BD-QFG”), se v nedĂĄvnĂ© době ukĂĄzaly jako efektivnĂ­ prostƙedek ke zjednoduĆĄenĂ­ obvodovĂ©ho zapojenĂ­ a ke snĂ­ĆŸenĂ­ velikosti napĂĄjecĂ­ho napětĂ­ směrem k prahovĂ©mu napětĂ­ u tranzistorĆŻ MOS (MOST). V prĂĄci jsou podrobně pƙedstaveny nejdĆŻleĆŸitějĆĄĂ­ charakteristiky nekonvenčnĂ­ch technik CMOS. Tyto techniky byly pouĆŸity pro vytvoƙenĂ­ nĂ­zko napěƄovĂœch a nĂ­zko vĂœkonovĂœch CMOS struktur u některĂœch aktivnĂ­ch prvkĆŻ, napƙ. Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) zaloĆŸenĂ© na BD, FG, QFG, a BD-QFG techniky; Tunable Transconductor zaloĆŸenĂœ na BD MOST; Current Conveyor Transconductance Amplifier (CCTA) zaloĆŸenĂœ na BD-QFG MOST; Z Copy-Current Controlled-Current Differencing Buffered Amplifier (ZC-CC-CDBA) zaloĆŸenĂœ na BD MOST; Winner Take All (WTA) and Loser Take All (LTA) zaloĆŸenĂœ na BD MOST; Fully Balanced Four-Terminal Floating Nullor (FBFTFN) zaloĆŸenĂœ na BD-QFG technice. Za Ășčelem ověƙenĂ­ funkčnosti vĂœĆĄe zmĂ­něnĂœch struktur, byly tyto struktury pouĆŸity v několika aplikacĂ­ch. VĂœkon navrĆŸenĂœch aktivnĂ­ch prvkĆŻ a pƙíkladech aplikacĂ­ je ověƙovĂĄn prostƙednictvĂ­m simulačnĂ­ch programĆŻ PSpice či Cadence za pouĆŸitĂ­ technologie 0.18 m CMOS.This doctoral thesis deals with designing ultra-low-voltage (LV) low-power (LP) analog circuits utilizing the unconventional CMOS techniques. Battery powered medical devices such as; long term physiological monitoring, portable, implantable, and wearable systems need to be small and lightweight. Besides, long life battery is essential need for these devices. Thus, low-power integrated circuits are always paramount in such biomedical applications. Recently, unconventional CMOS techniques i.e. Bulk-Driven (BD), Floating-Gate (FG), Quasi-Floating-Gate (QFG), Bulk-Driven Floating-Gate (BD-FG) and Bulk-Driven Quasi-Floating-Gate (BD-QFG) MOS transistors (MOSTs) have revealed as effective devices to reduce the circuit complexity and push the voltage supply of the circuit towards threshold voltage of the MOST. In this work, the most important features of the unconventional CMOS techniques are discussed in details. These techniques have been utilized to perform ultra-LV LP CMOS structures of several active elements i.e. Operational Transconductance Amplifier (OTA) based on BD, FG, QFG, and BD-QFG techniques; Tunable Transconductor based on BD MOST; Current Conveyor Transconductance Amplifier (CCTA) based on BD-QFG MOST; Z Copy-Current Controlled-Current Differencing Buffered Amplifier (ZC-CC-CDBA) based on BD MOST; Winner Take All (WTA) and Loser Take All (LTA) based on BD MOST; Fully Balanced Four-Terminal Floating Nullor (FBFTFN) based on BD-QFG technique. Moreover, to verify the workability of the proposed structures, they were employed in several applications. The performance of the proposed active elements and their applications were investigated through PSpice or Cadence simulation program using 0.18 m CMOS technology.
